We Would See Jesus – Hymn Lyric

See Jesus

We Would See Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“We Would See : A Glimpse into His Loving Embrace” invites readers to contemplate the importance of refocusing on Jesus amidst the distractions of daily life. It emphasizes the desire to remove barriers that hinder our connection with Him, seeking a deeper understanding of His and mercy. By setting aside earthly concerns and opening our hearts, we can bask in His light and experience the transformational power of His love.


We Would See Jesus – Hymn Lyric

We would see Jesus;
Show us loving face;
Draw us, , to Thee,
Close in Thy fond embrace.

Nothing between, dear Jesus,
Nothing between;
O come in love so near us,
Nothing between,
Nothing between.

We would see Jesus;
Let us Thy glory see;
Shine with a brighter ray,
Bidding the flee. [Refrain]

We would see Jesus;
Nothing of earthly din
Coming, O Lord, between,
Nothing of pride or sin. [Refrain]


Meaning of We Would See Jesus

We Would See Jesus: A Glimpse into His Loving Embrace

In the hustle and bustle of our busy lives, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We often find ourselves caught up in the distractions of our earthly concerns, forgetting to take a step back and refocus on what truly brings us joy and . But if there is one thing we should always strive for, it is to see Jesus.

Just imagine, dear friends, being able to His loving face and feel the warmth of His embrace. When we say “nothing between, dear Jesus,” we are expressing our desire to remove any barriers that may hinder our connection with Him. We long to draw closer to Him, to feel His presence in our lives, and to experience His boundless love.

Jesus, our dear Lord, beckons us to come to Him, wholeheartedly, without any hindrance. He wants us to know that there is nothing that can separate us from His love. No matter what we have done or where we come from, He welcomes us with open arms. So let us open our hearts and receive His love, allowing it to fill every corner of our being.

When we say “we would see Jesus,” we are not merely talking about seeing Him with our physical eyes. It’s about perceiving His glory with our hearts and souls. We yearn for a deeper understanding of His grace and mercy, to see the beauty of His character shining through His actions and teachings.

For in seeing Jesus, we are filled with a renewed sense of hope and purpose. His light shines so brightly that darkness has no choice but to flee. It is His divine radiance that guides us in our journey, illuminating the path ahead and helping us navigate through life’s uncertainties.

But to truly see Jesus, to bask in His glory, we must be willing to let go of the earthly distractions that often cloud our vision. We cannot allow the noise of this to drown out the gentle whispers of His voice. And more importantly, we must rid ourselves of pride and sin that prevent us from fully experiencing His love and grace.

Sometimes, we find ourselves entangled in the web of pride, thinking that we can go through life relying solely on our own strengths and abilities. But in reality, it is only through humility and surrendering ourselves to Him that we can experience true transformation. When we strip away our pride, we open ourselves to His guidance and blessings, allowing Him to work in and through us.

Similarly, sin can act as a barrier between us and Jesus. It separates us from experiencing the fullness of His love and grace. We must strive to live a life free from sin, seeking forgiveness when we stumble and choosing righteousness over temptation. By doing so, we create space for Jesus to dwell within us, continually transforming us into His likeness.

In our quest to see Jesus, let us remember that it is a lifelong journey. It requires daily commitment and the willingness to seek Him in all aspects of our lives. It means living out His teachings of love, compassion, and forgiveness towards others. It means extending grace and mercy, just as He has shown us.

Dear Jesus, we long to see You. We yearn to experience Your love and to have nothing standing between us. Help us to remove any barriers that may hinder our connection with You. Illuminate our hearts with Your glorious light, guiding us in the way we should go. May Your presence be palpable in our lives, and may we be vessels through which Your love shines forth for all to see.

So let us set aside the worries of this world and fix our gaze upon Jesus. May this be our prayer, our anthem, our guiding light. For in seeking Jesus, we find true fulfillment, unending joy, and a love that surpasses all understanding. And in seeing Him, may we be forever changed, reflecting His light and love in all that we do.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image See Jesus, His loving embrace, remove barriers, experience His love, find true fulfillment, reflect His light and love. Journey to see Jesus, remove hindrances, bask in His glory, seek forgiveness, choose righteousness. Embrace Jesus, remove distractions, experience His presence, let His love shine.
We Would See Jesus - Hymn Lyric - See Jesus, His loving embrace, remove barriers, experience His love, find true fulfillment, reflect His light and love. Journey to see Jesus, remove hindrances, bask in His glory, seek forgiveness, choose righteousness. Embrace Jesus, remove distractions, experience His presence, let His love shine.