Awake My Soul Rouse Every Power – Hymn Lyric

Awake your soul and embrace your Christian dignity. Rouse every power within you to overcome lust

Awake My Soul Rouse Every Power – Hymn Lyric

“Awake My , Rouse Every Power” is a hymn that encourages us to embrace our Christian dignity and awaken the power within us. By choosing humility, forgiveness, and over negative emotions, we can become a positive force in the world. Let’s rise and shine, letting our radiate with the beauty of living a life filled with divine delights.


Awake My Soul Rouse Every Power – Hymn Lyric

Awake, my soul!
rouse ev’ry pow’r;
Thy Christian dignity display:
Let lust and passion
reign no more;
No longer own their lawless sway.

Thy temper meek
and humble be,
Content and pleas’d
with ev’ry state;
From dire revenge
and envy free,
And wild ambition
to be great.

Confine thy roving appetites;
From this vain world
withdraw thine eyes;
Fix them on those divine delights,
Which angels taste above the skies.

With eager zeal
pursue the prize;
Each fleeting hour
of life improve:
This course will speak truly wise,
And raise thee to the world above.


Meaning of Awake My Soul Rouse Every Power

Awake My Soul, Rouse Every Power: Embracing Your Christian Dignity

Awake, my soul! It’s time to rise and shine! In this hymn, we are reminded of our Christian dignity and the power we hold within us. You see, our souls are like warriors, ready to stand against anything that tries to us down or holds us back. It’s time to awaken that power and let it shine!

Let’s start by talking about lust and passion. These are natural feelings, but we need to remember that they should not have control over us. Instead of letting them rule our lives, let’s choose to be meek and humble. Being content and pleased with every state means finding joy in the simple things, appreciating what we have, and not always wanting more.

Revenge and envy can be powerful emotions, but they only bring negativity into our lives. Instead, let’s free ourselves from these toxic emotions. Let’s choose forgiveness and love, accepting others and celebrating their successes instead of being jealous. By doing this, we can build healthy and positive relationships.

Ambition is not a bad thing, but wild ambition, driven by the for greatness at any cost, can lead us astray. Instead of focusing on being the greatest in this world, let’s fix our eyes on something greater – on the divine delights that angels taste above the skies. These divine delights are the virtues that we can cultivate within ourselves – kindness, compassion, patience, and love.

So, how do we pursue these virtues? How do we awaken our souls and rouse every power within us? The answer lies in using our time wisely. Each fleeting hour of life is a precious gift, and we should make the most of it. Instead of wasting time on meaningless pursuits, let’s use our time to improve ourselves, to grow, and to serve others.

Engage in acts of kindness, help those in need, and spread love wherever you go. Choose to be a positive force in the world. When we prioritize these things, we become truly wise. Our actions speak louder than words, and by living out these virtues, we inspire others to do the same.

Remember, awakening your soul and rousing every power within you is not an easy task. It requires dedication, perseverance, and constant self-reflection. But trust me, it’s worth it. By embracing our Christian dignity, we become beacons of in a world that can sometimes be dark and challenging.

So, let your soul shine, my friend. Choose humility over pride, forgiveness over revenge, and love over envy. Fix your eyes on the divine delights and inspire others through your actions. Use every moment of your life to improve, to grow, and to bring a little slice of to Earth.

In conclusion, “Awake My Soul, Rouse Every Power” is a powerful hymn that reminds us of our Christian dignity and the potential we hold within ourselves. By embracing virtues such as , forgiveness, and love, we can awaken our souls and become a positive force in the world. So, let’s rise and shine, my friend, and let our souls radiate with the beauty that comes from living a life filled with divine delights.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Awake your soul and embrace your Christian dignity. Rouse every power within you to overcome lust, revenge, and envy. Focus on divine delights and use each moment to improve and inspire others. Let your soul shine!
Awake My Soul Rouse Every Power - Hymn Lyric - Awake your soul and embrace your Christian dignity. Rouse every power within you to overcome lust, revenge, and envy. Focus on divine delights and use each moment to improve and inspire others. Let your soul shine!