Why My Soul Thus Trembling Ever – Hymn Lyric

Experience comfort and reassurance as you discover strength and peace in Christ. Find hope and courage in the face of fear and anxiety. Embrace this timeless hymn's message of faith and assurance. Find peace in the loving arms of Christ.

Why My Soul Thus Trembling Ever – Hymn Lyric

“Why My Soul Thus Trembling Ever”: Finding Strength and in ChristContent Do you ever feel scared or anxious? Well, let me reassure you – Christ is near! No matter what you’re going through, you have nothing to fear because Jesus is right by your side. You are never alone, and with , you can find strength and peace even in the toughest times. Trust in Him, and He will guide you through all of ‘s challenges.


Why My Soul Thus Trembling Ever – Hymn Lyric

Why, my soul, thus trembling ever?
Have no fear; Christ is near;
Naught from can sever.

Heaven is thine, and Christ shall own thee:
be until He
Shall with triumph crown thee.

Painful cross if He should send me,
Shall I faint with complaint,
Lest the grief should end me?

He hath borne the cross before me:
Soon no pain shall remain,
Only peace be o’er me.

Hopeful, cheerful, and undaunted,
Everywhere they appear
Who in Christ are planted:

Death itself cannot appall them:
They rejoice when the voice
Of their Lord doth call them.

Death cannot destroy forever:
From our fears, cares and ,
Soon shall it deliver.

Doors of grief and gloom it closes,
While the soul, free and whole,
With the saints reposes.

Lord, my Shepherd, take me to Thee!
I am Thine. Thou art mine,
Even ere I knew Thee.

I am Thine, for Thou hast bought me:
Lost I stood, but Thy blood
Free salvation brought me.

Thou art mine, and, for my guiding,
Be Thy bright shining light
In my heart abiding!

Savior ! let me, attaining
To Thy side, there abide,
With Thee ever reigning!


Meaning of Why My Soul Thus Trembling Ever

Why, My Soul, Thus Trembling Ever: Finding Strength and Peace in Christ

Do you ever find yourself feeling scared or anxious? Like your soul is trembling inside you? Well, let me tell you something that will you comfort and reassurance – Christ is near! Yes, that’s right! No matter what you may be going through, you have nothing to fear because Jesus is right by your side. Isn’t that amazing?

You see, my dear friend, nothing can ever separate you from the love and care of Christ. Heaven itself is yours to claim, and Jesus will always acknowledge you as one of His own. All you need to do is remain faithful and steadfast until the day He crowns you with triumph. Remember, even if the road gets tough and a painful cross comes your way, don’t let it break your spirit. Jesus has already carried the weight of the cross for you, and soon all your pain will be replaced with everlasting peace.

It’s incredible how those who believe in Christ are filled with hope, cheerfulness, and bravery. They are like beaming lights, shining with the knowledge that death itself cannot frighten them. In fact, they rejoice when the voice of their Lord calls them home. Death is not the end but a deliverance from all our fears, worries, and tears. It closes the doors of grief and gloom, allowing our souls to rest with the saints in eternal bliss.

My dear Shepherd, Lord of my heart, please take me to You. I am Yours, and You are mine, even before I fully understood the depth of Your love. You have redeemed me with Your precious blood and brought me salvation when I was lost. Now, I ask for Your guiding light to shine brightly within me and lead me on the right path. With You as my Savior, I know that I can face anything and find a home by Your side, reigning with You forever.

So, my dear friend, whenever your soul starts trembling with fear or anxiety, remember the words of this and hold onto them tightly. Let the assurance of Christ’s presence fill you with peace and strength. You are never alone, and you have the power to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Trust in Him, and He will guide you through all the highs and lows of life.

No matter your age or where you are in your journey, these words hold true. The hymn may have been written with beautiful language and a poetic tone, but its message is timeless and universal. It speaks to the human experience of fear and the power of faith to overcome it. In this world, there will always be challenges and difficult moments, but we can find solace and courage in the knowledge that Christ is near and He will never let us go.

As the words of the hymn remind us, let us be hopeful, cheerful, and undaunted in our faith. Let us rejoice in the promise of eternal life and the comfort that death cannot destroy us forever. And most importantly, let us always remember that we are cherished and loved by our Shepherd, who will guide us through all of life’s trials and ultimately bring us to a of eternal rest.

So, my dear friend, take comfort in the truth of this hymn. Embrace the faith and strength it offers. And may your soul find peace in the loving arms of Christ, now and forevermore.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience comfort and reassurance as you discover strength and peace in Christ. Find hope and courage in the face of fear and anxiety. Embrace this timeless hymn's message of faith and assurance. Find peace in the loving arms of Christ.
Why My Soul Thus Trembling Ever - Hymn Lyric - Experience comfort and reassurance as you discover strength and peace in Christ. Find hope and courage in the face of fear and anxiety. Embrace this timeless hymn's message of faith and assurance. Find peace in the loving arms of Christ.