Are You Trusting Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Are you trusting Jesus? Find abundance in faith as you walk with Him. Discover the blessings He pours out abundantly for His disciples. Trust Jesus for a life that is more abundant.

Are You Trusting Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Are you trusting Jesus and walking with Him? As His disciples, we have the privilege of testing His Word and experiencing His abundant blessings. Let us magnify His name and hold tight to His promises, knowing that He will provide for us more abundantly than we can imagine.


Are You Trusting Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Are you trusting Jesus
All along the way?
Does He grow more precious
To your each day?
Are you His disciple?
Test His Word and see,
He will give the
More abundantly.

More abundantly,
More abundantly,
“That they might have
And more abundantly”;
More abundantly,
More abundantly,
“That they might have life
And more abundantly.”

For His matchless favor,
Magnify the Name
Of our gracious Savior
Who from ;
Let the saints adore Him
For this wondrous Word,
Sealing our redemption
Thro’ the crimson flood.

Come to Him believing,
Hearken to His call;
All from Him receiving,
Yield to Him your all;
Jesus will accept you
When to Him you flee;
He will grant His blessing
More abundantly.


Meaning of Are You Trusting Jesus

Are You Trusting Jesus: Finding Abundance in Faith

Are you trusting Jesus, dear reader? Are you walking along the path of life with Him by your side? If so, you know that as you continue to trust in Him, your for Him grows deeper and stronger each day. His presence in your heart becomes more precious with every passing moment.

In this hymn, we are reminded that as followers of Jesus, we have the privilege of being His disciples. We can test His Word and see the truth it holds. And when we do, we find that He rewards us abundantly with His Spirit.

His Spirit, dear reader, is a precious gift that He offers to us. It is a gift that brings life, and not just any life, but a life that is abundant. As we embrace this truth, we can’t help but rejoice and sing praises to His Name.

Let us magnify the Name of our gracious Savior, Jesus . He left the glory of Heaven to come and save us, and for that, He deserves all our adoration. Through His sacrificial love, He has sealed our redemption, setting us free from the chains of sin through the crimson flood of His blood.

Dear reader, if you haven’t yet come to Jesus, let me encourage you to do so today. Come to Him with an open heart, believing in Him and His saving grace. He is calling out to you, inviting you to receive all that He has to offer. And what a it is to know that He offers us everything we need in abundance.

When we surrender our lives to Jesus and receive Him as our Lord and Savior, He accepts us with open arms. He doesn’t turn us away; instead, He embraces us with His love and offers us His blessings. And not just a few blessings, but His blessings are poured out abundantly.

In a world where we often feel lacking or empty, Jesus fills us with His abundant blessings. He meets our needs, both physical and spiritual. He grants us , joy, and that surpasses all understanding. And He provides us with His guidance, wisdom, and strength as we navigate through life.

Dear reader, may we never forget the abundance that comes from trusting in Jesus. Let’s hold onto His promises and lean on His everlasting arms. He is the source of true joy and fulfillment. No matter what challenges we may face, we can trust that He will provide for us more abundantly than we can imagine.

So, let us continue to trust Jesus, dear reader. Let’s walk with Him, hand in hand, and experience the abundant life He has promised us. As we do so, let’s share His love and truth with others, inviting them to taste and see the goodness of our Lord.

In conclusion, dear reader, as we sing this hymn, let its words remind us of the incredible love and abundance that come from trusting in Jesus. Let us magnify His Name, for He is worthy of all honor and praise. And let us hold tight to His promises, knowing that He will grant us His blessings more abundantly.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Are you trusting Jesus? Find abundance in faith as you walk with Him. Discover the blessings He pours out abundantly for His disciples. Trust Jesus for a life that is more abundant.
Are You Trusting Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Are you trusting Jesus? Find abundance in faith as you walk with Him. Discover the blessings He pours out abundantly for His disciples. Trust Jesus for a life that is more abundant.