White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You – Hymn Lyric

"White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You: Spreading hope and salvation worldwide. Embrace your divine role as a gospel herald and gather the lost souls with the powerful message of Jesus. Answer the Master's call to love and save."

White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You – Hymn Lyric

“White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You” is a hymn that inspires us to share the message of hope and salvation with the . It emphasizes the urgency of reaching the lost souls before it’s too late. As gospel heralds, we are called to be faithful and true reapers, gathering the lost and shining the light of ‘ love.


White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You – Hymn Lyric

White is the harvest, calls the Master for you,
Reapers are needed that are faithful and true;
Thrust in the sickle, all the sheaves gather in;
Go with gospel tidings, go the lost world to win.

Heralds of truth from the dawn till close of day,
Tell of His love to the millions, don’t delay;
See, they are perishing, in sin they repine,
Go, ye gospel heralds, with the message divine.

Search in the highways, bid the wand’rer to ,
Rescue the dying, all the lost gather home;
Stay not in idleness, the shadows will fall,
Fast the day is waning, tell the story to all.


Over the billows comes a heart-rending cry-
Wails from the millions who in sin hopeless die,
Pleading for mercy who will cross o’er the waves,
With the tidings, “Jesus saves, Jesus saves”?


Swift toward eternity they haste, nor they wait,
Fast they are perishing, how sad is their state!
Work ere the day decline and soon come the night,
Till the world is flaming with the pure, gospel light.


Haste then, ye messengers, nor tarry for dross,
Bid every guilty one to bow at His cross,
Washing their crimson stains in His blood,
Till the world of is redeemed God.



Meaning of White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You

White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You: Spreading the Message of Hope and Salvation

Have you ever heard a hymn that touched your heart and made you feel inspired? Well, “White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You” is one such hymn that fills our souls with joy and motivates us to take action. Its powerful message reminds us of our duty as believers to go out into the world and share the good news of Jesus Christ. This hymn calls us to become faithful and true reapers, eager to gather in the lost souls and lead them towards salvation.

In the first verse of this hymn, we are reminded that the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. The Master, referring to Jesus, calls on us to join Him in this great mission. Just like in a physical harvest, the ripe crops need to be gathered before they rot or are lost. Similarly, souls in despair and darkness need to be reached before they perish. It is a call to action, an invitation for us to pick up the sickle and in the sheaves.

The refrain of the hymn tells us that we are heralds of truth, chosen to spread His love throughout the world. It emphasizes the importance of sharing the message of hope and salvation with everyone we meet. We are entrusted with the task of letting the millions know about the saving grace of Jesus Christ. So, we must not delay our efforts. There are people out there who are perishing in sin, longing for the truth. We, as gospel heralds, have a divine responsibility to bring them the good news.

The second verse of the hymn urges us to search in the highways and bid the to come. Just like Jesus left the ninety-nine to search for the one lost sheep, we are called to rescue the dying and bring them back home to the ‘s loving arms. It reminds us not to waste time in idleness because the shadows will fall, indicating that time is running out. The day is waning, and the urgency to share the gospel story with all becomes even greater.

As we move to the third verse, the hymn portrays a heart-rending cry that comes over the billows. This cry represents the desperate pleas of millions who are lost in sin and hopeless. They are searching for something to fill the void in their lives, not knowing that Jesus is the answer. The hymn challenges us to be the ones who cross the waves with the blessed tidings of “Jesus saves.” We have the power to change lives and deliver the message of hope to those who are desperately in need of it.

The fourth verse truly emphasizes the urgency of our mission. Souls are swiftly moving towards eternity, and we cannot afford to wait. The hymn paints a picture of the tragic state of those who are perishing without knowing the love of Christ. It compels us to work before the day declines and the night falls, symbolizing the finality of death when it is too late to share the message of salvation.

In the final verse, we are urged to hasten our efforts and not be distracted by worldly pursuits. We are called to invite the guilty ones to bow at the cross and find forgiveness in Jesus’ blood. The hymn beautifully expresses the transformative power of Christ’s sacrifice, offering redemption and salvation to sinners. Our ultimate goal as believers is to see the world of sinners redeemed unto God through the profound and everlasting love of Jesus.

In conclusion, “White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You” is a hymn that not only stirs our hearts but also ignites our spirits to take action. Its message of spreading the gospel to all corners of the world resounds with hope and purpose. As we bear the responsibility of being gospel heralds, let us embrace the divine call to be faithful and true reapers. Let us gather the lost and share the message of divine love, for the harvest is white, and the Master is calling out to us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You: Spreading hope and salvation worldwide. Embrace your divine role as a gospel herald and gather the lost souls with the powerful message of Jesus. Answer the Master's call to love and save.
White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You - Hymn Lyric - "White Is The Harvest Calls The Master For You: Spreading hope and salvation worldwide. Embrace your divine role as a gospel herald and gather the lost souls with the powerful message of Jesus. Answer the Master's call to love and save."