The Sunday School Army Is Marching Along – Hymn Lyric

Join the Sunday School Army Marching Along: Spreading Love

The Sunday School Army Is Marching Along – Hymn Lyric

The Sunday School Army Is Along: Spreading Love, , and The Sunday School Army is a powerful force marching together with banners raised high and singing in perfect harmony. As they march towards their dear , their hearts are filled with happiness and freedom. With their leader guiding them, they anticipate the glorious destination and hope for a crown in a wondrous land. This reminds us to follow the Savior’s ways, embracing faith, hope, and love, as we boldly go forward with no fear of loss. Let’s join the Sunday School Army and spread love, faith, and joy as we march along in this marvelous adventure.


The Sunday School Army Is Marching Along – Hymn Lyric

The Sunday-school army is marching along,
With banners unfurled and with chorus and song;
Our hearts are so happy, so light and so free,
We’re coming, dear Savior, to glorify .

All glory to Jesus, , wait at the cross,
While serving the Savior we’ll no loss;
His yoke is so easy, his burden so light,
We’ll boldly go forward, he’ll lead us aright.

The journey grows shorter, our leader is true,
All glory to Jesus, our home is in view;
By faith we’ll go onward, and hope for a crown,
In yonder bright country of wondrous renown.


Dear scholars and teachers, we’ll our glad lay,
And follow the Savior in wisdom’s blest way;
Of faith, hope and charity, labor and love,
From conflict and sorrow to glory above.



Meaning of The Sunday School Army Is Marching Along

The Sunday School Army Is Marching Along: Spreading Love, Faith, and Joy

Verse 1:

The Sunday-school army is marching along,

With banners unfurled and with chorus and song;

Our hearts are so happy, so light and so free,

We’re coming, dear Savior, to glorify thee.


All glory to Jesus, come, wait at the cross,

While serving the Savior we’ll suffer no loss;

His yoke is so easy, his burden so light,

We’ll boldly go forward, he’ll lead us aright.

Oh, what a wonderful hymn this is! It fills our hearts with joy and excitement as we think about the incredible journey we are all on – the Sunday School Army! Just imagine, dear friends, being part of a mighty army that marches together with banners waving high, singing in perfect harmony. How amazing is that?

As we march, our hearts are filled with happiness, as light as a feather floating on the breeze. We feel so free, like birds soaring in the sky. And who are we marching towards? None other than our dear Savior, the one who guides us and watches over us with unconditional love. We are coming to glorify Him, to show Him our for all that He has done for us.

Oh, let us join our voices in singing the refrain, proclaiming our love and dedication to Jesus. All glory to Him! We invite you, dear friends, to come and wait at the cross with us. Together, as we serve our Savior, we will not experience any loss or pain. His yoke is so easy, and His burden is so light. He will guide us on this magnificent journey.

Verse 2:

The journey grows shorter, our leader is true,

All glory to Jesus, our home is in view;

By faith, we’ll go onward, and hope for a crown,

In yonder bright country of wondrous renown.

Can you feel the excitement as the journey grows shorter? We can almost see our destination on the horizon, like a beautiful home beckoning us with open arms. All glory to Jesus, for He has brought us this far! Our leader, so reliable and trustworthy, continues to guide us every step of the way. We can count on Him.

Dear friends, let us continue this journey with faith, knowing that our ultimate reward awaits us. We hope for a crown, a symbol of honor and victory. As we move forward with faith, relying on Jesus’s love and guidance, we are filled with anticipation for the wonders that await us in that bright and glorious country. What a sight it will be!


Dear scholars and teachers, we’ll sing our glad lay,

And follow the Savior in wisdom’s blest way;

Of faith, hope, and charity, labor, and love,

From conflict and sorrow to glory above.

This hymn is not just for us, dear friends, but for all the scholars and teachers in our Sunday School. Let us raise our voices and sing with joy, expressing our gratitude to the Lord for the wisdom He imparts upon us through our teachers. We will follow the Savior together, learning His blessed ways and applying them to our lives.

In this wonderful journey, we are taught about faith, hope, and charity – three pillars that hold our beliefs and actions strong. We learn to have faith in the unseen, to hope for a better future, and to practice charity and love towards others. With these virtues guiding us, we are equipped to overcome conflicts and sorrows that we may encounter along the way.


All glory to Jesus, come, wait at the cross,

While serving the Savior we’ll suffer no loss;

His yoke is so easy, his burden so light,

We’ll boldly go forward, he’ll lead us aright.

Let us conclude our reflection on this beautiful hymn with a final proclamation of love and gratitude to Jesus. All glory to Him! Once again, we invite you to come and wait at the cross with us. Serving our Savior is not a burdensome task; rather, it is a source of fulfillment and joy. His yoke is easy to bear, and His burden is light.

With this renewed encouragement, we will boldly go forward, fearlessly living out our faith and allowing Jesus to lead us on the right path. May His love guide us, may His light shine upon us, and may His grace fill our hearts as we continue marching along in this glorious Sunday School Army.

Oh, what a wonderful journey it is, dear friends! Let’s keep marching, spreading love, faith, and joy wherever we go. The Sunday School Army is on the move, and together, we can make a difference in the world. Join us, and let’s embrace the marvelous adventure that lies ahead!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join the Sunday School Army Marching Along: Spreading Love, Faith, & Joy. Embrace the journey, glorify Jesus, and find hope & light in this remarkable hymn.
The Sunday School Army Is Marching Along - Hymn Lyric - Join the Sunday School Army Marching Along: Spreading Love, Faith, & Joy. Embrace the journey, glorify Jesus, and find hope & light in this remarkable hymn.