I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Rest securely in Jesus and find peace in the storm. Anchoring your soul in the haven of rest

I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “I’m Resting So Sweetly In ,” the writer describes the and security they have found in Jesus. They compare their previous to sailing on wide seas, constantly tossed by storms, but now they have found refuge in Jesus. Through His and grace, they no longer have to fear the storms of life. They can rest securely in the haven of rest, knowing that in Jesus, they are safe evermore.


I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I’m resting securely in Jesus now!
I sail the wide seas no more;
The tempests may sweep o’er the wild stormy deep-
I am safe where the storms no more.

I’ve my soul in the haven of rest,
I sail the wild seas no more, no more;
The tempests may sweep o’er the wild, stormy deep,
But in Jesus I’m safe evermore, evermore,
But in Jesus I’m safe evermore.

O long on the ocean my bark was tossed,
Where tempests and storms ne’er cease;
My heart was in fear, and no refuge was near,
Till in Jesus my soul found its peace. [Refrain]

How sweet in the haven of rest to abide!
Secure from all doubt and fear,-
The billows may roll, but there’s rest for the soul
When the voice of my Saviour I hear. [Refrain]


Meaning of I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus

I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus

In this hymn, the writer expresses the peace and security they have found in Jesus. They compare their previous life to sailing on wide seas, where tempests and storms constantly toss their bark. But now, they have found refuge in Jesus, and the storms of life can no longer harm them. They have anchored their soul in the haven of rest, where they no longer sail the wild seas. Though the tempests may still come and try to sweep over the stormy deep, they know that in Jesus, they are safe evermore.

What a beautiful and comforting message this hymn carries! It speaks to the heart of anyone who has experienced fear and uncertainty. Imagine being out on the vast ocean, surrounded by turbulent waves and unpredictable weather. It would be a terrifying experience, with no refuge in sight. But then, through the grace and love of Jesus, peace is found.

The writer describes their heart as being in fear and lacking any nearby refuge, until they discovered Jesus. It was in Jesus that they finally found true peace for their soul. They no longer have to worry about the storms of life relentlessly battering their vessel. Instead, they can rest securely in the haven of rest that Jesus offers.

How sweet and reassuring it is to abide in the haven of rest! Imagine being in a where doubt and fear no longer have power over you. In this haven, there is no need to worry about the billows that may roll, for the soul finds rest when it hears the voice of the Savior. The storms may still be present, but they do not hold the same power over us when Jesus is with us.

The title of this hymn, “I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus,” speaks directly to the peace and tranquility that comes from finding refuge in Him. By using the keyword “resting” in the title, it helps people searching for comfort and serenity to find this hymn more easily. In a full of chaos and uncertainty, we all long for that sweet rest that only Jesus can provide.

When someone searches for this keyword, they are likely looking for a refuge from the storms of life. They want to find solace in the arms of Jesus and feel the soothing peace that He offers. And when they come across this hymn, they will find exactly what they are looking for – a reminder that they can anchor their soul in Jesus and find rest for their hearts.

As we read this hymn, let us remember that the peace and security it speaks of are available to us too. We don’t have to sail the wild seas of life alone, constantly tossed by storms and uncertainties. Instead, we can find rest and refuge in Jesus, knowing that He will keep us safe and secure.

So, if you are feeling anxious, overwhelmed, or uncertain about what the future holds, take comfort in these words. Anchor your soul in the haven of rest and allow Jesus to calm the storms of your life. You don’t have to face the tempests alone – Jesus is right there with you, offering His peace and love.

In conclusion, this hymn beautifully captures the deep sense of peace and security that comes from resting in Jesus. It reminds us that no matter how stormy life may get, we can find refuge in Him. The title, “I’m Resting So Sweetly In Jesus,” serves as an important SEO keyword, helping people searching for comfort and tranquility to find this hymn easily. So, let us anchor our in the haven of rest and find solace in Jesus, for in Him, we are safe evermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Rest securely in Jesus and find peace in the storm. Anchoring your soul in the haven of rest, you'll sail the wild seas no more. Safe evermore in Jesus.
I'm Resting So Sweetly In Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Rest securely in Jesus and find peace in the storm. Anchoring your soul in the haven of rest, you'll sail the wild seas no more. Safe evermore in Jesus.