When Upon Bended Knee Jesus Whispered To Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the everlasting sweetness of God's love as Jesus whispered to me when upon bended knee. Experience the joy and growing relationship with our Savior as the years roll by. Love Him more and more as you navigate through life

When Upon Bended Knee Jesus Whispered To Me – Hymn Lyric

“When Upon Bended Knee Whispered To Me” is a hymn that beautifully captures the everlasting sweetness of ‘s love. It reminds us of the that comes from growing closer to Jesus with each passing day. As we bend our knees in prayer, his voice whispers to us, filling our hearts with love, peace, and a deep connection to our Savior.


When Upon Bended Knee Jesus Whispered To Me – Hymn Lyric

When upon bended knee,
Jesus whispered to me,
Sweeter voice I had never heard;
But the years as they roll
Bring a joy to my soul,
As I linger upon his word.

For he is sweeter as the years roll by,
To be worthy of his love I’ll try;
So I’ll love him more and more,
As I near the other shore,
For he is sweeter as the years roll by.

Ev’ry day is a joy
Sin can never destroy,
Ev’ry moment in peace I dwell;
But I’m longing to stand
Face to face, hand in hand,
With the One whom I love so well.


Days may come, they must go,
As a torrent they flow,
Rushing on to eternity;
But the time as it flies,
Brings me the prize
That awaits when my King I’ll see.



Meaning of When Upon Bended Knee Jesus Whispered To Me

When Upon Bended Knee Jesus Whispered To Me: The Everlasting Sweetness of God’s Love

Oh, how comforting it is to know that in the quiet moments of prayer, when we bend our knees, Jesus whispers to us with a voice sweeter than the sweetest melody. As a 7th grader, you may not have experienced all the years that have rolled by, but imagine with me for a moment the joy that comes with growing closer to our Savior with each passing day.

In this beautiful hymn, the writer expresses the profound impact that Jesus’ voice had on their soul. It was a voice like no other, filled with love, compassion, and understanding. Can you just picture that? Closing your eyes, feeling the warmth of His presence, and hearing Him speak directly to you, assuring you of His everlasting love. It’s a moment that brings immense joy and fills our hearts with an indescribable peace.

As the years roll by, we have the opportunity to deepen our relationship with Jesus. The writer of this hymn speaks of a growing joy within their soul as they linger upon His word. Can you imagine what it would be like to dive into the stories of Jesus, to study His teachings, and to learn from His example? Each passing year unveils new layers of understanding and appreciation for His love.

Oh, my young friend, as you embark on this journey of , remember that Jesus’ love is sweeter as the years roll by. The more we strive to be worthy of His love, the more it overflows in our hearts. Let His love be your guiding , your source of strength and motivation. Know that, as you love Him more and more, He will shower you with immeasurable blessings.

In this hymn, the refrain is a constant reminder that our love for Jesus must grow as we draw nearer to the other shore, the eternal that awaits us. It is a call for us to hold on tightly to His love and to continually seek ways to deepen our connection with Him. It’s an encouragement to remain steadfast, knowing that the best is yet to come.

The writer goes on to describe the joy and peace they experience each day, knowing that nothing can destroy it. Imagine waking up every morning with a heart full of peace, knowing that no matter what challenges come your way, Jesus is with you. His love is an unshakable foundation on which we can build our lives.

Yes, my young friend, life may come rushing at us like a torrent, but take comfort in the fact that time flies, us closer to the ultimate prize. As the writer beautifully puts it, when we finally stand face to face, hand in hand, with the One whom we love so well, our will rejoice like never before. Can you imagine the sheer happiness of being in the presence of our Savior, beholding His glory?

As you navigate the ups and downs of life, remember this hymn and its powerful message. Bending your knees in prayer, even in your seventh-grade innocence, is a beautiful way to connect with Jesus. Allow His voice to whisper sweet nothings into your heart, filling you with His everlasting love. Let His words guide your steps and shape your character.

In conclusion, my friend, it is an incredible blessing to experience the sweetness of Jesus’ love as each year passes. Let us strive to be worthy of His love, to love Him more and more, and to savor every moment spent in His presence. As we journey through life, may His voice be our guide, and may the joy and peace that come from knowing Him propel us towards the other shore, where eternal bliss awaits. Remember, when upon bended knee, Jesus whispered to you, too.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the everlasting sweetness of God's love as Jesus whispered to me when upon bended knee. Experience the joy and growing relationship with our Savior as the years roll by. Love Him more and more as you navigate through life, knowing that His love is sweeter over time. Embrace the peace and comfort that comes from His voice and let it guide you towards eternal bliss.
When Upon Bended Knee Jesus Whispered To Me - Hymn Lyric - Discover the everlasting sweetness of God's love as Jesus whispered to me when upon bended knee. Experience the joy and growing relationship with our Savior as the years roll by. Love Him more and more as you navigate through life, knowing that His love is sweeter over time. Embrace the peace and comfort that comes from His voice and let it guide you towards eternal bliss.