For The Tender Love That Bought Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the Unconditional Love of God: "For The Tender Love That Bought Me" is a hymn that celebrates the immense love and grace of the Lord. Join us in praising His glory and expressing our gratitude for His unconditional love.

For The Tender Love That Bought Me – Hymn Lyric

“For The Tender Love That Bought Me: A Celebration of God’s Unconditional Love”Celebrate the unconditional love of God through the beautiful , “For The Tender Love That Bought Me.” This hymn reminds us of the sacrifices Jesus made for us and the promises and He brings to our lives. Through praise and storytelling, we spread positivity and gratitude, inspiring others to find reasons to praise the Lord in all situations. Let us lift our voices and hearts in joyful thanksgiving for the love that continues to transform us.


For The Tender Love That Bought Me – Hymn Lyric

For the tender love that bought me,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!
For the matchless grace that sought me,
Praise, praise the Lord!
For the burdens that seem lighter,
As my faith in him grows brighter,
For the love that makes me whiter,
Praise, O praise the Lord!

Praise in song and story,
Praise him for his glory,
Praise the Lord in song and story,
Praise, praise the Lord.

For his promises so filling,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!
For his peace my heart-throbs stilling,
Praise, praise the Lord!
For the and shower,
For his all prevailing power,
To my soul a mighty tower,
Praise, O praise the Lord!


For the fount of strength e’er-flowing,
Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord!
For his goodness past our knowing,
Praise, praise the Lord!
For the never-failing ,
Of his love in endless measure,
For his e’er enduring pleasure,
Praise, O praise the Lord!



Meaning of For The Tender Love That Bought Me

For The Tender Love That Bought Me: A Celebration of God’s Unconditional Love

In our journey through life, we often come across moments of , happiness, and contentment. We experience the warmth of friendship, the comfort in knowing we are loved, and the feeling of being understood. These moments fill our hearts with gratitude, and there is no better way to express our thankfulness than through praise. The hymn “For The Tender Love That Bought Me” encapsulates this sentiment perfectly. Through its verses, we are reminded of the immense love and grace of the Lord, and how it has touched our lives.

The first verse beautifully captures the essence of God’s love. It speaks of a love so tender and pure that it purchased our souls from darkness. As we sing these words, we are reminded of the Jesus made on the , redeeming us from sin and granting us life. What a glorious truth to ponder! No matter our faults or failures, God’s love sought us out and embraced us, strengthening our faith and guiding us on our spiritual journey.

The refrain encourages us to praise the Lord through song and storytelling. We have been given the gift of language and music to express our heartfelt gratitude for God’s glory. When we share our experiences with others, we inspire and uplift them, reminding them of the blessings they too have received. In a world often filled with negativity, storytelling helps us focus on the good and encourages us to find reasons to praise the Lord in every situation. By incorporating this refrain into our lives, we create a ripple effect of positivity and gratitude that spreads far and wide.

As we move on to the second verse, we are reminded of God’s promises and the peace He brings to our hearts. Life can sometimes be overwhelming and chaotic, leaving us feeling lost and anxious. But in those moments, we can turn to the Lord, finding solace and rest. His promises give us hope and strength, reminding us that we are never alone. When we focus on His all-prevailing power, we gain a sense of confidence and courage to face whatever challenges come our way.

The third verse celebrates the abundant blessings we receive each day. The sun rising, the gentle touch of rain, and the countless wonders of nature are all manifestations of God’s goodness. These gifts bring joy to our lives, reminding us of His ever-flowing fount of strength. Like a mighty tower, His love stands tall, guarding and protecting our souls. As we utter our praise, we acknowledge that even in the bleakest of moments, God’s love and presence resonate within us, providing endless comfort and solace.

In the final verse, we reflect on the immeasurable love God holds for us. His love is a never-failing treasure, always available to us in boundless measure. From the moment we were created, God’s love has endured, us immense pleasure and fulfillment. This love is beyond our comprehension, but it calls us to praise and express our gratitude nonetheless. As we do, our hearts are filled with joy, and we become beacons of God’s love, radiating His light and spreading His goodness to others.

In conclusion, “For The Tender Love That Bought Me” is a hymn that encapsulates the gratitude and joy we feel towards God for His unconditional love. Through its verses, we are reminded of the sacrifice of Jesus, the promises of God, and the abundant blessings that surround us every day. As we lift our voices in praise, sharing our stories and reflections, we inspire others to find reasons to celebrate life and express gratitude for the love that continues to transform our hearts. Let us sing this hymn with joy and conviction, praising the Lord in song and storytelling, for His glory shall forever be praised.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the Unconditional Love of God: For The Tender Love That Bought Me is a hymn that celebrates the immense love and grace of the Lord. Join us in praising His glory and expressing our gratitude for His unconditional love.
For The Tender Love That Bought Me - Hymn Lyric - Experience the Unconditional Love of God: "For The Tender Love That Bought Me" is a hymn that celebrates the immense love and grace of the Lord. Join us in praising His glory and expressing our gratitude for His unconditional love.