Soldiers Of King Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers Of King Jesus: Marching Towards Victory. Embrace your role as soldiers of King Jesus

Soldiers Of King Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Of King Jesus We are soldiers of King Jesus, clad in armor bright, following Him on a mission to fight for what is right. With unwavering loyalty and a shared purpose, we embrace His teachings, obey His commands, and trust in His guidance. As we march , we hold firmly to our convictions, spreading love, compassion, and justice, knowing that victory is already ours.


Soldiers Of King Jesus – Hymn Lyric

We are soldiers of King Jesus,
Clad in armor bright;
And we follow where He leads us,
Fighting for the right.

Marching, marching ever onward,
‘Neath His banner so bright,
We are soldiers of King Jesus,
Fighting for the right.

We are soldiers of King Jesus,
He’s our Captain true,
And whatever He shall bid us,
We will gladly do.

We are soldiers of King Jesus,
We’re a loyal band;
We are bold, and brave, and fearless,
True to His command.

We are soldiers of King Jesus;
Tho’ the fight be long,
We shall share the victor’s triumph,
the victor’s song.


Meaning of Soldiers Of King Jesus

Soldiers Of King Jesus: Marching Towards Victory

In a filled with challenges and obstacles, we, as believers, are soldiers of King Jesus. Just like real soldiers, we are clad in armor, ready to fight for what is right and just. Our King leads us on a noble mission, and we follow Him with unwavering loyalty.

As we march onward under His banner, we carry the light of Jesus wherever we go. His truth guides our steps, and we strive to live in a way that reflects His teachings. With each passing day, we become stronger and more resolute in our , confident that we are on the side of .

You see, being a soldier of King Jesus means more than just wearing a uniform; it’s about embracing His values and emulating His character. Like any good soldier, we look to our Captain for guidance and direction. Jesus, the ultimate example of bravery and selflessness, shows us how to live a that honors .

No matter what challenges may arise, we willingly obey our Captain’s commands. We trust in His wisdom and accept His missions with joy in our hearts. Just as He heals the sick, comforts the brokenhearted, and forgives the sinful, we strive to do the same. Whether it be offering a helping hand to a neighbor in need or speaking up against injustice, we faithfully carry out His mission.

United as a loyal band, we find strength in our shared purpose. Each one of us contributes to the cause, using our unique gifts and talents to make a difference. We are neither timid nor fearful, for we know that our King fights alongside us. With His power and our unwavering determination, we can face any challenge that comes our way.

Though the fight may be long and arduous, we cling to the hope of victory. We know that in the end, we will stand alongside our King, triumphant in the face of . As soldiers, we understand that battles may be lost along the way, but the war has already been won. Our job is to persevere, trusting in King Jesus to guide us and to bring ultimate victory.

When that day comes, and we have achieved the ultimate triumph, we will raise our voices in jubilant song. The victor’s song will flow from our grateful hearts, as we celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of our King. The battles we fought will become a testament to His grace and power, and our voices will join in a chorus of praise.

So, my fellow soldiers of King Jesus, let us hold firmly to our convictions. Let us march onward, unafraid, and unwavering in our pursuit of righteousness. Together, we can make a difference in the world, spreading love, compassion, and justice, just as our King has taught us.

As we strive to be soldiers of King Jesus, may our lives shine brightly, illuminating the path for others to find their way to His everlasting love. Let us march forth with courage and determination, knowing that we are part of something greater than ourselves.

Soldiers of King Jesus, the time is now. Let us rise up and make a difference in our world. With each step we take, let love be our armor, and faith our shield. Together, we will continue to fight for what is right, marching towards the victory that is already ours.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Soldiers Of King Jesus: Marching Towards Victory. Embrace your role as soldiers of King Jesus, following His lead and fighting for what is right. Join us as we march onward, united in faith and loyalty, towards ultimate triumph.
Soldiers Of King Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Soldiers Of King Jesus: Marching Towards Victory. Embrace your role as soldiers of King Jesus, following His lead and fighting for what is right. Join us as we march onward, united in faith and loyalty, towards ultimate triumph.