When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer – Hymn Lyric

When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer: Finding hope and comfort in times of distress. Pouring out our souls in prayer brings solace and strength

When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer – Hymn Lyric

When I Pour Out My In Prayer: Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Distress In times of trouble and sadness, we often turn to prayer as a way to find solace and strength. When we pour out our souls in prayer, we are seeking the presence and guidance of the Lord. We long for His comforting embrace and His attentive ear. We trust that He will hear our cries and bring relief to our troubled hearts.


When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer – Hymn Lyric

When I pour out my Soul in Pray’r,
do Thou, O Lord, attend;
to thy eternal Throne of
let my sad Cry ascend.

O hide not Thou thy glorious Face
in Times of deep Distress:
Incline thine Ear, and when I call,
my soon redress.

Each cloudy Portion of my Life
like scatter’d Smoke expires;
My shrivel’d Bones are like a Hearth
that’s parch’d with constant Fires.

My Heart, like Grass that feels the Blast
of some infectious Wind,
Does languish so with Grief, that scarce
my needful Food I mind.

By reason of my sad Estate
I spend my Breath in Groans:
My Flesh is worn away, my Skin
scarce hides my starting Bones.

I’m like a Pelican become,
that does in Desarts mourn:
Or like an Owl that sits all Day
on barren Trees forlorn.

In Watchings or in restless Dreams
the Night be me is spent,
As by those solitary Birds
that lonesome Roofs frequent.

All Day by railing Foes I’m made
The Subject of their Scorn;
Who all possess’d with furious Rage,
have my Destruction sworn.

When grov’ling on the Ground I lie
oppress’d with Grief and Fears,
My Bread is strew’d with Ashes o’er,
my Drink is mix’d with Tears.

Because on me with double Weight
thy heavy Wrath doth lie:
For thou, to make my Fall more great,
didst lift me up on high.

My Days just hast’ning to their End,
are like an Ev’ning Shade:
My Beauty does, like wither’d Grass,
with waning Lustre fade.

But thy eternal State, O Lord,
no Length of Time shall waste:
The Mem’ry of thy wond’rous Works
from Age to Ages shall last.

Thou shalt arise, and Sion view
with an unclouded Face:
For now her Time is come, thy own
appointed Day of Grace.

Her scatter’d Ruins, by thy Saints
with Pity are survey’d:
They grieve to see her lofty Spires
in Dust and Rubbish laid.

The Name and Glory of the Lord
all heathen Kings shall fear;
When He shall Sion build again,
and in full State appear.

When He regards the Poor’s Request,
nor slights their earnest Pray’r;
Our Sons for this recorded Grace,
shall his just declare.

For God from his Abode on high,
his gracious Beams display’d:
The Lord, from Heav’n, his lofty Throne,
hath all the Earth survey’d.

He list’ned to the Captives Moans,
He heard their mournful Cry,
And freed, by his resistless Pow’r,
the Wretches doom’d to die.

That they in Sion, where He dwells,
might celebrate his Fame,
And through the holy City sing
loud to his Name.

When all the Tribes assembling there,
their solemn Vows address,
And neighb’ring Lands, with glad Consent,
the Lord their God confess.

But e’er my Race is run, my Strength
through his fierce Wrath decays;
He has, when all my Wishes bloom’d,
cut short my hopeful Days.

Lord, end not Thou my Life, said I,
when half is scarcely past:
Thy Years from worldly Changes free,
to endless Ages last.

The strong Foundations of the Earth
of old by Thee were laid;
Thy Hands the beauteous Arch of Heav’n
with wond’rous Skill have made:

Whilst Thou for ever shalt endure,
they soon shall pass away;
And like a Garment often worn,
shall tarnish and decay.

Like that, when Thou ordain’st their Change,
to thy Command they bend:
But thou continu’st still the same,
nor have thy Years an End.

Thou to the of thy Saints
shalt lasting Quiet give;
Whose happy Race, securely fix’d,
shall in thy Presence live.


Meaning of When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer

When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer: Finding Hope and Comfort in Times of Distress

In times of trouble and sadness, we often turn to prayer as a way to find solace and strength. When we pour out our souls in prayer, we are seeking the presence and guidance of the Lord. We long for His comforting embrace and His attentive ear. We trust that He will hear our cries and bring relief to our troubled hearts.

There are moments in life when it feels like everything is falling apart. Our souls are heavy with , and we feel overwhelmed by the challenges that we face. In these times, we can take comfort in knowing that the Lord is always with us, even in our deepest distress. We can pour out our souls to Him, knowing that He will never hide His face from us. He will always be there to listen and to bring comfort to our troubled hearts.

Imagine a cloud hanging overhead, dark and heavy with despair. It feels as though the weight of the world is on our shoulders, and we struggle to find any respite. Our hearts are like a parched hearth, consumed by constant fires of anguish. The grief we experience is so overwhelming that even the simple act of eating becomes secondary to our pain.

Our sadness is not just physical, but it also seeps into the very core of our emotional being. It feels as though our hearts have withered like grass in the wind, and we are left languishing in our grief. We become like a pelican in the desert, mourning the loss of what once was. Or perhaps we are like an owl, sitting in solitude on barren trees, feeling the weight of our loneliness.

As the night falls, our distress follows us into our dreams. We are haunted by restless nights, much like the solitary birds that frequent deserted rooftops. The days become filled with taunting and scorn from those who oppose us. Our enemies make it their mission to see our destruction, driven by rage and fury.

In the midst of this darkness, we find ourselves groveling on the ground, consumed by grief and fear. Our sustenance, once palatable and fulfilling, becomes mixed with ashes and tears. It feels as though the weight of the Lord’s anger is upon us, as if He has lifted us up only to let us fall even harder.

Our days slip away like an evening shade, fading away like withered grass. Our beauty diminishes, and we long for a lasting sense of purpose. Yet in the face of our own mortality, we can find hope in the eternal nature of the Lord. His wondrous works will never be forgotten, as his memory will endure from generation to generation.

We can take solace in the promise of a new beginning. The Lord will arise and look upon Zion with a clear and radiant face. Even though our beloved city may lay in ruins, causing great sorrow among His faithful, the day of restoration is near. The name and glory of the Lord will be feared by all, as He rebuilds Zion and makes his presence known.

And in His infinite love and , the Lord hears the cries of the poor and oppressed. He does not ignore their pleas but rather grants them deliverance. He sets the captives free and provides hope to those who have been condemned. In return, they will sing praises to His name and spread His grace throughout the holy city.

As the tribes assemble and make their vows, the neighboring lands will join in their praise. The Lord’s compassion knows no bounds, and His everlasting love will bring and unity to all who seek Him. But even as strength fades and life draws to a close, we beseech the Lord to spare us from an untimely end. We long for His years to be our guiding , providing stability and everlasting love in a world that often feels uncertain.

We are reminded that the foundations of the earth were laid by the Lord’s hand. The beauty of the heavens is a testament to His wondrous skill and power. While all things on earth may fade and tarnish, the Lord remains steadfast and eternal. He is the constant amidst the changes of this world, and His years have no end.

In His presence, the children of His saints will find everlasting peace and tranquility. Their faith will be rewarded, and they will be able to live in His presence without fear or sorrow. The Lord’s grace knows no boundaries and is extended to all who seek Him.

So, as we pour out our souls in prayer, let us find solace in the embrace of the Lord. Let us take comfort in knowing that He hears our every cry and will bring relief to our troubled hearts. In times of deep distress, let us trust in His eternal love and find hope in the promise of restoration and peace. For when we pour out our souls in prayer, we find the strength to endure and the courage to face each new day.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer: Finding hope and comfort in times of distress. Pouring out our souls in prayer brings solace and strength, knowing that the Lord hears our cries and brings relief to our troubled hearts.
When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer - Hymn Lyric - When I Pour Out My Soul In Prayer: Finding hope and comfort in times of distress. Pouring out our souls in prayer brings solace and strength, knowing that the Lord hears our cries and brings relief to our troubled hearts.