Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power and love of Blest Jesus

Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down,” we are reminded of the power and love that Jesus brings into our lives. Just like a ray of sunlight brightens a dark room, Jesus can bring and joy to our darkest moments. Through his grace, Jesus can dispel our doubts and fill our hearts with overwhelming joy.


Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down – Hymn Lyric

Blest Jesus! come Thou gently down,
And fill this hallow’d :
Oh, make Thy glorious goings known,
Diffuse around Thy grace!

Shine, dearest Lord, from realms of day,
Disperse the of night;
Chase all our clouds and doubts away,
And turn the shades to light.

Behold, and pity from above,
Our cold and languid frame;
Oh, shed abroad Thy quick’ning love,
And glorify Thy name.

All-glorious , source of grace,
To Thee we raise our cry:
Unveil the beauties of Thy face
To ev’ry waiting eye.

Revive, O God, desponding saints,
Who languish, droop, and sigh:
Refresh the soul that tires and faints,
Fill mourning hearts with joy.


Meaning of Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down

“Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down: Light and Love to Our Lives”

Have you ever been in a dark room, wishing for a ray of sunlight to shine through and brighten your day? Just like that, we sometimes find ourselves in dark and gloomy moments, yearning for a sense of light and joy. But fear not, because there is someone who can bring that light into our lives, and his name is Jesus.

In the hymn “Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down,” we are reminded of the power and love that Jesus brings into our lives. The first verse calls upon Jesus to come and fill the hallowed place we find ourselves in. Imagine a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary where we can feel safe and loved. That’s what this hymn is all about – inviting Jesus into our lives to create a space that is filled with grace and goodness.

The second verse paints a picture of Jesus shining down upon us from realms of day. When we are surrounded by darkness and uncertainty, Jesus can be a beacon of light. His presence can dispel the gloom of night, replacing it with hope and assurance. He has the power to chase away all our clouds and doubts, turning the shades of our lives into brilliant light.

But it’s not all about brightening up our circumstances; Jesus also cares deeply for our hearts and . The third verse reminds us that Jesus looks down upon us with love and pity. He sees our weaknesses, our weariness, and our struggles. Yet, he doesn’t just watch from a distance, he actively works to shed abroad his quickening love. Just like a cool breeze on a hot summer day, Jesus revives and rejuvenates our spirits.

All-glorious , source of grace, we cry out to you! In the fourth verse, we express our to see the true beauty of Jesus’ face. Sometimes, our eyes are clouded by worries, distractions, and earthly desires. But deep down, we long to see Jesus as he truly is – pure, loving, and full of grace. When we catch a glimpse of his beauty, it brings joy and restoration to our souls.

This hymn is not just a song of personal request; it carries a message of hope and encouragement for all of us. The fifth verse reminds us that Jesus has the power to revive desponding saints. When we are feeling down, lost, or discouraged, Jesus can refresh our souls and fill our hearts with joy. Just like a cool drink replenishes our bodies on a hot day, Jesus can quench the thirst of our souls and bring us strength.

As we reflect on the words of this hymn, let’s remember that Jesus is always there for us. We don’t have to face life’s challenges alone. In the midst of our troubles, Jesus gently comes down, bringing light and love into our lives. We can rely on him to dispel the darkness, refresh our spirits, and fill our hearts with overwhelming joy.

So, the next time you find yourself in a dark room, for a ray of light, remember the words of this hymn. Let them remind you that Jesus is always near, ready to fill your life with his glorious presence. Open your heart, invite him in, and watch as he turns your shades of sadness into a radiant glow of joy. Blessed Jesus, come thou gently down, and bring your light and love to our lives.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power and love of Blest Jesus, bringing light and joy to our lives. Invite Him in and let His grace fill your soul. Find hope and assurance in His presence.
Blest Jesus Come Thou Gently Down - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power and love of Blest Jesus, bringing light and joy to our lives. Invite Him in and let His grace fill your soul. Find hope and assurance in His presence.