In The Bible Jesus Tells Us We Must Suffer for His Sake – Hymn Lyric

Discover the lesson in the Bible: We must suffer for Jesus' sake. Find hope in the midst of troubles and know that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

In The Bible Jesus Tells Us We Must Suffer for His Sake – Hymn Lyric

In the , Jesus tells us that we must be willing to suffer for His sake. While this may sound difficult, there is in knowing that God’s grace is all we need to overcome our troubles. Even in a troubled world, the is just behind the cloud, and Jesus will reward us for our faith and endurance.


In The Bible Jesus Tells Us We Must Suffer for His Sake – Hymn Lyric

In the Bible Jesus tells us we must suffer for His sake;
Though the world in trouble wears a gloomy shroud,
Heaven’s grace is all we need if we the consecration make,
We are sure the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

Just behind the cloud,
Just behind the cloud,
We are sure the sun is shining just behind the cloud;
Just behind the cloud,
Just behind the cloud,
We are sure the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

We are in a world of trouble, but the Lord is always near,
Though the people are so sinful, vain, and proud;
When the shadows dark are falling all around our pathway here,
We are sure the sun is shining just behind the cloud.


When the storms so black are raging over life’s tempestuous ,
When reverses all around you closely crowd;
When the darkness seems to gather just as far as you can see,
We are sure the sun is shining just behind the cloud.


If we suffer as a Christian He’ll reward us over there;
Once beneath our load of sins He meekly bowed;
He will never let us suffer more than we can ably bear,
We are sure the sun is shining just behind the cloud.



Meaning of In The Bible Jesus Tells Us We Must Suffer for His Sake

In the Bible, Jesus teaches us many important lessons about life and how to follow Him. One of these lessons is that we must be willing to suffer for His sake. Now, I know that may sound like a difficult thing to accept. Who wants to suffer, right? But let me tell you, there is a silver lining to this teaching that Jesus shared with us.

You see, the world we live in can often seem troubled and filled with gloom. We may face challenges, pain, and hardships on a daily basis. It’s easy to feel discouraged and think that there is no way out of our troubles. But here’s the amazing thing – Heaven’s grace is all we need to overcome these difficulties. If we dedicate ourselves to God, if we give Him our hearts and live our lives in accordance with His teachings, we can be sure that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

Imagine a gloomy day with dark clouds covering the sky. It might seem like there is no hope for sunlight to break through. But if we look closely, if we have faith, we can see a glimmer of light peeking through the clouds. That small ray of light is a sign of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still a brighter tomorrow.

Similarly, when we find ourselves in a world of trouble, when we see the sinful, vain, and proud behaviors of the people around us, it’s important to remember that God is always near. He is with us in our struggles, guiding us and giving us strength. Even when the shadows of darkness fall all around our pathway, we can have faith that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

Life is like a stormy sea, with waves crashing and winds blowing. We may face challenges, hardships, and reverses that seem overwhelming. It’s during these tough times that we need to hold on to our faith even tighter. We need to trust that just as the storms pass and the clouds clear, the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

Now, I want to make something clear. Jesus never promised us a life free from suffering. In fact, He said that as Christians, we may face even more challenges and persecution. But here’s the beautiful promise – if we faithfully endure this suffering, if we stand strong in our faith, Jesus will reward us in Heaven. Our present suffering will pale in comparison to the joy and eternal reward we will receive.

Jesus understands our pain, our sorrows, and our struggles because He Himself suffered for our sake. He willingly carried the burden of our sins, allowing Himself to be on the . He knows what it feels like to suffer, and He promises to never let us suffer more than we can bear. We can take comfort in the fact that the sun is indeed shining just behind the cloud.

So, my friends, even when life feels unbearable, remember that you are not alone. God is right there with you, giving you strength and hope. He sees the bigger picture, beyond the troubles you face. Trust in His plan for your life and have faith that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.

In conclusion, Jesus teaches us the important lesson that we must be willing to suffer for His sake. While this may initially seem like a difficult concept, it’s important to remember that God’s grace is all we need to overcome our troubles. Even in the midst of a troubled world, even when storms are raging and darkness surrounds us, we can have faith that the sun is shining just behind the cloud. Let us embrace our with hope, knowing that Jesus will reward us in the end. So, my friends, keep your faith strong and always remember that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the lesson in the Bible: We must suffer for Jesus' sake. Find hope in the midst of troubles and know that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.
In The Bible Jesus Tells Us We Must Suffer for His Sake - Hymn Lyric - Discover the lesson in the Bible: We must suffer for Jesus' sake. Find hope in the midst of troubles and know that the sun is shining just behind the cloud.