We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy and hope of Jesus' return with our hymn "We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord." Join us in spreading this good news of His imminent arrival

We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord – Hymn Lyric

Get ready to rejoice because we have received the most amazing news – our , Jesus , is coming back! This hymn fills our hearts with joy and reminds us to share this incredible news with the world. Let’s look forward to the day when Jesus will return in glory and peace and happiness.


We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord – Hymn Lyric

We have heard the glorious news of our returning Lord;
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!
Now on all the earth abroad the latter rain is poured;
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!

The Savior is coming, is coming again,
Coming in glory, coming to reign;
Let the “little flock” rejoice and the glad refrain,
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!

We have seen the signs fulfilling ev’ry passing year;
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!
Tho’ the hearts of sinful men are failing them for fear;
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!


Let us bear the joyful news o’er ocean’s surging main,
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!
That the mighty King of kings is coming back again,
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!


Speed, O speed Thee on way, Thou blessed Prince of Peace!
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!
When the golden morn shall break that brings from death release,
Jesus is coming, hallelujah!



Meaning of We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord

Have you ever received exciting news that made your heart leap with joy? Well, imagine hearing the most glorious news of all – our returning Lord, Jesus Christ! This is a hymn that fills our hearts with and excitement, reminding us that Jesus is coming back to reign in glory. So, let’s delve into the beautiful words of this hymn and explore the reasons why we, the “little flock,” should rejoice and sing the glad refrain!

The hymn begins with the proclamation of the glorious news – our Lord is coming back! Just the thought of Jesus returning fills us with awe and wonder. It’s like hearing that a loved one whom you haven’t seen in a long time is finally making their way to your home. The excitement and anticipation are almost too much to bear. We can’t help but say, “Hallelujah!” – a joyful shout that means “praise be to !”

As the hymn continues, it reminds us that the signs of Jesus’ return have been unfolding throughout the passing years. We can see the fulfillment of these signs all around us, prophecies coming to life before our very eyes. It’s like watching a puzzle come together, piece by piece. We may see the hearts of sinful men failing them out of fear, but we know that Jesus is coming to bring hope and salvation. This reassurance is a reason for us to keep our strong and our joy unwavering.

But this amazing news isn’t meant to be kept to ourselves. The hymn encourages us to share this joyful news with others. We are called to spread the word of Jesus’ imminent return across the vast oceans and continents. Just like a beautiful song can travel far and wide, touching the hearts of those who hear it, so can the news of our Savior’s second coming. This is a message that brings hope and comfort to all who hear it. So, let’s share it with the world – Jesus is coming back, and we can’t help but say, “Hallelujah!”

The hymn also acknowledges Jesus as the mighty King of kings. It reminds us that His return is not just an ordinary event; it’s a royal arrival! Just like a king returning to his rightful throne, Jesus is coming to reign in all His glory. This fills our hearts with a sense of reverence and awe. We can imagine the whole world bowing down before Him, recognizing His and authority.

As we sing this hymn, we can’t help but envision the golden morn breaking – a new day dawning. This is the day when Jesus will bring release from death, offering eternal life to all who believe in Him. It’s a day filled with promise and joy, where sorrow and pain will be no more. Just like the sun rising after a long night, Jesus’ return will bring a new beginning, filled with hope, peace, and everlasting love. This is the day we long for, the day when Jesus will be with us forever. And for that, we sing, “Jesus is coming, hallelujah!”

In conclusion, the hymn “We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord” reminds us of the incredible joy and hope we have as believers. It tells us that Jesus is coming back in all His glory to reign as the King of kings. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to spread this good news, sharing the hope of His return with the world. So, let’s rejoice and sing the glad refrain – Jesus is coming, hallelujah! May our hearts be filled with anticipation, knowing that one day, our Lord will return to bring us everlasting joy and peace.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the joy and hope of Jesus' return with our hymn We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord. Join us in spreading this good news of His imminent arrival, bringing everlasting joy and peace. Sing the glad refrain - Jesus is coming, hallelujah!
We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord - Hymn Lyric - Experience the joy and hope of Jesus' return with our hymn "We Have Heard The Glorious News Of Our Returning Lord." Join us in spreading this good news of His imminent arrival, bringing everlasting joy and peace. Sing the glad refrain - Jesus is coming, hallelujah!