I Love To Hear The Story – Hymn Lyric

Discover the captivating story of love that never grows old. Experience the wonderful grace and words of the King. Spread the sweetest tale to others. I Love To Hear The Story.

I Love To Hear The Story – Hymn Lyric

I love to hear the story old, a tale of love and that never grows old. Each time I hear it, it becomes sweeter and fills me with a longing for more. This story of love and redemption reminds me of the goodness of my Lord, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share it with others.


I Love To Hear The Story – Hymn Lyric

I love to hear the story old,
Which, every time I hear it told,
Is sweeter than it was before,
And makes me long to hear it more.

Story of love, ever new,
Story of love, ever true,
Story of wonderful grace that shall not grow old.

Wonderful words of the King!
Unto His name we will ,
Telling to others the story, the sweetest e’er told.

It tells me of my blessed Lord,
‘Tis written in His holy Word,
Who from heaven to earth below,
The sorrows of mankind to know.

It tells me how His life He gave,
That He a from sin might save;
And unto others, I would tell
The words of truth I love so well.


Meaning of I Love To Hear The Story

I Love To Hear The Story

Oh, how I love to hear the story old! It’s a tale that always warms my , a story that never grows old. Each time I hear it, it becomes sweeter, and it fills me with a longing to hear it more. This is the story of love, a story that is ever new and ever true. It’s a story of wonderful grace that will never fade .

These are the wonderful words of the King, the words we sing unto His name. We have the privilege of telling others this sweetest tale ever told. It’s a story that speaks of love and grace, a story that brings and joy to our hearts.

This story tells me about my blessed Lord, as it is written in His holy Word. He left the glory of heaven and came down to earth to experience the sorrows that mankind faces. He came to know our pain, our struggles, and our hardships. What a selfless act of love!

The story goes on to tell how He gave His life so that He could save the world from sin. Through His sacrifice, He offered us the gift of salvation and life. This is a story of ultimate love and redemption, a story that shows the incredible depth of His love for us.

And because I have been touched by this incredible story, I feel compelled to share it with others. The words of truth in this story have become the words I love so well. I want to tell others about the love and grace that I have found in my blessed Lord. I want them to experience the same joy and peace that comes from knowing Him.

Like a beautiful hymn, this story resonates in my soul. It brings comfort, encouragement, and hope. It reminds me that no matter how difficult life may seem, there is always love and grace waiting for us. It reassures me that I am never alone, for my blessed Lord is always by my side.

This story is more than just words on a page; it is a living, breathing testament to the power of love. It is a story that has stood the test of time, reaching countless hearts throughout the ages. Its message is timeless and universal, touching the lives of people from all walks of life.

And so, I continue to hold dear this story of love. I never tire of hearing it, for it never fails to uplift my spirit and remind me of the goodness of my blessed Lord. I am grateful for the opportunity to share this story with others, to spread the message of hope and love to everyone I meet.

In conclusion, the story of love is truly a that should be cherished and shared. It is a story that brings joy and comfort, a story that reminds us of the incredible sacrifice made for us. Let us hold onto this story, for it is a story of love, ever new and ever true. And may we always remember the wonderful words of the King as we tell others this sweetest tale ever told.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the captivating story of love that never grows old. Experience the wonderful grace and words of the King. Spread the sweetest tale to others. I Love To Hear The Story.
I Love To Hear The Story - Hymn Lyric - Discover the captivating story of love that never grows old. Experience the wonderful grace and words of the King. Spread the sweetest tale to others. I Love To Hear The Story.