Theres Music In My Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

"Discover the joy and solace of finding music in your soul with 'Theres Music In My Soul Today.' Embrace the melodies of life and listen to the voice of God for comfort and guidance. You're listening to God!"

Theres Music In My Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

“Theres Music In My Soul Today: Finding Solace and in the Melodies of Life” explores the powerful feeling of having music in our souls and how it brings us joy. Through the hymn’s inspiring words, we learn that this music comes from the voice of God, whispering , forgiveness, and care. The article encourages readers to embrace the melodies of life and find solace and happiness in God’s presence.


Theres Music In My Soul Today – Hymn Lyric

There’s music in my soul today, a music rich and sweet,
Which fills my life with melody and makes my joy complete!
For I have heard the whisper of a voice that speaks to me
Of pardon, which my Lord bestows, and love beyond degree.

I am listening to God!
I am listening to God!
My is still, I fear no ill,
I’m listening to God!

He tells me of the tender care that guards me night and day;
He tells me of a loving hand that leads me all the way;
He speaks the word of comfort when my heart is sore oppressed,
And whispers of the heav’nly land, where I shall find his rest. [Refrain]

He bids me fear no evil thing but trust his watchful care;
He bids me cast on him the load I find too great to bear;
He points me to the better land where burdens are laid down,
And promises that I shall wear in heav’n a victor’s crown. [Refrain]


Meaning of Theres Music In My Soul Today

Theres Music In My Soul Today: Finding Solace and Joy in the Melodies of Life

Do you ever feel like your heart is singing a beautiful melody? Like there is music inside your soul that fills your life with joy? Well, you’re not alone! In the hymn “Theres Music In My Soul Today,” the songwriter captures the essence of this incredible feeling. Through its inspiring words, we are reminded of the power of music and the ways in which it can touch our hearts and lift our spirits.

The hymn begins with the verse, “There’s music in my soul today, a music rich and sweet, which fills my life with melody and makes my joy complete!” How amazing is that? It’s almost as if the songwriter is describing a symphony playing within their own being. Just imagining such a delightful experience can bring a smile to anyone’s face.

But what is the source of this soulful music? The hymn goes on to share that it’s not just any melody, but the very voice of God speaking to us. Yes, that’s right! The Creator of the universe, the One who knows us better than anyone else, is whispering in our hearts. He tells us of His love, His forgiveness, and His care for us.

Imagine for a moment that you are sitting in a quiet room, and suddenly, you hear a gentle voice speaking directly to you. It’s a voice filled with tenderness and compassion. It tells you that you are never alone, that there is always someone looking out for you. In that moment, any worries or fears you may have simply melt .

“He tells me of the tender care that guards me night and day; He tells me of a loving hand that leads me all the way.” These words remind us that even when life gets tough, we can find solace in knowing that there is a presence guiding us through every step of our journey. It’s like having a personal guardian angel who is always by our side.

And when our hearts are burdened with sorrow or pain, the voice of God brings us comfort. “He speaks the word of comfort when my heart is sore oppressed, and whispers of the heavenly land, where I shall find his rest.” In those moments, we can find in the assurance that this is not our final destination. There is something greater awaiting us, a where all our troubles will be washed away.

Even in times of fear or uncertainty, the voice of God reminds us to trust in His watchful care. “He bids me fear no evil thing but trust his watchful care; He bids me cast on him the load I find too great to bear.” These words assure us that we don’t have to carry our burdens alone. We can cast our worries and fears onto Him, and He will help us find the strength to overcome them.

And here’s the best part – the hymn promises that all our struggles and hardships will be rewarded. “He points me to the better land where burdens are laid down, and promises that I shall wear in a victor’s crown.” Can you imagine wearing a crown in heaven, signifying victory over all the challenges you faced here on Earth? That’s something to look forward to, isn’t it?

So, my dear reader, remember that you are not alone. There is music in your soul today, and it is the voice of God speaking directly to you. His love, care, comfort, and promises are always within reach. No matter what you may be facing, always know that you can find solace and joy in the melodies of life.

I the words of this hymn resonate with you and bring a sense of peace and happiness to your heart. As you go about your day, take a moment to listen to the music of your own soul and let it remind you of the presence of God in your life. Embrace the melody and embrace the love that surrounds you. Trust in His watchful care, cast your burdens upon Him, and keep your eyes on the better land that awaits you. Because, my , you are listening to God, and that is a beautiful gift.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and solace of finding music in your soul with 'Theres Music In My Soul Today.' Embrace the melodies of life and listen to the voice of God for comfort and guidance. You're listening to God!
Theres Music In My Soul Today - Hymn Lyric - "Discover the joy and solace of finding music in your soul with 'Theres Music In My Soul Today.' Embrace the melodies of life and listen to the voice of God for comfort and guidance. You're listening to God!"