Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of Jesus to ease your burden and forgive your sins. Learn how to find peace and eternal happiness in the hymn "Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul."

Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul – Hymn Lyric

If you’re feeling tired and burdened by your mistakes and problems, go and tell Jesus. This reminds us that Jesus alone can forgive our and make us whole again. Trust in Him and find peace, forgiveness, and eternal life. Go and tell Jesus today!


Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul – Hymn Lyric

Go and tell Jesus,
, sin-sick !
He’ll ease of thy burden, make thee whole;
Look up to Him,
He only can forgive,
Believe on Him,
and thou shalt surely live.

Go and tell Jesus,
He only can forgive,
Go and tell Jesus,
O turn to Him and live.
Go and tell Jesus,
Go and tell Jesus,
Go and tell Jesus,
He only can forgive.

Go and tell Jesus,
when your sins arise,
Like mountains of dark guilt before your eyes;
His blood was shed,
His precious life He gave,
That mercy, peace, and pardon you might have.


Go and tell Jesus,
He’ll dispel thy fears,
Will calm thy painful doubts and dry thy ;
He’ll take thee in His arms,
and on His breast,
Thou may’st be ,
and forever blest.



Meaning of Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul

Do you ever feel tired and burdened with all the mistakes and problems in your life? Do you ever feel like your sins are weighing you down, making you feel guilty and ashamed? Well, I have great news for you – there is someone who can ease your burden, forgive your sins, and make you whole again. His name is Jesus.

In this hymn, called “Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul,” we are reminded of the incredible power and love of Jesus. The refrain encourages us to go and tell Jesus about our sins and turn to Him for forgiveness. It emphasizes that He alone has the ability to forgive our sins and give us a chance at a new life.

Imagine your sins as mountains, towering before your eyes, filling you with guilt and shame. But here’s the amazing thing – Jesus shed His blood and gave His life so that you can have mercy, peace, and pardon. His sacrifice on the cross was not in vain, but rather a gift of love for you and me.

When your sins arise and you feel overwhelmed, remember to go and tell Jesus. He is eager to dispel your fears, calm your doubts, and dry your tears. He is not distant or uncaring, but rather He longs to take you in His arms and provide you with the comfort and happiness you seek.

So how do we go and tell Jesus? It’s simple – we just need to believe in Him. We need to put our trust and faith in Him, knowing that He is the only one who can forgive our sins and give us eternal life. It’s not about what we can do to earn forgiveness, but rather it’s about accepting the forgiveness that Jesus freely offers.

Sometimes we may feel unworthy of His forgiveness. We may that our sins are too great or that we have messed up too many times. But here’s the truth – Jesus you unconditionally. His forgiveness knows no bounds. No matter how far you’ve strayed or how many mistakes you’ve made, He is always ready to welcome you back with open arms.

In a full of judgment and criticism, Jesus offers us a safe haven. He welcomes us with unconditional love and provides us with the opportunity to start anew. He offers us not just forgiveness, but also a chance to be forever blessed.

So, my friend, if you are feeling weary and burdened, if your sins are weighing you down, don’t hesitate to go and tell Jesus. He is waiting for you with open arms, ready to ease your burden and make you whole. Trust in Him, believe in Him, and you will find peace, forgiveness, and eternal life.

In conclusion, the hymn “Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul” reminds us of the incredible power and love of Jesus. It encourages us to go and tell Him about our sins, knowing that He alone can forgive us and give us new life. No matter how burdened or guilty we feel, Jesus is always ready to welcome us with open arms and provide us with peace, forgiveness, and eternal happiness. So don’t hesitate – go and tell Jesus today!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of Jesus to ease your burden and forgive your sins. Learn how to find peace and eternal happiness in the hymn Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul.
Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of Jesus to ease your burden and forgive your sins. Learn how to find peace and eternal happiness in the hymn "Go And Tell Jesus Weary Sin Sick Soul."