Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Experience peace

Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus: A Source of and In a world filled with distractions and worries, there is a name that has the power to bring us comfort and solace. It’s a name that holds a special place in our hearts and gives us even in the darkest times. This name is none other than Jesus.


Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Just the whispered name of Jesus
Thrills my soul with deepest love;
Turns my thoughts from earthly pleasures
To the holy joys above.

Just the whispered name
Brings the peace of Heaven near;
Blessed, blessed name to hear!
The name of Jesus.

Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of ‘n;
Precious name, O how sweet!
Hope of earth and joy of Heav’n.

Just the whispered name of Jesus
Drives away to sin;
Gives me courage to bear bravely
All life’s bitter discipline.


Just the whispered name of Jesus
Fills my with joy untold,
That some day His gracious presence
I shall certainly behold.


Just the whispered name of Jesus
Makes me long to tell to all
How He saves, from sin and sorrow,
Those who to His call.



Meaning of Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus

Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus: A Source of Peace and Joy

In a world filled with distractions and worries, there is a name that has the power to bring us comfort and solace. It’s a name that holds a special place in our hearts and gives us hope even in the darkest times. This name is none other than Jesus.

When we hear the whispered name of Jesus, something incredible happens within our . It’s like a gentle breeze that brushes away all our worries and fears, replacing them with a profound sense of love and peace. It’s as if our hearts become a sanctuary, filled with the joy and tranquility that only Jesus can bring.

In this fast-paced world, we often find ourselves chasing after earthly pleasures and material possessions. We get so caught up in the pursuit of temporary happiness that we forget about the eternal joys that await us in heaven. But just the whispered name of Jesus has the power to turn our thoughts away from these earthly distractions and refocus our hearts on the things that truly matter.

There is something incredibly precious about the name of Jesus. It is a name that holds the hope of the earth and the joy of heaven. When we utter this name, it is as if we are tapping into an infinite reservoir of grace and love. It reminds us that no matter what struggles we may face, Jesus is always there to guide and support us.

The whispered name of Jesus has the power to drive away our desire to sin. It is a constant reminder of the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross. When we think about how He suffered and died to save us from our sins, it fills us with a sense of awe and gratitude. It gives us the courage to bear bravely the challenges and hardships that life throws our way.

Not only does the whispered name of Jesus bring us peace and courage, but it also fills our hearts with indescribable joy. Knowing that one day we will be in the presence of Jesus Himself brings us a level of happiness that words cannot express. It gives us a renewed sense of purpose and hope, knowing that there is a glorious future awaiting us.

When we experience the love and joy that comes from knowing Jesus, we can’t help but share it with others. The whispered name of Jesus makes us long to tell everyone about His saving grace. It compels us to spread the message of hope and redemption, so that others too may experience the peace that only Jesus can bring.

In conclusion, the whispered name of Jesus is a powerful source of peace, joy, and hope. It has the ability to turn our hearts away from earthly distractions and fill us with the love and tranquility that can only from Him. It reminds us of His sacrifice, gives us courage in the face of adversity, and fills us with an uncontainable joy. Let us cherish and hold on to the precious name of Jesus, and share it with others, so that they too may experience the extraordinary that come from knowing Him.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience peace, joy, and hope with just the whispered name of Jesus. Find solace in His love and spread His message of redemption to others. Rediscover the power of His presence in your life.
Just The Whispered Name Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Experience peace, joy, and hope with just the whispered name of Jesus. Find solace in His love and spread His message of redemption to others. Rediscover the power of His presence in your life.