Bless O My Soul The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Join in the hymn of gratitude and reverence as we bless the Lord

Bless O My Soul The Lord – Hymn Lyric

O My The Lord: A Hymn of Gratitude and Reverence” invites us to join in celebrating and praising the Lord. The hymn emphasizes the importance of gratitude for His countless and mercy, as well as the need for reverence in recognizing His power and grace. Through reflecting on this hymn, we are reminded to appreciate the goodness in our lives and share His love with others.


Bless O My Soul The Lord – Hymn Lyric

Oh, bless the Lord, my soul!
Let all within me join
And aid my tongue to bless his name
Whose favors are .

Oh, bless the Lord, my soul,
Nor let his lie
Forgotten in unthankfulness
And without praises die.

‘Tis he forgives my ;
‘Tis he relieves my pain;
‘Tis he that heals my sicknesses
And makes me young again.

He fills the poor with good;
He gives the suff’rers rest;
The Lord has judgments for the proud
And justice for th’ oppressed.

His wondrous works and ways
He made by Moses known,
But sent the his truth and grace
By his beloved Son.


Meaning of Bless O My Soul The Lord

Bless O My Soul The Lord: A Hymn of Gratitude and Reverence

Oh, bless the Lord, my soul! Let all within me join in celebration and aid my tongue to bless His name. For His favors are indeed divine, showering us with love, mercy, and grace.

Oh, bless the Lord, my soul! Let us never forget His countless mercies and blessings, for it is in unthankfulness that His goodness may lie forgotten and without praises, suffer and die. Let us always be grateful for His unwavering presence in our lives.

‘Tis He who forgives our sins, providing us with the gift of redemption. ‘Tis He who relieves our pain, offering solace in times of distress. ‘Tis He who heals our sicknesses, giving us renewed strength and vitality. Oh, how we are to have a loving and caring God who continuously renews us both in body and spirit.

He fills the poor with good, extending His kindness and generosity to those in need. He gives rest to the weary, bringing comfort and solace to those who suffer. The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, has judgments for the proud, reminding us of the importance of humility and righteousness. And justice, sweet justice, is reserved for the oppressed, for our Lord is a just and fair God.

Through the wondrous works and ways of our Lord, His truth and grace were unveiled through Moses. But it is through His beloved Son, Jesus , that He sent the world an eternal message of love, hope, and salvation. The Gospel of Jesus Christ serves as a testament to the boundless love and forgiveness that our Lord bestows upon us.

As we meditate upon this hymn, let us reflect on the significance of gratitude and reverence in our lives. Gratitude for the countless blessings we receive, both big and small, allows us to cultivate a heart of contentment and joy. Reverence towards our Lord reminds us of His divine majesty and power, infusing our lives with a sense of awe and humility.

In our fast-paced and often chaotic world, it is crucial to set aside time to acknowledge and appreciate the goodness that surrounds us. Even in the face of adversity and challenges, there is always a silver lining, a reason to bless the Lord, our souls. Whether it be the joy of a blooming flower, the comfort of a loved one’s embrace, or the strength to overcome obstacles, blessings are abundant if we have eyes to see and hearts to receive.

So let us embrace the invitation of this hymn and bless the Lord, our souls. Let gratitude and reverence permeate our every thought and action. Let us bear witness to His wondrous works and ways and share His love and mercy with those around us.

In concluding, let it be known that the Lord is indeed worthy of our and adoration. His blessings are limitless, His mercies never-ending. May we forever cherish the gift of His love and extend it to others, living lives that honor and worship Him. Blessed be the Lord, our souls!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Join in the hymn of gratitude and reverence as we bless the Lord, our souls. Discover the divine favors, endless mercies, and wondrous works that fill our lives with love, joy, and salvation.
Bless O My Soul The Lord - Hymn Lyric - Join in the hymn of gratitude and reverence as we bless the Lord, our souls. Discover the divine favors, endless mercies, and wondrous works that fill our lives with love, joy, and salvation.