When My Soul Is Oppressed – Hymn Lyric

Find solace and hope on the beautiful hills. Lift your eyes and shift your perspective to overcome life's burdens. Join the glorified throng in a new song of joy and peace.

When My Soul Is Oppressed – Hymn Lyric

When My Soul Is Oppressed: Finding Hope on the Beautiful Hills is a hymn that speaks to the struggle of life’s burdens and the search for solace. The writer longs to lift their eyes to the hills, symbolizing the act of looking beyond their troubles and finding comfort in something greater. The hymn reminds us to shift our perspective, focusing on the promise of beauty, , and that can be found on the beautiful hills.


When My Soul Is Oppressed – Hymn Lyric

When my soul is oppress’d,
When my heart is distress’d,
With its weight of life’s burdens and ills,-
I will lift up mine eyes
that paradise
On the beautiful, beautiful hills.

On the hills, beautiful hills,
I will lift up mine eyes to the hills;
I shall join in the song
With that glorified throng
On the beautiful, beautiful hills.

That fair city of God,
Mortal never hath trod,
There the cold wind of death never chills;
There no fears can appall,
There no tears ever fall,
On the beautiful, beautiful hills.

There the angels of light
Praise the Lord day and night,
Heaven’s courts with their melody thrills;
While there rolls a new song
By that great blood-wash’d throng,
On the beautiful, beautiful hills.

Where my ones await,
Just inside the pearl ,
I shall go when my dear Father wills;
Then what joy there will be,
When each other we see,
On the beautiful, beautiful hills.

There they never have night,
For the Lamb is the light,-
All the land with his glory he fills;
Soon he’ll call me to come,
And with him rest at home,
On the beautiful, beautiful hills.


Meaning of When My Soul Is Oppressed

When My Soul Is Oppressed: Finding Hope on the Beautiful Hills

Life can sometimes feel overwhelming. We all face burdens and challenges that weigh heavy on our hearts. But amidst the struggles, there is a where we can find solace and relief. It is a place of beauty and serenity, a place called the beautiful hills.

In this hymn, the writer expresses their longing to lift their eyes to the hills when their soul is oppressed and their heart is . It is a powerful image of looking beyond the difficulties of life and finding comfort in something greater.

The refrain reminds us of the power of shifting our perspective. Instead of dwelling on our problems, we can choose to focus on the hills, lifting our eyes upward and finding hope. It’s a simple gesture, but it can have a profound impact on our outlook and well-being.

The beautiful hills mentioned in the hymn represent a metaphorical paradise, a place where mortal feet have never trod. It is an idyllic city of God, free from the cold winds of death and the burdens of life. In this heavenly realm, there are no fears to appall, and tears never fall. It paints a picture of a place where peace and joy abound.

The hymn also alludes to the angels who praise the Lord day and night in Heaven’s courts. Their melodies fill the air, creating a symphony of worship. It is a reminder that even in our darkest moments, we are not alone. The angels’ songs of praise serve as a testament to the eternal beauty and goodness that can be found on the beautiful hills.

But it’s not just the angels who inhabit this blissful place. The hymn speaks of a great blood-washed throng, a redeemed crowd that joins in the new song that rolls through the hills. This throng represents the community of believers, united in their love for the Lord. They are the ones who have experienced the cleansing power of and eagerly anticipate the day when they will gather together on the beautiful hills.

The hymn also touches on the idea of reunion with loved ones. The writer envisions a day when they will join their dear ones just inside the pearl gate. It is a moment of pure joy when the bonds of earthly separation are broken, and we can once again see and embrace those who are dear to us. This image reinforces the belief that the beautiful hills hold the promise of eternal bliss and unending togetherness.

In this celestial realm, there is no night, for the Lamb is the light. The land is filled with His glory and radiance, illuminating every corner and banishing . It is a place where we can find eternal rest and peace, a place we will be called to when our time on earth is done.

When our soul is oppressed, when our heart is distressed, we can find comfort and hope on the beautiful hills. By lifting our eyes and shifting our gaze, we can transcend our current circumstances and find solace in the promise of something greater. It is a reminder that no matter what trials we face, there is always a place where joy and peace abound.

So let us join in the song of the glorified throng on the beautiful, beautiful hills. Let us embrace the hope and promise that lie in looking beyond our present troubles and focusing on the eternal beauty that us. Let us find strength in knowing that we are never alone, for there are angels who sing and loved ones who eagerly anticipate our arrival.

When your soul is oppressed, remember to lift your eyes to the hills. Embrace the beauty and peace that can be found there. Find hope and find solace, for on the beautiful hills, there is always a new song to be sung and a joy that awaits.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find solace and hope on the beautiful hills. Lift your eyes and shift your perspective to overcome life's burdens. Join the glorified throng in a new song of joy and peace.
When My Soul Is Oppressed - Hymn Lyric - Find solace and hope on the beautiful hills. Lift your eyes and shift your perspective to overcome life's burdens. Join the glorified throng in a new song of joy and peace.