Room At The Cross For A Trembling Soul – Hymn Lyric

Find comfort and forgiveness at the cross. Discover the love that awaits trembling souls. Choose the better part and find solace. Room at the cross for you.

Room At The Cross For A Trembling Soul – Hymn Lyric

The title “Room at the Cross for a Trembling Soul” speaks to the message of this , which emphasizes the inclusivity and found at the cross. This hymn reminds us that no matter who we are or what we have done, there is space for us at the cross, where we can find solace, , and grace. It is an invitation to lay down our burdens and experience the love and forgiveness that us.


Room At The Cross For A Trembling Soul – Hymn Lyric

Room at the cross for a trembling soul,
Room at the cross for you;
Where the -laden may be made whole,
Room at the cross for you.

Room, room, room at the cross,
Room at the cross for you;
Room, room, room at the cross,
Room at the cross for you.

Room at the cross for a breaking heart,
Room at the cross for you;
Choose then, like Mary, the better part,
Room at the cross for you.


Room at the cross for earth’s weary and worn,
Room at the cross for you;
then, oh, come then, ye souls who mourn,
Room at the cross for you.



Meaning of Room At The Cross For A Trembling Soul

Are you feeling lost and in need of some comfort? Well, let me tell you about a special place called the cross, where there is room for everyone, including you, my friend. In this hymn called “Room At The Cross For A Trembling Soul,” we discover the incredible love and forgiveness that awaits us when we reach out to the cross.

Imagine a place where all your worries and burdens can be lifted. Picture a place where you can find solace and healing for your broken heart. That place is the cross. The cross is not just a physical symbol, but a powerful representation of the sacrifice and love of Jesus .

When we sing the refrain, “Room, room, room at the cross,” it reminds us that no matter who we are or what we have done, there is space for us at the cross. It’s almost like an open invitation, calling out to those who are searching for hope and redemption.

The first verse speaks about a “trembling soul.” This is someone who is filled with fear, doubt, and uncertainty. Maybe you can relate to this, feeling overwhelmed by the challenges in your life. But the good news is that there is room for you at the cross. Jesus welcomes the sin-laden, those burdened by guilt and shame, and offers them a chance to be made whole.

Let’s take a moment to understand what it means to be made whole. It means finding completeness and restoration. It means being forgiven for our mistakes and given a fresh start. At the cross, we can find the and freedom that our souls long for. We can find healing for our brokenness and the strength to face life’s challenges.

In the second verse, we are encouraged to choose the better part, just like Mary. For those who may not know, Mary was a woman in the who chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to his teachings rather than being busy with other distractions. This verse reminds us that we too have the choice to seek comfort and guidance from Jesus, to make room in our hearts for His love and wisdom.

The third verse speaks to those who are weary and worn. Life can be tough, and sometimes we feel like we’re carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. But the cross offers us a place of rest and rejuvenation. It invites us to come, just as we are, with all our worries and troubles, and find solace in the arms of Jesus. It reminds us that we don’t have to face our struggles alone. There is room at the cross for those who are willing to lay down their burdens and find true peace.

Now, how does all of this relate to you? Well, my friend, it’s important to recognize that the message of this hymn applies to everyone, regardless of age, background, or circumstances. We all have moments when we feel lost, broken, and in need of something greater than ourselves. The cross offers us a place where we can find love, forgiveness, and a fresh start. It offers us room for our trembling souls.

As we conclude our journey through this hymn, let’s take a moment to reflect on its powerful message. The message that there is room at the cross for you, my friend. No matter what you have done or how you are feeling, there is a place where you can find solace, healing, and grace.

So, let’s embrace the invitation. Let’s choose the better part and come to the cross. Let’s lay down our burdens, find strength in our weakness, and experience the love and forgiveness that awaits us. Remember, my friend, there is always room at the cross for you.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find comfort and forgiveness at the cross. Discover the love that awaits trembling souls. Choose the better part and find solace. Room at the cross for you.
Room At The Cross For A Trembling Soul - Hymn Lyric - Find comfort and forgiveness at the cross. Discover the love that awaits trembling souls. Choose the better part and find solace. Room at the cross for you.