Bitter Indeed The Waters Are – Hymn Lyric

Discover the secret to finding sweetness in life's challenges. Turn bitter waters into something sweet with the power of the wonder-working wood. Transform your perspective and find joy in the face of adversity with the cross. Treasure this secret and share it with others. Bitter Indeed The Waters Are: Finding Sweetness in Life's Challenges.

Bitter Indeed The Waters Are – Hymn Lyric

Bitter Indeed The Waters Are: Finding Sweetness in Life’s ChallengesWhen faced with challenges that feel like bitter waters, we have the chance to find sweetness and in the wonder-working wood of the . By reflecting on the sacrificial of Jesus, we can transform our perspective and discover and contentment amidst hardships. Let us this secret knowledge and share it with others, so they too may taste the sweet redemption and find peace in adversity.


Bitter Indeed The Waters Are – Hymn Lyric

Bitter, indeed, the waters are
Which in this desert flow;
Though to the eye they promise fair,
They taste of sin and woe.

Of pleasing draughts I once could ,
But now, awake, I find,
That sin has poisoned every stream,
And left a curse behind.

But there’s a wonder-working wood,
I’ve heard believers say,
Can make these bitter waters good,
And take the curse away.

The virtues of this tree
Are known and prized by few;
Reveal this secret, Lord, to me,
That I may prize it too.

The cross on which the Savior died,
And conquered for His saints;
This is the tree, by applied,
Which sweetens all complaints.

Thousands have found the blest effect,
Nor longer mourn their lot;
While on His they reflect,
Their own are all forgot.

When they, by faith, behold the cross,
Though many griefs they meet;
They draw again from every loss,
And find the bitter sweet.


Meaning of Bitter Indeed The Waters Are

Bitter Indeed The Waters Are: Finding Sweetness in Life’s Challenges

In life, we often come across challenges that feel like bitter waters flowing in a desert. These difficulties may promise something good at first, but when we taste them, they leave us with a sense of sin and sorrow. We used to dream of pleasant things, but now that we are awake, we realize that sin has tainted every aspect of our lives. It has left a curse behind that burdens us and weighs us down.

But there is hope. There is something miraculous that can turn these bitter waters into sweetness, and it is known as the wonder-working wood. Believers speak of its extraordinary powers to heal and remove curses. This secret knowledge is treasured by only a few, but I long to know it too. Oh Lord, please reveal this secret to me, so that I may also understand its value and importance.

The cross on which our Savior died is this miraculous tree. It is by having faith in His sacrifice and victory that we can experience its life-changing effects. This cross has the power to sweeten our complaints and make the bitter waters of our life taste like something sweet and refreshing. Many people have already discovered this blessed effect and no longer mourn their circumstances. They have found that as they reflect on the sorrows Jesus endured for them, their own troubles fade away.

When we look at the cross through the lens of faith, even though we encounter various hardships, we can draw strength from our losses and find sweetness amid the bitterness. The power of the cross is transformative, and it allows us to see our challenges in a new . It gives us hope and the ability to overcome any bitterness life throws our way.

Imagine being able to face challenges with a renewed perspective, knowing that the bitter can be made sweet. The reaffirmation of our faith in the cross gives us the strength to persevere, knowing that our struggles have purpose and meaning. It reminds us that even in the midst of difficult times, we are not alone.

The sweetness we find in the cross also teaches us to let go of our own grievances and complaints. Instead of dwelling on our own troubles, we can focus on the sacrificial love and suffering of Jesus. As we shift our perspective towards Him, our own problems become less significant, and our hearts are filled with gratitude and joy.

The cross becomes a symbol of hope, reminding us that there is always a way to find sweetness in the midst of bitterness. It shows us that even in the most challenging circumstances, we can experience peace and contentment. Through the cross, we are reminded that we are loved unconditionally and that there is redemption and forgiveness available to all who seek it.

So, in times when life’s bitter waters flow, let us turn our hearts towards the wonder-working wood of the cross. Let us remember that it has the power to transform our lives, making the bitter sweet. Let us draw strength and inspiration from the Savior’s sacrifice, knowing that we are not alone in our struggles. And as we do, we will find the sweetness that surpasses any bitterness we may encounter along our journey.

In conclusion, although life often presents us with bitter waters, we have the opportunity to find sweetness and hope in the wonder-working wood of the cross. By turning to our faith and reflecting on the sacrificial love of Jesus, we can transform our perspective, finding joy and contentment even in the midst of challenges. Let us treasure this secret knowledge and share it with others, so that they too may experience the sweet taste of redemption and find peace in the face of adversity.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the secret to finding sweetness in life's challenges. Turn bitter waters into something sweet with the power of the wonder-working wood. Transform your perspective and find joy in the face of adversity with the cross. Treasure this secret and share it with others. Bitter Indeed The Waters Are: Finding Sweetness in Life's Challenges.
Bitter Indeed The Waters Are - Hymn Lyric - Discover the secret to finding sweetness in life's challenges. Turn bitter waters into something sweet with the power of the wonder-working wood. Transform your perspective and find joy in the face of adversity with the cross. Treasure this secret and share it with others. Bitter Indeed The Waters Are: Finding Sweetness in Life's Challenges.