Over Bethlehems Bright And Sunny Plain – Hymn Lyric

Experience the holy calm and beauty of Bethlehem's bright and sunny plain through this joyous hymn of celebration. Join in the chorus of praise and honor the Day-Spring from on high. A sacred and uplifting melody for all nations to cherish.

Over Bethlehems Bright And Sunny Plain – Hymn Lyric

“Over ‘s Bright and Sunny Plain” is a hymn of joy and celebration that invites all nations to join in praising and honoring the birth of our Savior. It captures the tranquil beauty of the humble town and the harmonious melody of the angels’ song. Through this hymn, we find solace, inspiration, and a reminder of the boundless love and unity that this day represents.


Over Bethlehems Bright And Sunny Plain – Hymn Lyric

O’er Bethlehem’s bright and sunny plain,
There comes a holy calm,
In solemn tones there Sharon waves
Her beauteous trees of palm.

Let hills, let hills and vales their voice unite,
And greet, and greet with us in lofty praise,
And greet with us in lofty praise,
The Day-Spring from on high;
Be glory, honor unto Him
Who on this day was born.
Be glory, honor unto Him,
Who on this day was born,
With heart and voice join in the strain,
This holy, sacred morn.


All nations catch the glory theme,
And our Messiah praise,
Let every tongue His honor speak,
And sing in joyful lays.


Far on the listening ear of ,
Comes sweet and sacred song,
The angels from their lofty height,
The mighty strain prolong.



Meaning of Over Bethlehems Bright And Sunny Plain

Over Bethlehem’s Bright and Sunny Plain: A Hymn of Joy and Celebration

In the humble town of Bethlehem, where bright and sunny plains greet the eyes, there exists a holy calm unlike any other. It is a place where the beauty of nature, represented by the waving palm trees of Sharon, merges harmoniously with spiritual tranquility. This hymn captures the essence of that sacred stillness, inviting all to join in a of praise and celebration.

Let the hills and vales unitedly lend their voices to this joyous hymn, as we welcome and greet, with lofty praise, the Day-Spring from on high. It is a day to bestow glory and honor upon the one whose birth we commemorate today, and indeed, all generations shall join in this festive occasion.

As we raise our voices, let us do so with hearts full of and reverence, for this is a sacred and holy morning. Our Messiah, born on this very day, is deserving of our admiration and respect. With heart and voice united, let us fill the air with the melodious strain of our hymn, reaching the far corners of the Earth.

This melody of joy and is not limited to one nation or people. Rather, it transcends borders and reaches the hearts of all who hear it. All nations are invited to catch the glory theme and join in praising our Messiah. Let every tongue speak of His honor, and let joyful songs resonate from every corner of the globe.

Even on that night long ago, when enveloped the sky, a sweet and sacred song broke through the silence. The angels, from their lofty height, graced the world with a mighty strain that echoed through time. Their celestial voices carried the divine message of , love, and joy, spreading the news of our Savior’s birth.

Today, we join our voices with the angels’ song, singing of the miraculous event that occurred in Bethlehem. We echo their joyful proclamation, for our hearts are filled with awe and wonder at the significance of this day. It is a day of celebration, where we honor the birth of the one who brought light and salvation into the world.

In this hymn, we find solace and inspiration. It reminds us that amidst the chaos and challenges of , there is still a place of and calm. Bethlehem’s bright and sunny plain serves as a reminder that even in the most humble of surroundings, greatness can be born.

Let this hymn be a beacon of hope in difficult times. Let its melodious verses bring comfort and encouragement to those who hear it. May it serve as a reminder that we are all part of a larger narrative, one that celebrates the birth of a Savior and the boundless love He brings.

As we sing this hymn, let our voices carry the message of unity, love, and compassion. Let it inspire us to treat one another with kindness and respect. In the spirit of the Day-Spring from on high, let us seek to spread joy and goodwill to all, for this is the true essence of the season we celebrate.

So, let us gather in unison, embracing the timeless words and melody of this hymn. In doing so, we honor the historical significance of Bethlehem’s bright and sunny plain and allow its beauty to resonate within our hearts. May this hymn continue to inspire and uplift, reminding us of the miraculous birth that changed the world forever.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the holy calm and beauty of Bethlehem's bright and sunny plain through this joyous hymn of celebration. Join in the chorus of praise and honor the Day-Spring from on high. A sacred and uplifting melody for all nations to cherish.
Over Bethlehems Bright And Sunny Plain - Hymn Lyric - Experience the holy calm and beauty of Bethlehem's bright and sunny plain through this joyous hymn of celebration. Join in the chorus of praise and honor the Day-Spring from on high. A sacred and uplifting melody for all nations to cherish.