When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Unconditional Love of My Savior - Reflecting on His love

When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior – Hymn Lyric

When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior: A Reflection on Unconditional LoveCONTENT SUMMARY: When I contemplate on the love of my Savior, I am overwhelmed by gratitude and joy. His love is unwavering and everlasting, guiding me through every step of . His on the reminds me of His profound love, and I am filled with awe and humbleness. With His love as my anchor, I will sing His praise and share His story, for His love has the power to transform lives.


When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior – Hymn Lyric

When I think of the love of my Saviour,
He my portion forever shall be,
For I count all things loss in the light of His cross,
When I think of His love for me.

When I think of His love for me,
When I think of His love for me,
I’ll sing, Jesus Christ is my King,
When I think of His love for me.

When I think of the love of my Saviour,
In the garden my Lord I can see,
And the cross where He died, for my sins ,
When I think of His love for me.


When I think of the love of my Saviour,
I accept of the pardon so free,
I will sing His praise to the end of my days,
When I think of His love for me.



Meaning of When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior

When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior: A Reflection on Unconditional Love

Oh, let me tell you about the incredible love that my Savior, Jesus Christ, has for me! It’s a love that is so deep, so pure, and so everlasting. Whenever I contemplate on His love, it fills my with joy and gratitude.

When I think of the love of my Savior, I am reminded that He is my constant companion, my guiding light, and my eternal portion. No matter what happens in my life, He will always be there for me, walking alongside me, holding my hand through every step of the way. His love knows no bounds or limits, and it is unwavering and unchanging.

In the light of His cross, I see the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for me. He willingly laid down His life to pay for my sins, taking upon Himself the weight and consequences of my wrongdoings. It’s an act of love that I can’t fully comprehend or deserve, but it humbles me and reminds me of how much He values and cherishes me.

When I think of the love of my Savior, I am transported back to that dark night in the garden where He knelt in prayer. I can imagine the He felt as He communed with His Father, knowing the pain and suffering He would soon endure. His love for me was so profound that He willingly went to the cross, bearing the weight of my sins so that I could be set free.

Hallelujah! I shout with joy when I think of His love for me. Jesus Christ, my Savior, is not only my King but also my best . His love is the anchor that keeps me grounded, the song that lifts my spirit, and the hope that encourages me even in the toughest of times.

When I think of the love of my Savior, I am filled with overwhelming gratitude for the forgiveness and redemption He offers. Despite my flaws and mistakes, He offers me pardon so freely. It’s a gift that I could never earn or repay, and all I can do is accept it with a and grateful heart.

For the rest of my days, I will sing forth His praise. I will share the story of His love with everyone I meet, for His love is meant to be shared and celebrated. His love has the power to transform lives, to heal the broken, and to bring hope to the hopeless. It is a love that is meant to be cherished and cherished, treasured and magnified.

When I think of the love of my Savior, I am reminded of the beautiful hymn that captures the essence and magnitude of His love. With every word I sing, I am reminded of His love that knows no boundaries, His sacrifice that knows no limits, and His grace that knows no end.

So, my dear friends, let us rejoice and celebrate the love of our Savior. Let us be grateful for His unfailing love, His selfless sacrifice, and His unending grace. When we think of His love for us, let us lift our voices in hallelujah and declare that Jesus Christ is our King. May His love forever dwell in our hearts, guiding us, comforting us, and inspiring us to love others as He has loved us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Unconditional Love of My Savior - Reflecting on His love, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Sing praises to Jesus Christ, the King of love. Join in the celebration of His eternal love for us.
When I Think Of The Love Of My Savior - Hymn Lyric - Discover the Unconditional Love of My Savior - Reflecting on His love, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Sing praises to Jesus Christ, the King of love. Join in the celebration of His eternal love for us.