He Is A God Of Sovereign Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Promise of Heaven and Eternal Joy with a God of Sovereign Love. Trust in His Divine Plan and Prepare for a Glorious Day.

He Is A God Of Sovereign Love – Hymn Lyric

“He Is A God Of Sovereign Love: A Promise of Heaven and Eternal ”In this , we are reminded of the incredible promise that our God has made to us, his children. Our God promises us heaven, a where we will be in the presence of our Savior and our God, face to face. As we strive to live a life pleasing to Him, we must remember that He has promised to take us by the hand and lead us towards that glorious day.


He Is A God Of Sovereign Love – Hymn Lyric

He is a GOD of sov’reign love,
That promised Heav’n to me;
And taught my thoughts to soar above,
Where happy spirits be.

Prepare me, LORD for right hand,
Then come the joyful day!
Come death and some celestial band!
To bear my soul .

Then, my beloved, take my soul
Up to thy blest abode;
That face to face I may behold
My Saviour and my GOD.

GOD has laid up in Heav’n for me
A crown which cannot fade;
The righteous Judge at the great day
Shall place it on my head.

Nor hath the King of grace decreed
This prize for me alone;
But all that love and long to see
Th’ appearance of his Son.


Meaning of He Is A God Of Sovereign Love

“He Is A God Of Sovereign Love: A Promise of Heaven and Eternal Joy”

Imagine a full of love and happiness, where our souls soar high above the clouds, surrounded by joyful spirits. This is the incredible promise that our God has made to us, his beloved children. He is a God of sovereign love, always watching over us and guiding our thoughts to reach new heights.

In this hymn, we are reminded of the incredible journey that awaits us. Our God promises us heaven, a place where we will be in the presence of our Savior and our God, face to face. Can you imagine the joy that fills our souls when we finally meet our Heavenly Father? It is a moment we long for, a moment that brings tears of overwhelming joy to our eyes.

But how do we prepare ourselves for this beautiful encounter? We must trust in our Lord’s plan and walk in His ways. We must seek His guidance and let His love guide our every step. As we strive to live a life pleasing to Him, we must remember that He has promised to take us by the hand and lead us towards that glorious day.

Even though death may seem scary, this hymn reminds us that it is merely a passage to our celestial home. Death is not the end, but a new beginning. When our time on earth comes to an end, we will be greeted by a celestial band, ready to carry our souls away to our blessed abode. It’s a comforting thought, knowing that we will be surrounded by love and endless joy as we journey towards our eternal home.

As we continue to live our lives, we must remember that God has a crown waiting for each one of us. This crown is no ordinary crown; it is one that cannot fade away. This divine prize is reserved not just for a select few, but for all those who love and long to see the appearance of God’s Son, Jesus . It is a promise of eternal glory and honor, bestowed upon us by the righteous Judge on the great day of judgment.

We are not alone in this journey. God has made this promise to all who believe and seek Him with all their hearts. His love knows no bounds, and His grace extends to everyone who chooses to follow His . We are part of a vast community of believers, all united in our longing for the moment when we will finally behold our Savior and our God.

So, let us live our lives with hope and anticipation. Let us hold on to the promises made by our God, the promises of a love that never fails and a home in heaven. As we navigate the ups and downs of life, let us keep our eyes fixed on the eternal joy that awaits us. May we always remember that He is a God of sovereign love, a love that will carry us through every storm and lead us into the arms of our Heavenly Father.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the essence of our faith and the hope that lies before us. It reminds us that our God is not just a distant figure, but a loving Father who longs for our eternal happiness. He has promised us a home in heaven, a crown of glory, and the joy of seeing our Savior face to face. Let us hold on to these promises, trusting in His love and living each day in anticipation of the glorious day when we will be united with our God and experience the fullness of His sovereign love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Promise of Heaven and Eternal Joy with a God of Sovereign Love. Trust in His Divine Plan and Prepare for a Glorious Day.
He Is A God Of Sovereign Love - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Promise of Heaven and Eternal Joy with a God of Sovereign Love. Trust in His Divine Plan and Prepare for a Glorious Day.