God Of Eternal Love How Fickle Are Our Ways – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unwavering love of God! Learn from Israel's fickle ways and praise the Lord for His eternal love and grace. Join Christians in acknowledging His constant faithfulness.

God Of Eternal Love How Fickle Are Our Ways – Hymn Lyric

In the hymn “God of Eternal Love: How Fickle Are Our Ways,” we are reminded of God’s constant love and faithfulness, even when we are fickle and flawed. The story of Israel shows us that God’s love never wavers, even when we forget His works and complain. Let us remember His faithfulness and join together in praise for His eternal love that never fails.


God Of Eternal Love How Fickle Are Our Ways – Hymn Lyric

God of eternal love, how fickle are our ways!
And yet how oft did Isra’l prove thy constancy of grace!
They saw thy wonders wrought, and then thy praise they sung;
But soon thy works of pow’r forgot, and murmur’d with their tongue.

Now they believe his word, while rocks with rivers flow;
Now with their lusts provoke the Lord, and he reduc’d them low.
Yet when they mourn’d their faults, he hearken’d to their groans;
Brought his own cov’nant to his thoughts, and call’d them still his .

Their names were in his book, he sav’d them from their ;
Oft he chastis’d, but ne’er forsook the people that he chose.
Let Isra’l bless the Lord, who loved their ancient race;
And join the solemn word, Amen to all the praise.


Meaning of God Of Eternal Love How Fickle Are Our Ways

God of Eternal Love: How Fickle Are Our Ways

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the constant love and faithfulness of God, even in the face of our own fickle and flawed ways. The story of Israel serves as a powerful example of how God’s love and grace never waver, even when we do.

When we look back at the history of Israel, we can see the many wonders and that God performed on their behalf. From parting the Red to providing manna in the wilderness, God’s power was on full display. And how did the Israelites respond to these amazing acts of love? They sang to God, acknowledging His greatness and thanking Him for His blessings. But alas, their gratitude was short-lived.

It didn’t take long for the Israelites to forget about all that God had done for them. They allowed their own desires and lusts to cloud their judgment, and they soon turned their hearts away from the Lord. They murmured and complained, doubting God’s provision and questioning His faithfulness.

But in the midst of their waywardness, there were moments of remorse and repentance. When they realized the error of their ways, they cried out to God, and He, in His kindness, listened to their cries. He remembered His covenant with them, just as a loving father remembers his . And despite their faults, He continued to call them His sons and daughters.

God’s love is not based on our perfection or faithfulness. He us in spite of our flaws and failings. Like the Israelites, we may struggle with our own fickle ways. We may turn away from God and fall into temptation, but even then, His love remains steadfast. He saves us from our enemies and disciplines us when needed, but He never abandons us.

As the hymn reminds us, our names are written in His book. We are chosen and loved by God, and nothing we do can change that. His love for us is eternal and unchanging, even when our hearts are fickle and wavering.

So let us, like Israel, bless the Lord and acknowledge His love for His chosen people. And as Christians, let us join in this praise, knowing that God’s love extends beyond the bounds of ancient Israel. His love encompasses all of humanity, and we too can experience His constant faithfulness.

In conclusion, the hymn “God of Eternal Love: How Fickle Are Our Ways” serves as a reminder of God’s unwavering love and grace. The story of Israel highlights our own fickle nature, but it also showcases God’s patience and constancy. Let us strive to remember His faithfulness even in the midst of our own shortcomings. And may we join together as Christians to praise and bless the Lord for His eternal love that never fails. Amen.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the unwavering love of God! Learn from Israel's fickle ways and praise the Lord for His eternal love and grace. Join Christians in acknowledging His constant faithfulness.
God Of Eternal Love How Fickle Are Our Ways - Hymn Lyric - Experience the unwavering love of God! Learn from Israel's fickle ways and praise the Lord for His eternal love and grace. Join Christians in acknowledging His constant faithfulness.