Twas With An Everlasting Love – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Depths of God's Love in 'Twas With An Everlasting Love. Discover the eternal embrace of His love and the freedom it brings.

Twas With An Everlasting Love – Hymn Lyric

” ‘Twas With An Everlasting ‘: Discovering God’s Endless Love for Us” Here, we explore the profound depth of God’s love. This ancient hymn teaches us that even before the world was created, God already embraced His chosen ones with an everlasting love. It’s a love that is freely given and not dependent on anything we can do, reminding us of the comfort and joy found in knowing we are cherished by our Creator.


Twas With An Everlasting Love – Hymn Lyric

‘Twas with an everlasting love,
That God his own elect embraced;
Before he made the worlds above,
Or earth on her huge columns placed.

Long ere the sun’s refulgent ray
Primeval shades of darkness drove,
They on his sacred bosom lay,
Loved with an everlasting love.

Then, in His love and His decrees,
and His bride appeared as one;
Her sin, by imputation His,
Whilst she in spotless splendor shone.

Believer, here thy comfort stands,
From first to last salvation’s free;
And everlasting love demands
An everlasting song from thee.


Meaning of Twas With An Everlasting Love

“Twas With An Everlasting Love”: Exploring the Depths of God’s Love

Oh, how marvelous it is to ponder upon the everlasting love that God has for us. This ancient hymn reminds us that before the creation of the world, in the depths of eternity, God’s love already encompassed His chosen ones. It was a love that was not dependent on anything we could do or achieve; it was freely given and embraced from the very beginning.

Imagine, if you will, a time before the sun’s warm rays illuminated the earth, when darkness prevailed. In that moment, even before the foundations of the world were laid, God cradled His beloved ones in His sacred bosom. We were loved with an everlasting love even before we existed, even before the world was formed.

How wondrous it is to think that in God’s love and eternal plan, Christ and His bride, the Church, were united as one. Christ willingly took our upon Himself, and in exchange, imparted His spotless splendor to us. It is through the imputation of His righteousness that we stand blameless before God.

Believer, take comfort in knowing that your salvation is not based on your own merits or works. From the very beginning, salvation has always been freely given by God’s grace. It is His everlasting love that beckons us into His arms, inviting us to experience a deep and unshakable relationship with Him.

In a world where things are fleeting and temporary, God’s love remains steadfast and unchanging. It is a love that persists not only in our darkest moments but extends throughout all eternity. It is a love that demands nothing in return, but instead invites us to respond with awe, , and an everlasting song of praise.

When we truly grasp the depths of God’s love, it becomes a wellspring of joy and comfort in our lives. It is a love that reassures us of our worth and value, knowing that we are cherished by the Creator of the universe. It is a love that brings and restoration to our brokenness, comforting us in times of sorrow and despair.

No matter who we are or what we have done, God’s love reaches out to us with open arms. It is a love that embraces the outcast, the forgotten, and the rejected. It is a love that seeks after us, pursuing us relentlessly with a desire for a deep and intimate relationship.

Dear friend, let this truth sink deep into your : you are loved. You are loved with an everlasting love that knows no bounds. It is a love that can never be earned or deserved, but is freely given to all who are willing to receive it.

So, as you go about your days, let the assurance of God’s everlasting love be a guiding force in your . Let it shape your perspective, your actions, and your relationships. And above all, let it be a wellspring of gratitude that overflows into an everlasting song of praise.

For when we truly understand the vastness of God’s love, it becomes impossible to remain silent. It compels us to share this good news with others, to proclaim His love to a world desperately in need of hope and healing. Let your life be a testament to the everlasting love of God, and may it inspire those around you to seek and embrace this love for themselves.

In conclusion, dear reader, may you be filled with the wonder and awe of God’s everlasting love. May it your soul and be a constant source of joy and comfort in your life. And may your voice join in chorus with all creation, proclaiming the praises of the One who us with an everlasting love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Depths of God's Love in 'Twas With An Everlasting Love. Discover the eternal embrace of His love and the freedom it brings.
Twas With An Everlasting Love - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Depths of God's Love in 'Twas With An Everlasting Love. Discover the eternal embrace of His love and the freedom it brings.