My Trust Is In Jesus Alone – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible mercy and love of Jesus in the hymn "My Trust Is In Jesus Alone." Place your complete trust in Him for forgiveness and salvation. Learn more about this powerful message of hope and devotion.

My Trust Is In Jesus Alone – Hymn Lyric

My Trust Is In Jesus Alone“My Trust Is In Jesus Alone” is a that speaks of the immense mercy and of Jesus, reminding us that we can our complete trust in Him. It emphasizes how Jesus’ sacrifice on the atoned for our sins and how His mercy is freely offered to all. This hymn inspires us to give our all to Him and live a of service, gratitude, and devotion.


My Trust Is In Jesus Alone – Hymn Lyric

My trust is in Jesus alone,
For mercy on Him I rely;
For me did His blood once atone,
For me did He suffer and die.

For me, for me,
What mercy, what mercy, for me,
For me, for me,
What mercy, what mercy for me!

He died for the guilty and lost,
His promise of pardon is free;
To save me how great was the cost!
What mercy He offers to me!

For me, for me,
What mercy, what mercy, for me,
For me, for me,
What mercy, what mercy for me!

Then all that I have I will give,
I’ll lay it all down at His feet;
This life for my I’ll live,
To serve Him is precious and sweet.

For me, for me,
What mercy, what mercy, for me,
For me, for me,
What mercy, what mercy for me!


Meaning of My Trust Is In Jesus Alone

My dear friends, today I want to share with you the incredible message of and salvation that is found in the hymn “My Trust Is In Jesus Alone.” This hymn reminds us of the immense mercy and love that Jesus has for each one of us, and how we can place our complete trust in Him.

The verse starts by proclaiming, “My trust is in Jesus alone, for mercy on Him I rely.” Just think about that for a moment. We have the incredible privilege of relying on Jesus, the Son of God, for mercy and forgiveness. It is through His sacrifice on the cross that we can find redemption and eternal life. Jesus’ blood once atoned for our sins, and He suffered and died for us. This truth should fill our hearts with gratitude and awe.

The refrain echoes this sentiment, exclaiming, “For me, for me, what mercy, what mercy, for me!” Oh, how wonderful it is to know that Jesus’ mercy is not limited or exclusive. It is available for each and every one of us, regardless of our past mistakes or shortcomings. His love knows no bounds, and His mercy is offered freely.

The next verse reminds us of the incredible price Jesus paid for our salvation. It says, “He died for the guilty and lost, His promise of pardon is free; to save me, how great was the cost! What mercy He offers to me!” Jesus didn’t just die for the righteous or the perfectly obedient, but for those who were guilty and lost. His love is so immense that He willingly laid down His life to save us. It was a high cost to pay, but He did it out of pure love for each one of us.

And so, in response to this incredible act of love, the final verse declares, “Then all that I have I will give, I’ll lay it all down at His feet; this life for my Savior I’ll live, to serve Him is precious and sweet.” When we truly grasp the love and mercy that Jesus has shown us, it changes our perspective on life. We no longer want to hold on to our possessions or pursuits as if they are the most important things. Instead, we willingly give everything to Jesus, recognizing that He is worthy of our complete devotion. Serving Him becomes our greatest joy and privilege.

In conclusion, “My Trust Is In Jesus Alone” is not just a hymn, but a powerful declaration of our and trust in Jesus. It reminds us of His immeasurable mercy, His sacrificial love, and our response to live for Him. This hymn resonates with the message of hope and salvation that Jesus offers to each and every one of us. May we always remember the incredible gift of mercy that He has extended to us, and may our lives reflect our trust in Him. .


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible mercy and love of Jesus in the hymn My Trust Is In Jesus Alone. Place your complete trust in Him for forgiveness and salvation. Learn more about this powerful message of hope and devotion.
My Trust Is In Jesus Alone - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible mercy and love of Jesus in the hymn "My Trust Is In Jesus Alone." Place your complete trust in Him for forgiveness and salvation. Learn more about this powerful message of hope and devotion.