O Jesus Christ My Soul Contains The Sweetness of Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the sweetness of Jesus' love as your soul is transformed and set free. Embrace His forgiveness

O Jesus Christ My Soul Contains The Sweetness of Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus Christ My Soul Contains The Sweetness of Thy In this powerful hymn, the author expresses the and satisfaction found in Jesus’ love. Despite feeling unworthy, they long for Jesus to free them from sin and clothe them in . Through Jesus’ love, they find true fulfillment and desire to share it with others.


O Jesus Christ My Soul Contains The Sweetness of Thy Love – Hymn Lyric

O Jesus Christ, my soul contains
The sweetness of Thy love,
And all its pleasure now obtains
From springs that above.

And Thou hast changed my thought of Thee,
And all my ‘s desire;
Now make my soul from vileness free
By love’s consuming fire.

But how can I, where saints are met,
Make bold to enter in?
I cannot all the past forget
Of wilfulness and sin.

With garments rent, and vile with sin,
Behold me, clothed in shame;
Wilt Thou, O , me attire
That I may bless Thy name?

O Jesus, Who hast filled my soul
With sweetness, let me wear
The wedding robe, all pure and whole,
Where Thy redeemed appear.


Meaning of O Jesus Christ My Soul Contains The Sweetness of Thy Love

O Jesus Christ, my soul is filled with the sweetness of your love. It’s in you that I find joy and satisfaction, like a refreshing spring that never runs dry. Your love has transformed my thinking and captured my heart’s desires. Now, I long for you to set my soul free from the ugliness of sin through the consuming fire of your love.

But here I am, standing outside the gathering of saints, feeling unworthy to enter. I carry the weight of my past mistakes and rebelliousness, my garments torn and stained with sin. Will you, O gracious Bridegroom, clothe me in garments of righteousness, so that I can boldly declare your name and bless it?

O Jesus, who has saturated my soul with sweetness, let me wear the wedding robe of purity and holiness, where your redeemed people stand in your presence. Let me be counted among the righteous, not because of my own merits, but because of your love and grace that covers my shortcomings.

As I reflect on these powerful words, I am reminded of the incredible love and forgiveness that Jesus offers to all who believe in Him. Despite our flaws and failures, Jesus longs to embrace us in His loving arms and transform our lives.

Just like the hymn says, Jesus fills our souls with sweetness, a sweetness that surpasses all earthly pleasures. It is a sweetness that can only come from a relationship with Him. It is in knowing Jesus and experiencing His love that we find true joy and contentment.

When we encounter Jesus, our thoughts about Him are changed. We begin to see Him not just as a distant figure, but as a beloved who understands us completely. He knows our failures, sins, and shortcomings, yet He still loves us unconditionally.

This realization leads us to desire a change in our lives. We long for our souls to be freed from the chains of sin, to no longer be bound by the vileness that stains our hearts. We yearn for the love of Jesus to consume us, to purify us, and to make us new.

But sometimes, doubts creep in. We wonder if we are truly worthy to approach Jesus. We remember the mistakes we’ve made, the times we chose our own way instead of following Him. We feel unworthy to stand among the saints, the ones who seem so righteous and holy.

Yet, in those moments of doubt and shame, Jesus still calls us to Himself. He invites us to come as we are, broken and imperfect. He reminds us that it is not our own righteousness that allows us to enter His presence, but His grace and .

We don’t have to earn our way to Jesus. We don’t have to be dressed in perfect garments to approach Him. He takes us as we are, with all our flaws and failures. And in His great love, He clothes us in His righteousness, covering our shame and transforming us into a new creation.

So, let us come to Jesus with confidence, believing that His love is greater than our past mistakes. Let us surrender ourselves to Him, allowing His love to cleanse us, heal us, and restore us. Let us put on the wedding robe of purity and holiness, standing boldly before our Bridegroom and praising His name.

In the end, it is the sweetness of Jesus’ love that truly satisfies our souls. It is His love that changes us from the inside out, replacing our guilt and shame with joy and peace. So let us receive His love, let us embrace it, and let us share it with others.

O Jesus Christ, our souls are filled with the sweetness of your love. May we always remember that it is in you that we find true fulfillment. May we always approach you with humble hearts, knowing that your love covers our sins and makes us whole. And may we always wear the wedding robe of purity and holiness, as a testament to your redeeming love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the sweetness of Jesus' love as your soul is transformed and set free. Embrace His forgiveness, wear the robe of purity, and experience true fulfillment in His presence.
O Jesus Christ My Soul Contains The Sweetness of Thy Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the sweetness of Jesus' love as your soul is transformed and set free. Embrace His forgiveness, wear the robe of purity, and experience true fulfillment in His presence.