There Are Many Who Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the true character of those who claim to follow Jesus

There Are Many Who Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

“There Are Many Who Follow Jesus: Finding Strength in Storms” explores the idea of true discipleship and the challenges that arise when faced with adversity. It emphasizes the importance of unwavering commitment and draws inspiration from Jesus’ love and . The summary encourages readers to go all the way with Jesus, finding strength in their faith and the support of their Christian community.


There Are Many Who Follow Jesus – Hymn Lyric

There are many who follow Jesus
When the skies all around are blue,
But when storms their they falter,
And forsake this Friend so true.

I will go all the way with Jesus,
Wheresoever my path may be;
I will go all the way with Jesus,
For He went all the way for me.

Jesus’ love brought Him down from heaven,
Led Him on thro’ the garden’s gloom;
All the way to the cross of anguish,
All the way to the silent tomb. [Refrain]

Then with joy let us still press onward,
Tho’ the path may seem hard and long;
All the way in the Master’s footsteps,
Till we join in the victor’s song. [Refrain]


Meaning of There Are Many Who Follow Jesus

There Are Many Who Follow Jesus: Finding Strength in Storms

In life, we often encounter moments of joy and moments of hardship. It is during these moments that our true character is tested. The same applies to our faith and devotion to Jesus . There are many who claim to follow Jesus when everything in their lives is going smoothly, when the skies above them are clear and blue. But what happens when storms cross their path? Do they falter and lose their way, forsaking their dear Friend who has always been true?

The reminds us of the unwavering faith we should strive to have. It encourages us to go all the way with Jesus, no matter what our path may be. Just as Jesus went all the way for us, enduring the suffering and sacrifice of the cross, we too should be willing to go the distance for Him.

Jesus’ love was so immense that it brought Him down from heaven. He walked through the garden’s gloom, knowing the agony that awaited Him. He went all the way to the cross of anguish, willingly embracing the pain and suffering for our sake. And ultimately, He went all the way to the silent tomb, triumphing over death and leading the way for our salvation.

Inspired by Jesus’ love and sacrifice, we should find the strength and determination to press onward in our own journeys. Though the path may seem hard and long, we can take solace in the fact that we are walking in the footsteps of our Master. He has already paved the way for us, guiding us with His divine wisdom and love.

It is important to recognize that following Jesus is not solely about enjoying the pleasant moments. True discipleship requires unwavering commitment, even in the face of adversity. When storms cross our paths, it can be tempting to abandon our faith, to question ‘s plan, and to seek solace elsewhere. However, these are the moments when our faith is truly tested, and it is through these storms that we often grow the most.

But how do we find the strength to stay the course? It starts with remembering Jesus’ example. When we feel overwhelmed by the storms, we can look to Him and remember how He endured and ultimately conquered. We can find solace in His words and take comfort in knowing that He is always with us, guiding and supporting us every step of the way.

Furthermore, we can draw strength from our community of believers. We are not alone in our struggles. Surrounding ourselves with fellow Christians who are also striving to go all the way with Jesus can provide us with encouragement and support. Together, we can uplift one another, reminding each other of the journey’s purpose and the promise of the victor’s song that us.

Let us remind ourselves daily of our commitment to Jesus. Let us be steadfast in our devotion, not just when the skies are blue, but also when storms rage around us. By embracing the challenges and trials, we are given the opportunity to grow in faith and become closer to Jesus. So, let us hold on tightly to our dear Friend, following Him wholeheartedly all the way.

In the end, it is not just about reaching the destination but about the journey itself. It is about the lessons we learn, the character we build, and the deepening of our relationship with Jesus. So, let us go all the way with Jesus, for He went all the way for us. Together, we can find the strength to endure the storms and walk confidently in the path set before us.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the true character of those who claim to follow Jesus, even when storms cross their paths. Find strength in adversity and learn to go all the way with Jesus, just as He went all the way for us.
There Are Many Who Follow Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the true character of those who claim to follow Jesus, even when storms cross their paths. Find strength in adversity and learn to go all the way with Jesus, just as He went all the way for us.