The Healing Waters – Hymn Lyric

Discover the joy and peace of The Healing Waters

The Healing Waters – Hymn Lyric

Experience the joy of forgiven and the bliss of being washed in the blood as you journey to a sacred where the healing waters flow. Find peace akin to heaven itself, surrounded by celestial joy, rest, and love. Discover the power of the healing waters and let them renew your spirit, bringing you an everlasting sense of comfort and serenity.


The Healing Waters – Hymn Lyric

Oh, the joy of sins forgiv’n,
Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know,
Oh, the peace akin to Heav’n,
Where the healing waters flow.

Where the healing waters flow,
Where the joys celestial glow,
Oh, there’s peace and rest and love,
Where the healing waters flow!

Now with ,
At His feet I’m resting low;
Let me evermore abide
Where the healing waters flow.

O, this precious, perfect love!
How it keeps the heart aglow,
Streaming from the fount above,
Where the healing waters flow.

Oh, to lean on Jesus’ breast,
While the tempests and go!
Here is blessed peace and rest,
Where the healing waters flow.

Cleansed from every sin and stain,
Whiter than the driven snow,
Now I sing my sweet refrain,
Where the healing waters flow.


Meaning of The Healing Waters

There is a that speaks of a place so divine, where sins are forgiven and the bliss of the blood-washed is known. It is a place of peace, akin to heaven itself, where the healing waters flow. Oh, what joy it brings to the soul!

In this sacred place, where the healing waters flow, there is a celestial glow that blankets everything around. It is a glow of joy, of peace, and of love. It is a place of rest, where troubles melt away, and all worries are washed away by the gentle touch of the healing waters.

Imagine being by the side of Jesus, who was crucified for our sins. At His feet, we find solace and comfort. It is a place where we can truly rest, knowing that we are held in the arms of our . It is a place where our souls find everlasting refuge, where we can find shelter from life’s storms.

And oh, the love that abounds in this sacred place! It is a precious and perfect love that keeps our hearts aglow. It flows from a fount above, a source of love that never runs dry. It is a love that refreshes, restores, and brings true healing to our weary souls. It is a love that can only be found where the healing waters flow.

To lean on Jesus’ breast, even in the midst of life’s tempests, is a true blessing. It is in His embrace that we find peace and rest, even when the world around us is chaotic. In His presence, the storms lose their power, and we are enveloped in a sense of calmness and serenity that can only be found where the healing waters flow.

In this sacred place, we are cleansed from every sin and stain. It is like standing in a field of freshly fallen snow, pure and untouched. Our hearts are made whiter than snow as we embrace the forgiveness and redemption that flow freely from the healing waters. And with this newfound purity, we can’t help but sing our sweet refrain, praising the One who has brought us to this place where the healing waters flow.

Oh, the joy of sins forgiv’n,

Oh, the bliss the blood-washed know,

Oh, the peace akin to Heav’n,

Where the healing waters flow.

Where the healing waters flow,

Where the joys celestial glow,

Oh, there’s peace and rest and love,

Where the healing waters flow!

So, dear friend, if you find yourself in need of healing, if you long for a place of rest and peace, seek out the healing waters. They are a source of rejuvenation, a place where you can find solace and refuge. May you find comfort in knowing that there is a place where sins are forgiven, where bliss is known, and where the peace of heaven resides. May you find your way to the healing waters and let them wash over you, renewing your spirit and bringing you the joy that comes from being in the presence of the One who you unconditionally.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the joy and peace of The Healing Waters, where sins are forgiven and bliss is known. Find solace and rest in this sacred place of love and rejuvenation.
The Healing Waters - Hymn Lyric - Discover the joy and peace of The Healing Waters, where sins are forgiven and bliss is known. Find solace and rest in this sacred place of love and rejuvenation.