Come Into The Sunshine Why Linger In Shade – Hymn Lyric

Bask in the warm embrace of the sunshine! Leave the shadows behind and step into the beautiful

Come Into The Sunshine Why Linger In Shade – Hymn Lyric

Are you tired of lingering in the shadows? It’s time to step into the beautiful, beautiful of God’s . Cast away doubts and fears, embrace the light, and bask in the warmth and that comes with it. Come into the sunshine and experience the beauty of a life lived in the light of love.


Come Into The Sunshine Why Linger In Shade – Hymn Lyric

Come into the sunshine, why linger in shade?
Come into love’s freedom, O be not afraid!
Come, take of God’s bounties, for all things are yours;
‘s claim will be honored, the promise assures.

Come into the sunshine,
Beautiful beautiful sunshine;
Come into the sunshine,
The beautiful light of God.

Come into the sunshine, O walk in the light!
Heirs of this are not of the :
Tho’ trials o’ertake you, yet be of good cheer!
The dawn of redemption from suff’ is near.


Come into the sunshine, faith’s portion so blest;
Doubts chill and distress you, come into this rest!
Cast now your soul’s anchor in this haven fair,
For peace as a river flows, blissfully there.



Meaning of Come Into The Sunshine Why Linger In Shade

Are you ready to bask in the embrace of the sunshine? Are you tired of lingering in the shadows, afraid to step into the light? Well, my friend, it’s time to cast away those doubts and fears and step into the beautiful, beautiful sunshine of God’s love.

In life, we often find ourselves stumbling in the darkness, surrounded by shadows of doubt and fear. We may feel lost and alone, unsure of which direction to take. But here’s the good news – the sunshine is always there, waiting for us to embrace it.

Just like a sunny day can light up the world around us, God’s love can illuminate our lives, bringing us freedom, joy, and peace. So why should we continue to linger in the shade when we have the opportunity to step into the sunlight?

You see, my friend, God’s bounties are abundant, and they are meant for all of us. There is no need to be afraid or doubt our worthiness. Faith’s claim will always be honored, and the promise of God’s love assures us that we are deserving of his blessings.

So, let us come into the sunshine with open arms and open hearts. Let us bask in the beautiful light of God, which has the power to heal, transform, and uplift us. Just as the sun’s rays can warm our skin and bring us comfort, God’s love can fill us with hope, resilience, and a sense of belonging.

We may face trials and challenges along the way, but we should not lose heart. As heirs of this salvation, we are not of the night – we belong to the light. And that light will guide us through even the darkest of times.

In those moments of doubt and despair, remember that the dawn of redemption is near. It’s like a new day dawning after a long and stormy night. The suffering we endure will not be in vain, for it is leading us towards a brighter tomorrow.

So, my friend, come into the sunshine and walk in the light. Let go of those doubts that chill and distress you. Instead, find solace and rest in the peaceful haven of God’s love. It is a place where peace flows like a river, washing away our worries and fears. In this haven, joy and contentment abound, and we can truly experience what it means to be alive.

Now, you may wonder how to come into the sunshine and embrace this light. Well, it starts with faith – faith in God’s love and in his promises. It is the anchor for our souls, keeping us steady amidst life’s storms. With faith as our compass, we can navigate through any challenge that comes our way.

But we must also remember that coming into the sunshine is not a one-time event. It is a lifelong journey, a daily choice to embrace the light and let go of the shadows. It requires us to continuously cast away our doubts and fears, and to trust in the goodness and guidance of God.

So, my friend, as you embark on this journey into the sunshine, know that you are not alone. God’s love is always with you, ready to illuminate your path and fill your heart with joy. Embrace the beautiful, beautiful sunshine of God, and let it transform your life in ways you never thought possible.

As you step into the light, may you find peace, love, and abundant blessings. And may your journey be filled with joy and fulfillment, for that is the promise of the beautiful light of God.

Come into the sunshine, my friend, and experience the beauty of a life lived in the light of love.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Bask in the warm embrace of the sunshine! Leave the shadows behind and step into the beautiful, beautiful sunshine of God's love. Embrace the light and transform your life.
Come Into The Sunshine Why Linger In Shade - Hymn Lyric - Bask in the warm embrace of the sunshine! Leave the shadows behind and step into the beautiful, beautiful sunshine of God's love. Embrace the light and transform your life.