Jesus Your Name Is Far Above Every Name – Hymn Lyric

Discover the greatness and holiness of Jesus in this hymn. His name is above all names

Jesus Your Name Is Far Above Every Name – Hymn Lyric

In this beautiful , we are reminded of the greatness and holiness of and His name. The hymn declares that His name is above all names and that He stands behind his awesome name alone. It goes on to explain how Jesus is the Great I AM, the Word of God Almighty, and the creator of all things. Through His name, we can find forgiveness, restoration, and eternal life.


Jesus Your Name Is Far Above Every Name – Hymn Lyric

Your Name is far above every name, I know,
For You stand behind Your awesome name alone.
Jesus, You are the Great I AM from before all creation,
For when God spoke, You were the Word of God Almighty,
You were the Word who was with God and He alone was God,
And only You created all and all with such great beauty.

Jesus, Your Name alone means more to me;
Jesus, Your Name is holy.
Your precious blood covers all our sin,
Through You alone, I’ve been made clean again.

You were the Great I AM that spoke to Moses that day,
You sat on God’s throne, lofty, exalted on high,
You also dwelt among us showing us the only narrow way,
Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of , our refuge, our strength,
Son of God, You love us, and are with us,
And make us holy only unto You. [Refrain]

Jesus, our Rock and Fortress when all around us fails;
You’re the true light that shines in this dark of woe.
As our Great , full of ,
Your glory and life leads us on,
You guide us in the way we should go,
And as our Bread of Life, we live on Your every word;
Your love, truth, and life our You restore
As we make You our God, our only Lord. [Refrain]

Jesus, our Paschal of God, take away our sin,
By Your own death redeem us to God so we’ll live,
Eternal life in Your presence forever above.
You are our vine, as branches we reach out to You.
You have overcome the world,
You’re our majestic coming King,
Our sole hope of glory are You!
O come, Lord Jesus, come, and take us Home with You! [Refrain]


Meaning of Jesus Your Name Is Far Above Every Name

Jesus, Your Name Is Far Above Every Name

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the greatness and holiness of Jesus and His name. It declares that His name is above all names and that He stands behind His awesome name alone. It goes on to explain how Jesus is the Great I AM, the Word of God Almighty, and the creator of all things.

When we think about the name of Jesus, it is important to consider the significance it holds. The hymn tells us that His name means more to us than anything else. The name of Jesus is holy and powerful, and it has the ability to cover all our sins. Through Him alone, we can be made clean again.

We learn from the hymn that Jesus was present even before all creation. As the Word of God, He was with God, and He himself was God. He created everything with great beauty. Just imagine the vastness of His power and creativity! It is truly beyond our understanding.

Jesus is also depicted as the Great I AM who spoke to Moses. He sat on God’s throne, elevated and exalted. But He didn’t distance Himself from us. He dwelt among us, showing us the way to eternal life. He is our Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, Eternal Father, and Prince of Peace. He is our refuge and strength, always with us and loving us.

The hymn describes Jesus as our Rock and Fortress when everything around us fails. In this dark world of woe, He is the true light that shines. Comparing Him to a shepherd, it points out that He guides us and leads us on the right . He is our Bread of Life, and His word sustains us. When we make Jesus our God and Lord, He restores our souls with His love, truth, and life.

The hymn goes on to acknowledge Jesus as our Paschal Lamb of God. He took away our sins through His own death, redeeming us so that we may live in the presence of God forever. Jesus is also portrayed as a vine, with us as branches reaching out to Him. He has overcome the world and is our majestic coming King. Our sole hope of glory is found in Him.

The hymn concludes with a beautiful plea for Jesus to come and take us home with Him. It recognizes that His name is far above every name and that He alone has the power to save and us into eternal life.

Reflecting on this hymn, we can truly appreciate the greatness of Jesus and the significance of His name. His name is holy, powerful, and above all names. It is through His name that we find forgiveness, restoration, and eternal life. May we always hold His name in reverence and proclaim His greatness to the world.

As we conclude, let us remember the title of this hymn: Jesus, Your Name Is Far Above Every Name. It is not just a catchy phrase or a simple declaration. It is a profound truth that holds eternal significance. So let us always honor and exalt the name of Jesus, for it is a name above all names.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the greatness and holiness of Jesus in this hymn. His name is above all names, covering our sins and leading us to eternal life. Reflect on the significance of Jesus, our Rock and Shepherd, and exalt His name, for it is far above every name.
Jesus Your Name Is Far Above Every Name - Hymn Lyric - Discover the greatness and holiness of Jesus in this hymn. His name is above all names, covering our sins and leading us to eternal life. Reflect on the significance of Jesus, our Rock and Shepherd, and exalt His name, for it is far above every name.