Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes – Hymn Lyric

Discover Hope and Forgiveness in Jesus' Sacrifice - "Jesus

Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes – Hymn Lyric

“Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes: Finding in Times of Trouble” is a beautiful hymn that reminds us of Jesus’ and sacrifice. It encourages us to seek His mercy, imitate His compassion, and find solace in His presence. Through His suffering, we are offered forgiveness, redemption, and the promise of eternal life.


Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes – Hymn Lyric

Jesus, in Thy dying woes,
Even while Thy lifeblood floes,
Craving pardon for Thy ;
Hear us, holy Jesus.

, for our pardon sue,
When our sins Thy pangs renew,
For we know not what we do:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

O may we, who mercy need,
Be like Thee in heart and deed,
When with wrong our spirits bleed:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Jesus, pitying the sighs
Of the thief, who near Thee dies,
Promising him ;
Hear us, holy Jesus.

May we, in our guilt and shame,
Still Thy love and mercy claim,
Calling humbly on Thy Name:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

O remember us who pine,
Looking from our cross to Thine;
our souls with hope divine:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Jesus, loving to the end
Her whose heart Thy rend,
And Thy dearest human :
Hear us, holy Jesus.

May we in Thy sorrows share,
And for Thee all peril dare,
And enjoy Thy tender care:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

May we all Thy loved ones be,
All one holy family,
Loving for the love of Thee,
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Jesus, whelmed in fears unknown,
With our evil left alone,
While no light from Heav’n is shown:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Though no Father seem to hear,
Though no light our spirits cheer,
Tell our faith that God is near:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Jesus, in Thy thirst and pain,
While Thy wounds Thy lifeblood drain,
Thirsting more our love to gain:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Thirst for us in mercy still;
All Thy holy work fulfill;
Satisfy Thy loving will:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

May we thirst Thy love to know;
Lead us in our sin and woe
Where the healing waters flow:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Jesus, all our ransom paid,
All Thy Father’s will obeyed,
All Thy suff’rings perfect made:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Save us in our soul’s distress,
Be our help to cheer and ,
While we grow in holiness:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

Jesus, all Thy labor vast,
All Thy woe and conflict past,
Yielding up Thy soul at last:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

When the death shades round us lower,
Guard us from the temper’s power,
Keep us in that trial hour:
Hear us, holy Jesus.

May Thy life and death supply
Grace to live and grace to die,
Grace to reach the home on high:
Hear us, holy Jesus.


Meaning of Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes

Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes: Finding Hope in Times of Trouble

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of Jesus’ incredible love and sacrifice for us. It speaks to the depth of His compassion and the forgiveness He offers, even to His enemies. As we reflect on these powerful words, we are encouraged to seek His mercy, imitate His love, and find solace in His presence.

When we feel burdened by our sins and face the consequences of our actions, we can turn to Jesus, just as He did on the cross. In our moments of weakness, we can ask for His pardon and seek His guidance. We acknowledge that sometimes we may not fully understand the weight and impact of our choices, but we trust that Jesus, in His infinite wisdom, does.

The hymn also reminds us to strive to emulate Jesus’ heart and deeds. When we experience pain and are treated unfairly, we can look to Jesus’ example of love and forgiveness. By calling on His name and seeking His grace, we can find the strength to respond with compassion rather than bitterness.

Just as Jesus showed mercy to the thief on the cross, promising him paradise in his final moments, we too can extend grace and compassion to others, no matter their circumstances. We recognize that we are not perfect and have fallen short, but Jesus’ love is not limited to our own faults. His mercy knows no bounds, and it is our duty to extend that mercy to others.

When we find ourselves in despair or feel overwhelmed by our struggles, we can look to Jesus who understands our pain. He sees our suffering and offers us hope beyond our circumstances. We can cling to His promises and trust that He will cheer our souls with the assurance of divine hope.

Just as Jesus loved those closest to Him, we are called to love one another. We are encouraged to be a united family, bound by our love for Jesus. In times of trial, we can find comfort and strength in the support of our fellow believers, knowing that we are all part of the same holy family.

Sometimes, it may feel as though heaven is distant, and we are left to face our darkest moments alone. However, even in those times, we can hold on to our faith and trust that God is near. Though our circumstances may be challenging, we can find solace in the knowledge that Jesus experienced fear and loneliness as well. He understands our struggles and will never abandon us.

Jesus’ thirst and pain on the cross were not just physical; they represented His longing for our love and salvation. He willingly suffered for our sake because of His deep desire to reconcile us with God. In response, we can thirst for a deeper relationship with Him, allowing His love to nourish our souls and guide us to a place of healing.

Jesus completed His mission on earth by obediently following His Father’s will. His suffering was not in vain; it was the ultimate demonstration of His love for us. We can find comfort in knowing that Jesus’ sacrifice paved the way for our redemption. We can trust that He will continue to work in our lives, helping us through our soul’s distress and leading us to grow in holiness.

Just as Jesus yielded His soul to God on the cross, we too can our lives to Him. In times of uncertainty and pain, we can find refuge in Jesus’ selflessness and trust that He will guide us. We can rely on His strength to overcome challenges and rely on His presence for comfort and peace.

As we journey through life, we can find assurance in the unchanging nature of Jesus’ life and death. His sacrifice and resurrection provide us with the grace to live in His love and peace. Whether in life or in death, we can rely on Jesus’ faithfulness to lead us home to the eternal joy and comfort of heaven.

In conclusion, “Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes” is a hymn that reminds us of the incredible depth of Jesus’ love and sacrifice. It encourages us to seek His mercy, imitate His compassion, and find hope in His presence. Through His suffering, we are offered forgiveness, redemption, and the promise of eternal life. May we always remember and cherish the profound significance of Jesus’ dying woes.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover Hope and Forgiveness in Jesus' Sacrifice - Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes hymn explores His love and mercy, urging us to seek His compassion and find solace in His presence. Emulate His love and imitate His deeds to create a united and loving family. Turn to Jesus in times of distress, as He understands our pain and offers hope. Trust in His faithfulness to guide us through life and lead us to eternal joy.
Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes - Hymn Lyric - Discover Hope and Forgiveness in Jesus' Sacrifice - "Jesus, In Thy Dying Woes" hymn explores His love and mercy, urging us to seek His compassion and find solace in His presence. Emulate His love and imitate His deeds to create a united and loving family. Turn to Jesus in times of distress, as He understands our pain and offers hope. Trust in His faithfulness to guide us through life and lead us to eternal joy.