Precious Jesus O To Love Thee – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful love and transformation found in the hymn "Precious Jesus O To Love Thee." Experience the joy and gratitude of giving your heart to Jesus. Explore the meaning behind the heartfelt lyrics and be inspired by the transformative power of His love. Embrace the hope and assurance that comes from belonging to our precious Jesus.

Precious Jesus O To Love Thee – Hymn Lyric

“Precious Jesus, O to Thee” is a hymn that expresses a deep and profound love for our Savior. Through its powerful verses, we are reminded of the transformative power of Jesus’ love, His ability to heal and restore, and the joy that comes from belonging to Him. Let us sing with gratitude, surrender, and hope, knowing that we are loved beyond measure by our precious Jesus.


Precious Jesus O To Love Thee – Hymn Lyric

Precious Jesus, O to love thee!
O to know that thou art mine!
Jesus, all my heart I give thee
If thou wilt but make it thine.

Glory, glory, Jesus saves me,
Glory, glory to the Lamb!
O the cleansing blood has reached me,
Glory, glory to the Lamb!

Take my warmest, best affection,
Take my memory, mind and will;
Then with all thy loving Spirit
All my emptied nature fill.

Bold I touch thy sacred garment,
Fearless stretch my eager hand;
Virtue, like a healing fountain,
Freely flows at love’s command.

O how precious, dear Redeemer,
Is the love that fills my soul!
It is done, the word is spoken:
Be thou every whit made whole.

Lo, a new creation !
Lo, I rise to life !
In my soul an morning;
I am ‘s and Christ is mine.


Meaning of Precious Jesus O To Love Thee

Precious Jesus, O to love Thee! What a beautiful hymn that speaks of a deep and profound love for our Savior. In these verses, we are reminded of the incredible power and joy that comes from giving our hearts fully to Jesus. Let’s take a closer look at the lyrics and explore the meaning behind them.

The refrain begins with the words “Glory, glory, Jesus saves me!” This reminds us of the incredible salvation we have through Jesus’ sacrifice on the . It’s a declaration of gratitude and praise for the cleansing blood that has reached us. The mention of the Lamb refers to Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the . This refrain is filled with joy and thanksgiving, highlighting the transformative power of Jesus’ love.

The first verse captures our desire to know and love Jesus. It’s a heartfelt plea to feel His presence and to have the assurance that He is ours. The lyrics express the willingness to give our entire heart to Jesus if He would only make it His. This speaks to the for a personal and intimate relationship with Him.

As we move on to the second verse, we see a surrendering of our affections, memories, thoughts, and will to Jesus. It’s a recognition that He deserves nothing less than our very best. The lyrics acknowledge the need for Jesus’ loving Spirit to fill every aspect of our being. This demonstrates a desire for His guidance and influence in every area of our lives.

The third verse is filled with boldness and courage. The lyrics speak of reaching out to touch Jesus’ sacred garment and eagerly stretching our hands towards Him. This imagery portrays a deep and trust in His healing power. It reminds us that Jesus is willing and able to meet our every need. The mention of virtue flowing like a healing fountain suggests that when we exhibit love, compassion, and kindness, it has a transformative effect not only on ourselves but also on those around us.

The fourth verse highlights the preciousness of our Redeemer’s love. It describes the love that fills our soul as something incredibly valuable and cherished. The lyrics proclaim that through Jesus, we are made whole. Jesus’ love is powerful enough to bring healing and restoration to every part of our being.

The final verse paints a beautiful picture of a new creation dawning and a soul experiencing an “Easter morning.” It represents a spiritual rebirth and a renewal of life. The lyrics express the joy that comes from belonging to Christ and acknowledging that He is ours. It is a reminder that when we surrender our lives to Jesus, we are transformed and filled with the hope and purpose that only He can provide.

In conclusion, the hymn “Precious Jesus, O to love Thee” is a heartfelt expression of love and devotion to our Savior. Through its powerful verses, we are reminded of the transformative power of Jesus’ love, His ability to heal and restore, and the joy that comes from belonging to Him. As we sing these beautiful lyrics, let us be filled with gratitude, surrender, and hope, knowing that we are loved beyond measure by our precious Jesus.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful love and transformation found in the hymn Precious Jesus O To Love Thee. Experience the joy and gratitude of giving your heart to Jesus. Explore the meaning behind the heartfelt lyrics and be inspired by the transformative power of His love. Embrace the hope and assurance that comes from belonging to our precious Jesus.
Precious Jesus O To Love Thee - Hymn Lyric - Discover the powerful love and transformation found in the hymn "Precious Jesus O To Love Thee." Experience the joy and gratitude of giving your heart to Jesus. Explore the meaning behind the heartfelt lyrics and be inspired by the transformative power of His love. Embrace the hope and assurance that comes from belonging to our precious Jesus.