Looking To Jesus This My Watchword Be – Hymn Lyric

Looking to Jesus for help and grace

Looking To Jesus This My Watchword Be – Hymn Lyric

In this inspiring , we are reminded that our focus should always be on . By looking to Him, we can find all the help, , peace, and strength we need in our Christian race. He is our source of faith, love, and hope, guiding us through life’s challenges and leading us to eternal in His presence.


Looking To Jesus This My Watchword Be – Hymn Lyric

Looking to Jesus! This my watchword be,
At every footstep of my Christian race;
Fountain of every good! I look to thee,
And trust for every help, for every grace.

Looking to Jesus!
Looking to Jesus!
Looking to Jesus for every help and grace!

Looking to Jesus, I attain to peace,
Looking to Jesus, I advance in strength;
Looking to Jesus, faith and love increase,
And hope grows stronger all my journey’s length.

Looking to Jesus, I can scarce perceive
The toils and dangers of my earthly way;
There may I ever look, till I receive
His welcome where His presence makes the day.


Meaning of Looking To Jesus This My Watchword Be

Looking To Jesus: This My Watchword Be

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus in every aspect of our lives. Whether we are undertaking our Christian race, seeking help and grace, or desiring peace and strength, it is Jesus who can guide us and provide all that we need.

When we look to Jesus, we are acknowledging Him as the source of every good thing. Just like a fountain from which water flows endlessly, Jesus is the fountain of every good that we receive. He is the giver of true joy, peace, love, and all the blessings that fill our lives. Therefore, it is only wise for us to look to Him as we pursue our Christian race.

Looking to Jesus gives us the assurance that we will find all the help and grace that we need. Life can be challenging at times, and we may face trials and difficulties along our journey. But when we fix our gaze upon Jesus, we are reminded that we are not alone in our struggles. He promises to be with us every step of the way, guiding us, strengthening us, and providing the help that we need to overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

As we look to Jesus, we find peace. The world around us may be chaotic and filled with unrest, but in Him, we can find a peace that surpasses all understanding. This peace gives us comfort and tranquility, even in the midst of life’s storms. When we are troubled or anxious, looking to Jesus reminds us that He is in control and that He will us through every situation.

Moreover, looking to Jesus allows us to grow in strength. Life can be demanding, and there may be times when we feel weak and powerless. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus, we tap into His limitless strength. He empowers us to face challenges head-on, to stand firm in our faith, and to persevere when the going gets tough. The more we look to Him, the stronger we become, equipped to face whatever comes our way.

Looking to Jesus also enables our faith and love to increase. Faith is the foundation of our relationship with , and as we look to Jesus, our faith is built up. We to trust Him more, knowing that He is faithful and true to His promises. Love is the essence of God’s character, and the more we look to Jesus, the more we become like Him in our love for others. He exemplified selflessness, compassion, and forgiveness, and as we imitate Him, our love for others grows deeper and more genuine.

When we look to Jesus, our hope grows stronger. Hope is the confident expectation of things to come, and as we fix our gaze upon Jesus, our hope is anchored in Him. He is the reason for our hope and the assurance of our eternal life with Him. Even in the midst of trials and tribulations, our hope remains steadfast because we know that ultimately, we will receive an welcome in His presence.

Looking to Jesus allows us to see beyond the toils and dangers of our earthly way. Life is full of challenges, and it is easy to become overwhelmed by the obstacles we face. However, when we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, we gain a perspective that transcends our earthly circumstances. His presence gives us strength, wisdom, and comfort to navigate through life’s highs and lows, reminding us that our ultimate destination is with Him.

Therefore, let us make “Looking to Jesus” our watchword, our guiding principle for every aspect of our lives. Whether we are seeking help and grace, for peace and strength, or desiring faith, love, and hope, let us remember to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. As we do so, we will experience His unfailing love, guidance, and provision. So, let us fix our gaze upon Him and experience the abundant life that comes from looking to Jesus, our source of all grace and help.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking to Jesus for help and grace, peace and strength. Find guidance and provision by fixing your gaze upon Him. He is our source of all grace.
Looking To Jesus This My Watchword Be - Hymn Lyric - Looking to Jesus for help and grace, peace and strength. Find guidance and provision by fixing your gaze upon Him. He is our source of all grace.