God Fills The Soul That It May Pour – Hymn Lyric

Discover how God fills our souls with love and goodness

God Fills The Soul That It May Pour – Hymn Lyric

God Fills The That It May Pour – a beautiful poem that reminds us that God fills our hearts so that we can share His love with others. Just as a glass overflows with water, our souls overflow with God’s goodness. When we let His love fill us, it propels us forward, enabling us to do great things and touch the lives of those around us.


God Fills The Soul That It May Pour – Hymn Lyric

God fills the soul that it may pour
The fulness on another heart;
Not that the filled with good may store
The good God giveth to impart.

God fills the sails with heav’nly breath
That we may trade to other shores;
Speed from the calms of sloth and death,
And carry far the heavn’ly stores.

God fills us with the finest wheat,
That, strengthen’d in the inner man,
We may attempt some noble feat,
The starv’d and hungry never can.

He fills us that our souls may
Above the lower earthly things;
Mount upward to the cloudless skies,
Arising as on eagles’ wings.

Hast this filling? Give thy store!
Speed ! hoist thy every sail!
Made strong, put thy strength the more,
Rise high above earth’s misty vale.


Meaning of God Fills The Soul That It May Pour

God fills the soul with love and goodness so that we can share these blessings with others. It’s like when you have a glass of water that is so full, it overflows and pours into another glass. The same way, when our souls are filled with God’s love, it spills over and touches the hearts of those around us.

Think about a time when someone did something kind for you, like giving you a hug when you were sad or sharing their lunch when you forgot yours. How did that make you feel? It probably made you feel loved and cared for, right? That’s exactly how God wants us to feel and how He wants us to make others feel.

When God fills our souls, it’s not so that we can keep it all to ourselves. He wants us to take that goodness and spread it like a gentle breeze filling the sails of a ship. Have you ever seen a sailboat gliding across the water, propelled by the wind? That wind represents the Holy Spirit, filling us with God’s breath so that we can share His love with others.

Sometimes, we might feel stuck or stagnant, like a ship caught in the doldrums – those calm, windless waters that make it difficult to move forward. But when God fills our sails with His breath, He lifts us out of the doldrums of sloth and death. He gives us the strength and motivation to overcome laziness and to carry His heavenly gifts to distant shores.

Imagine yourself as that sailboat, filled with all of God’s love and goodness. How far do you think you could go? When we have the power of God within us, we can accomplish great things. We can attempt noble feats that the starved and hungry never could. By sharing what God has given us, we have the ability to make a difference in the world and bring to those who need it most.

It’s important to remember that God fills us not just physically, but also spiritually. He gives us the finest wheat, which represents nourishment for our souls. When we are strengthened on the inside, we can do things that we never thought possible. We can rise above the earthly things that weigh us down and soar to new heights, just like eagles soaring in the sky.

Do you ever feel weighed down by worries or problems? When we allow God to fill our souls, it’s like we are given wings to fly above those troubles. We can rise high above the misty vale of earthly concerns and focus on the things that truly matter.

If you feel like your soul is filled with God’s love, don’t keep it to yourself! God wants you to share your blessings with others. So hoist every sail, my , and speed onward! Put forth your strength and rise high above the worries and troubles of this world. When you give from the overflow of God’s love within you, you’ll find that your own soul is continually filled, and you’ll experience a that cannot be contained.

In conclusion, God fills our souls with His love and goodness so that we can pour it out onto others. Just as a glass overflows with water, our souls overflow with God’s love. When we let His love fill us, it propels us forward, enabling us to do great things and touch the lives of those around us. So, my dear friend, let your soul be filled and then let it pour out like a gentle breeze, bringing hope and love wherever you go.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover how God fills our souls with love and goodness, empowering us to share blessings with others. Let your soul overflow and pour out like a gentle breeze, spreading hope and love to all.
God Fills The Soul That It May Pour - Hymn Lyric - Discover how God fills our souls with love and goodness, empowering us to share blessings with others. Let your soul overflow and pour out like a gentle breeze, spreading hope and love to all.