Safe In The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Find peace and security in the love of Jesus. Trust in His protection

Safe In The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Do you ever feel scared or worried? Well, guess what? You don’t have to be afraid or worry anymore because you are safe in the love of ! Just like the lyrics of this say, when we trust in Jesus and his tender care, we have nothing to fear. His love acts as a shield, protecting us from harm and guiding our footsteps. Trust in his love and let it fill your heart with and , because you are safe, safe, safe in the love of Jesus!


Safe In The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Safe in the love of Jesus,
Trusting his tender care;
Always from harm and danger
He will protect me there.

Safe, I am safe,
I am safe in the love of Jesus;
Safe, I am safe,
Yes, I’m safe in the love of Jesus.

He is my ‘s strong fortress,
In him I will abide;
Ne’er can my foes molest me
While in his love I hide.

Safe, I am safe,
I am safe in the love of Jesus;
Safe, I am safe,
Yes, I’m safe in the love of Jesus.

Safe from the luring tempter,
Safe from his blighting pow’r;
Kept in the love of Jesus,
Safe is my soul each hour.

Safe, I am safe,
I am safe in the love of Jesus;
Safe, I am safe,
Yes, I’m safe in the love of Jesus.

Sheltered, I fear no evil,
Love is my shield and stay;
Guarded are all my footsteps,
I shall not go astray.

Safe, I am safe,
I am safe in the love of Jesus;
Safe, I am safe,
Yes, I’m safe in the love of Jesus.

Safe to my home in heaven,
I shall be brought at last:
Love shall not fail to keep me
Till all life’s storms are past.

Safe, I am safe,
I am safe in the love of Jesus;
Safe, I am safe,
Yes, I’m safe in the love of Jesus.


Meaning of Safe In The Love Of Jesus

Do you ever feel scared or worried? Maybe you’re afraid of the dark, or you worry about what people think of you. Well, guess what? You don’t have to be afraid or worry anymore because you are safe in the love of Jesus!

The words of this hymn remind us that when we trust in Jesus and his tender care, we have nothing to fear. Just like the lyrics say, we are safe, safe, safe in the love of Jesus!

Jesus is like a strong fortress for our souls. A fortress is a really strong and sturdy building that keeps out enemies and protects the people inside. When we put our trust in Jesus, he becomes our strong fortress. He keeps us safe from any harm or danger that might try to our way. Isn’t that amazing?

Sometimes, we might feel tempted to do things we know we shouldn’t. We might be tempted to lie, cheat, or be mean to others. But when we’re safe in the love of Jesus, we don’t have to give in to those . Jesus helps us stay strong and resist that luring tempter. He gives us the power to do what’s right and make good choices.

Not only does Jesus protect us from temptations, but he also shields us from the power of evil. Evil can be scary and can try to harm us, but when we’re in the love of Jesus, evil can’t touch us. His love acts as a shield, keeping us safe from any harm that might come our way.

Have you ever felt lost or unsure of where to go? It’s easy to get confused or make wrong turns in life. But when we trust in Jesus, he guides our footsteps and helps us stay on the right path. We don’t need to worry about going astray because Jesus is there to steer us in the right direction. His love will always point us in the way we should go.

One day, we will all go home to heaven. It’s a where there is no more pain, sadness, or fear. We can look forward to that day because Jesus promises to us safely home. His love never fails, and it will keep us protected until all the storms of life are past.

So, my friend, remember that you are safe in the love of Jesus. Whenever you feel afraid or worried, just think of these words and know that Jesus is there with you, protecting you every step of the way. Trust in his love and let it fill your heart with peace and joy. You are safe, safe, safe in the love of Jesus!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find peace and security in the love of Jesus. Trust in His protection, guidance, and power to overcome temptations and stay on the right path. Discover the safety and comfort of His unwavering love.
Safe In The Love Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Find peace and security in the love of Jesus. Trust in His protection, guidance, and power to overcome temptations and stay on the right path. Discover the safety and comfort of His unwavering love.