Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away – Hymn Lyric

"Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away: March on fearlessly with our Commander by your side. Embrace the war cry

Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers For Jesus And : A Call to March OnJoin the army of soldiers for Jesus as we rise and answer the call! Together, we march fearlessly and faithfully, guided by our Commander from above. Let’s keep in line and never lose sight of the victory that awaits us.


Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away – Hymn Lyric

Soldiers for Jesus, rise and away,
Hark! ‘Tis the war cry sounding today;
Lo! our Commander calls from the skies;
Forward to conquest, lose not the prize!

Now like an army along,
Fearless and faithful, valiant and strong,
Up with our banners, brightly they shine;
March on together, keep in the line.

Soldiers for Jesus, are we;
He our Protector, near us will be,
Trust in His mercy, changeless, divine;
March on with firmness, keep in the line.

Now like an army marching along,
Fearless and faithful, valiant and strong,
Up with our banners, brightly they shine;
March on together, keep in the line.

Soldiers for Jesus, gladly we go,
Smiling at danger, braving the foe;
Bright are our landmarks, brightly they shine;
March on rejoicing, keep in the line.

Now like an army marching along,
Fearless and faithful, valiant and strong,
Up with our banners, brightly they shine;
March on together, keep in the line.

Soldiers for Jesus, victory is nigh,
Work till we gain it, rest by and by;
O, let our courage never decline;
March on with boldness, keep in the line.

Now like an army marching along,
Fearless and faithful, valiant and strong,
Up with our banners, brightly they shine;
March on together, keep in the line.


Meaning of Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away

Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away: A Call to March On

Are you ready, soldiers? It’s time to rise and away! Can you hear the war cry sounding? Our Commander is calling us from the skies. It’s time to march on, to conquer, and to not lose sight of the prize that awaits us.

Just like an army marching along, we must be fearless and faithful, valiant and strong. Our banners shine brightly, guiding us as we move together in unity. So, let’s pick up our spirits and keep in the line.

We, soldiers for Jesus, are truly blessed. He is our Protector, always near us. We can trust in His mercy, for it is changeless and divine. With Him by our side, we have nothing to fear. So, let’s march on with firmness and remain steadfast in the line.

As soldiers for Jesus, we embark on this journey with in our hearts. We smile at danger, bravely facing any foe that stands in our way. Our landmarks are bright, brightly to guide us. So, let’s march on, rejoicing in our mission, and always keep in the line.

The victory is near, soldiers! We must work tirelessly until we reach it. Rest will by and by, but for now, we must persevere. Let our courage never waver, let it only grow stronger. With boldness in our hearts, let’s march on and keep in the line.

Soldiers for Jesus, we are called to be a beacon of in this world. Let’s lift each other up, support one another, and spread love and kindness wherever we go. Our mission is to bring into darkness, to make a difference in the lives of those we encounter.

Remember, soldiers, each step we take brings us closer to the victory our Commander has promised us. We are on a noble journey, and we must stay focused. We may face challenges and setbacks, but let’s not lose heart. With our Commander leading the way, we know we are never alone.

So, my fellow soldiers, let’s rise and away! Embrace the war cry and let it fuel our spirits. Together, let’s march on fearlessly, faithfully, valiantly, and strongly. Our banners shine brightly, reminding us of our purpose. Let’s keep in the line, shoulder to shoulder, as we make a difference in this world.

Soldiers for Jesus, are you ready? It’s time to march on and fulfill our calling. Let’s face each day with renewed dedication and enthusiasm. Our Commander is with us, guiding our every step. So, let’s rise and away, my friends. Let’s be soldiers for Jesus!

March on, soldiers, and embrace the adventure that awaits us. It’s time to make a difference and shine our light brightly. Together, we can conquer any challenge that comes our way. Soldiers for Jesus, rise and away!


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away: March on fearlessly with our Commander by your side. Embrace the war cry, conquer challenges, and keep in the line.
Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away - Hymn Lyric - "Soldiers For Jesus Rise And Away: March on fearlessly with our Commander by your side. Embrace the war cry, conquer challenges, and keep in the line."