Do You Know The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Have you felt the love of Jesus? Experience His pardoning grace and share the story of redemption far and wide. Spread the good news of God's love and transform lives with His peace.

Do You Know The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Do You Know The Of JesusHave you ever experienced the love of Jesus? Have you felt His pardoning grace, where He forgives your sins and fills your with ? It’s a remarkable feeling, one that fills every corner of your soul and makes you want to share it with the world. We are called to tell others about this incredible love, to spread the news of redemption far and wide. So, let’s take a moment to explore this hymn and delve into the depths of God’s love.


Do You Know The Love Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Do you know the love of Jesus?
Have you felt His pard ning grace?
Tell it over, tell it over,
Do you see a wondrous beauty
In the blessed Savior’s face?
Tell it over, tell it over.

Tell it over, tell it over;
There are many that await
The news to hear;
Tell it over, tell it over,
Tell the story of redemption
Far and near.

Have you been to the Redeemer?
Has He brightened all your way?
Tell it over, tell it over;
You can the hearts about you
As you journey day by day,
Tell it over, tell it over. [Chorus]

Has He taken ev ry burden?
Has He given perfect peace?
Tell it over, tell it over,
From the chains of that bound you
Has His spirit brought release?
Tell it over, tell it over. [Chorus]


Meaning of Do You Know The Love Of Jesus

Do You Know The Love Of Jesus

Have you ever experienced the love of Jesus? Have you felt His pardoning grace, where He forgives your sins and fills your heart with peace? It’s a remarkable feeling, one that fills every corner of your soul and makes you want to share it with the world. We are called to tell others about this incredible love, to spread the news of redemption far and wide. So, let’s take a moment to explore this hymn and delve into the depths of God’s love.

In the first verse, we are invited to reflect on whether we know the love of Jesus. It’s not enough to simply hear about it or read about it; we need to experience it for ourselves. His love is transformative, a bridge that connects us to the divine. When we feel His love washing over us, it’s impossible to keep it to ourselves. We are compelled to tell others, to share the joy we’ve found in His pardoning grace.

There is a wondrous beauty in the face of the blessed Savior, a beauty that surpasses anything we’ve ever known. It’s not just a physical beauty, but a beauty that emanates from within. Jesus radiates love and compassion, and when we encounter His presence, we can’t help but be captivated by His grace. This beauty is something we should talk about, something we should share with those around us.

The chorus reminds us of the importance of telling others about the love of Jesus. There are many people who are waiting to hear this news, waiting to experience the same love and grace that we’ve come to know. By sharing our story of redemption, we can offer hope to those who are lost and searching for meaning. It’s a message that needs to be heard, a message that can change lives.

In the second verse, we are asked if we have been to the Redeemer, if we have sought His presence and allowed Him to brighten our way. When we turn to Jesus, He brings into our lives, illuminating the before us. And as we journey through each day, we have the power to bring that light to others. We can be a source of encouragement and comfort, offering the love of Jesus to those we encounter. It’s a beautiful opportunity and a privilege that we shouldn’t take lightly.

When we come to Jesus, He takes our burdens and gives us perfect peace. The weight of sin is lifted, and we are set free. It’s a feeling of liberation that is impossible to describe, but it’s something we can’t keep to ourselves. We must tell others about this freedom, about the chains of sin that have been broken. By sharing our testimony, we can give hope to those who are still bound by their past and struggling to find their way forward.

The final chorus reiterates the need to tell the story of redemption far and near. Our words have the power to reach countless hearts, to bring light to dark places and healing to broken spirits. Every person we encounter is a potential recipient of God’s love and grace. By speaking up and sharing our own experiences, we can plant seeds of that may one day blossom into a deep and abiding relationship with Jesus.

So, do you know the love of Jesus? Have you experienced His pardoning grace? If so, I encourage you to tell it over and tell it over. Share your story of redemption, of how Jesus has transformed your . There are countless individuals who need to hear this message, who long to know the love and peace that only Jesus can provide. Let’s not keep this incredible gift to ourselves, but instead, let’s be bold in sharing the good news of God’s love with everyone we meet.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!

Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Have you felt the love of Jesus? Experience His pardoning grace and share the story of redemption far and wide. Spread the good news of God's love and transform lives with His peace.
Do You Know The Love Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Have you felt the love of Jesus? Experience His pardoning grace and share the story of redemption far and wide. Spread the good news of God's love and transform lives with His peace.