Jesus Comes His Conflict Over – Hymn Lyric

"Experience the victory of Jesus as he overcomes conflict and claims his reward. Crown Him as the everlasting King and witness the transformation in your life. Learn more about Jesus's triumph here."

Jesus Comes His Conflict Over – Hymn Lyric

Jesus Comes: Conquering Conflict and Claiming His ThroneThis captivating story tells of Jesus, the ultimate hero, who emerged during a great conflict between good and evil. Despite facing rejection and doubt, Jesus demonstrated his divine power through and teachings of love. His ultimate victory over death and the call to crown him as our King reminds us of the enduring and redemption he brings to our lives.


Jesus Comes His Conflict Over – Hymn Lyric

Jesus comes, His conflict over,
Comes to claim His great reward;
Angels ’round the Victor hover,
Crowding to behold their Lord;
Haste, ye saints! your tribute bring,
Crown him, everlasting King;
Crown Him, crown Him, everlasting King.

Crown Him, Crown Him,
Crown Him our King;
Crown Him, Crown Him,
Jesus our King.

Yonder throne for Him erected,
Now becomes the Victor’s seat;
Lo, the man on earth rejected,
Angels at his feet;
Haste, ye saints! your tribute bring,
Crown him, everlasting King;
Crown Him, crown Him, everlasting King.



Meaning of Jesus Comes His Conflict Over

Once upon a time, long, long ago, there was a great conflict. This conflict was not like any ordinary fight between two people, but it was a battle between good and evil, light and darkness. And in the midst of this tremendous struggle, a hero emerged – Jesus.

Jesus, the Son of , came down from to earth to save us all. He put on human flesh and walked among us, teaching us about love, forgiveness, and the kingdom of God. But as he shared his message of hope and , there were those who did not accept him.

Many people rejected Jesus, thinking that he was just an ordinary man. They couldn’t understand the true power and love that radiated from him. But little did they know that Jesus was the chosen one, the one who would conquer evil and bring peace to the world.

The conflict grew intense as Jesus faced opposition from religious leaders and those who didn’t believe in his mission. They doubted his authority and questioned his teachings. But even in the face of adversity, Jesus remained strong and unwavering in his purpose.

He performed miracles, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and even raising the dead. These amazing acts of compassion and power showed the world that Jesus was no ordinary man. He had a divine purpose, a mission to bring salvation and eternal to all who believed in him.

Finally, the conflict reached its climax. Jesus was betrayed by one of his own disciples, arrested, and sentenced to death on a cross. It seemed like evil had won, like all hope was lost. But little did they know that this was all part of God’s plan.

On that fateful day, Jesus took upon himself the of the world. He endured unimaginable pain and suffering, all for the sake of love. As he hung on that cross, gasping for breath, he cried out, “It is finished.” The conflict was over, and a new era of hope and redemption had begun.

Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. Death could not hold him captive; he was the victor! Angels rejoiced and marveled at his triumph. They worshipped him, recognizing his sovereignty as the everlasting King.

Now, my dear friends, it’s our turn to crown him. We are the saints called to bring our tribute to Jesus, the everlasting King. What does it mean to crown him? It means to honor him, to acknowledge his kingship, and to surrender our lives to him.

When we crown Jesus in our hearts, something miraculous happens. We experience a peace that surpasses all understanding. We find hope in the midst of despair, joy in the face of adversity, and love that knows no bounds. Our lives are transformed, and we become partakers in God’s eternal kingdom.

So, let’s not hesitate, dear saints. Let’s bring our tribute to Jesus, our King. Let’s crown him with our worship, our love, and our devotion. For he has overcome every conflict and has set us free from darkness.

In conclusion, my dear friends, Jesus came and conquered. He fought the greatest battle the world has ever seen – the battle for our souls. Now, it’s our turn to crown him, to recognize him as our King. As we sing the and repeat the refrain, let the words resonate in our hearts – Crown Him, Crown Him, Jesus our King. May our lives be a testimony of his victory and may we never forget the great conflict that Jesus overcame for each and every one of us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the victory of Jesus as he overcomes conflict and claims his reward. Crown Him as the everlasting King and witness the transformation in your life. Learn more about Jesus's triumph here.
Jesus Comes His Conflict Over - Hymn Lyric - "Experience the victory of Jesus as he overcomes conflict and claims his reward. Crown Him as the everlasting King and witness the transformation in your life. Learn more about Jesus's triumph here."