Tell Jesus – Hymn Lyric

"Tell Jesus and Find Comfort in Dark Times - He Will Understand and Guide You Through Life's Storms. Trust Him."

Tell Jesus – Hymn Lyric

In times of darkness and uncertainty, “Tell ” that He will understand. Jesus, our and guide, is waiting for us to reach out to Him amidst the storms of . He carries the weight of our burdens and knows our and struggles. Trust in Jesus and share your worries, for He will always offer comfort and .


Tell Jesus – Hymn Lyric

When dark and stormy is the way,
When sin besets on every hand,
There’s One who’ll be your friend and stay—
Tell Jesus, He will understand.

Tell Jesus, with the thorn-crowned brow,
The riven side and wounded hand;
Tell Jesus, when to Him you bow—
Tell Jesus, He will understand.

No one there is who better knows
The sorrows of this earthly land;
He bears the cross of all our woes—
Tell Jesus, He will understand.

Your heavy burdens He will share,
And guard you with His angel band;
Oh, cast on Him your every care—
Tell Jesus, He will understand.

When all your labors here are o’er
And at the river’s brink you stand,
Fear not, nor dread the breaker’s roar—
Tell Jesus, He will understand.


Meaning of Tell Jesus

In times of darkness and uncertainty, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and lost. We may find ourselves surrounded by sin and challenges that seem insurmountable. But fear not, my dear friend, for there is someone who is always there for you, ready to be your friend and guide. His name is Jesus, and he will always understand.

Imagine walking through a storm, with thunder rumbling and rain pouring down. It can be quite scary and unsettling, can’t it? Well, life can sometimes feel like that storm. It may seem like there is no escape from the troubles and that surround us. But amidst the chaos, Jesus is there, waiting for you to reach out to Him. Just tell Jesus, and He will understand.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed by your own mistakes and shortcomings, take a moment to remember Jesus’ thorn-crowned brow, His riven side, and wounded hands. This loving endured unimaginable pain and suffering for you and for me. He knows what it’s like to face difficulties and challenges. So, when you bow your head and share your fears and struggles with Him, know that He will understand.

There is no one who understands the sorrows and struggles of this better than Jesus. He carries the weight of all our woes, the burdens we think are too heavy to bear. When life feels overwhelming, know that you are not alone. Jesus is there, ready to share your heavy loads and protect you with His angelic presence. So cast all your cares upon Him and trust that He will understand.

As we journey through life, we may face times when our labors and efforts seem endless. But take heart, my dear friend, for there will come a day when our earthly toils will come to an end. When we stand at the river’s brink, ready to cross over into , we may feel fear and trepidation. But know this, Jesus is there, waiting for you. He will understand and guide you safely to the other side. So do not fear the breaker’s roar, for Jesus will be there, holding your hand.

In conclusion, my dear friend, when the way gets dark and stormy, when sin surrounds us, remember that you have a friend who will always stand by your side. His name is Jesus, and He will understand. He knows your sorrows, your struggles, and your fears. He is ready to share your burdens and guide you through life’s storms. So, no matter what you’re going through, whether it be a small worry or a great challenge, just tell Jesus. Trust that He will understand, for He is always there, offering comfort and peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Tell Jesus and Find Comfort in Dark Times - He Will Understand and Guide You Through Life's Storms. Trust Him.
Tell Jesus - Hymn Lyric - "Tell Jesus and Find Comfort in Dark Times - He Will Understand and Guide You Through Life's Storms. Trust Him."