Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne – Hymn Lyric

Find hope and assurance in the hymn "Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne." Celebrate Jesus' power

Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus Our Ascend Thy Throne” is a that celebrates the power and greatness of Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It speaks of his ascension to the throne of God, his role as both priest and king, and the ultimate triumph of his reign. The hymn reminds us to trust in Jesus and find comfort in his unwavering presence in our lives.


Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, our Lord, ascend thy throne,
And near the Father sit;
In Zion shall thy power be known,
And make thy submit.

What wonders shall thy gospel do!
Thy converts shall surpass
The num’rous drops of morning dew,
And own thy sovereign grace.

God hath pronounced a firm decree,
Nor changes what he swore:
shall thy priesthood be,
When Aaron is no more.

“Melchizedek, that wondrous priest,
That king of high degree,
That holy man who Abraham ,
Was but a type of thee.”

Jesus our Priest for ever lives
To plead for us above;
Jesus our King for ever gives
The blessings of his love.

God shall exalt his glorious head,
And his high throne maintain;
Shall strike the powers and princes dead
Who dare oppose his reign.


Meaning of Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne

In the hymn “Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne,” we the power and greatness of Jesus and his role as our Lord and Savior. The hymn speaks of Jesus ascending to his rightful at the throne of God, where his power and authority will be made known to all.

The hymn begins by urging Jesus to take his place on the throne and sit near the Father. This invokes a sense of anticipation and excitement for the moment when Jesus will fully establish his reign. It is a reminder that Jesus is not only our friend and teacher but also our ruler and king.

We are then told of the wonders that Jesus’ gospel will accomplish. The hymn speaks of the countless converts that will be touched by his grace and the transformative power of his message. It compares these converts to the numerous drops of morning dew, emphasizing their abundance and the all-encompassing impact of Jesus’ love and salvation.

The hymn goes on to remind us of God’s unchanging promises and eternal priesthood. It states that Jesus’ priesthood will endure forever, unlike the earthly priesthood of Aaron. We are reminded of Melchizedek, a figure from the Old Testament who foreshadowed the coming of Jesus. This reference connects Jesus to a long line of powerful and holy figures, affirming his authority and significance.

The hymn then shifts its focus to Jesus’ role as both priest and king. It assures us that Jesus, as our priest, lives eternally to intercede for us, pleading our case before God. As our king, he bestows upon us the blessings of his love, guiding and protecting us in all aspects of our lives.

The hymn concludes by proclaiming that God will exalt Jesus and maintain his high throne. It tells us that God will overthrow any opposition to Jesus’ reign, striking down powers and princes who dare to defy him. This serves as a reminder that Jesus’ authority is ultimate and that he will triumph over all earthly forces.

As we reflect on the message of the hymn, we are filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for Jesus’ power and love. We are reminded that he is not just a distant deity, but a personal and caring Lord who is intimately involved in our lives.

In a that can often feel chaotic and uncertain, the hymn gives us hope and assurance. It reminds us that Jesus is in control, and his kingdom will ultimately prevail. It instills in us a sense of peace and reassurance, knowing that we have a Lord who is both mighty and compassionate.

In conclusion, “Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne” is a hymn that celebrates the power, authority, and love of Jesus. It speaks of his ascension to the throne of God, his role as both priest and king, and the ultimate triumph of his reign. Through its words, we are inspired to place our trust in Jesus and find comfort in his unwavering presence in our lives. So let us join together in this hymn, proclaiming Jesus as our Lord and King.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find hope and assurance in the hymn Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne. Celebrate Jesus' power, authority, and love as he reigns as our Lord and Savior.
Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne - Hymn Lyric - Find hope and assurance in the hymn "Jesus Our Lord Ascend Thy Throne." Celebrate Jesus' power, authority, and love as he reigns as our Lord and Savior.