Our Heavenly Father Calls And Christ Invites Us Near – Hymn Lyric

Experience the love and guidance of Our Heavenly Father and Christ. Embrace the invitation to a personal relationship

Our Heavenly Father Calls And Christ Invites Us Near – Hymn Lyric

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the loving and inviting nature of our Father and Christ. They are always there for us, ready to offer their friendship, compassion, and guidance. It is a reminder of the immense and that God has bestowed upon us, as well as the sacrifice made by Jesus to bring us these blessings. Let us embrace this invitation and walk hand in hand with our heavenly Father and Christ, eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of our communion in the heavenly realms.


Our Heavenly Father Calls And Christ Invites Us Near – Hymn Lyric

Our heavenly Father calls,
And Christ invites us near;
With both our friendship shall be sweet,
And our communion dear.

God pities all our griefs;
He pardons every day;
Almighty to protect our souls
And wise to guide our way.

How large his bounties are!
What various stores of good
Diffused from our Redeemer’s hand,
And purchased with his blood?

Jesus, our living head,
We thy faithful care;
Our advocate before the throne,
And our forerunner there.

Here fix, my roving !
Here wait, my warmest love!
‘Till the communion be complete
In nobler scenes above.


Meaning of Our Heavenly Father Calls And Christ Invites Us Near

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the loving and inviting nature of our heavenly Father and Christ. It is a reminder that they are always there for us, ready to offer their friendship, compassion, and guidance. We are reminded of the immense love and blessings that God has bestowed upon us, as well as the sacrifice made by Jesus to bring us these blessings.

The hymn begins with the uplifting message that our heavenly Father calls us. This implies that God desires to have a personal relationship with us, to be involved in our lives, and to offer us comfort and support. It is a comforting thought to know that we are not alone, and that our Creator invites us into a relationship with Him. This invitation signifies that God wants to be more than just a distant figure; He wants to be our friend.

And Christ invites us near as well. Jesus, as our Savior and Redeemer, extends His hand to us, beckoning us to come closer to Him. He understands our struggles, our pain, and our joys. Jesus is there to walk beside us, to offer His guidance and love as we navigate through life. His invitation to us is a testament to His love and desire to be an active part of our lives.

The hymn goes on to remind us of God’s compassion and forgiveness. It tells us that God pities all our griefs and pardons us every day. This is a comforting thought for those moments when we feel burdened by our mistakes or overwhelmed by life’s challenges. It is a reassurance that God is always ready to offer His forgiveness and help us find solace in His love.

Not only does God offer compassion and forgiveness, but He is also almighty to protect our souls and wise to guide our way. This verse reminds us of God’s power and wisdom. It assures us that when we find ourselves in difficult situations, we can trust in God’s strength and guidance. He is our protector and our guide, leading us on the right path.

As we continue , we are reminded of the vast and abundant blessings that come from our Redeemer’s hand. It reminds us that Jesus has provided us with various stores of good, all purchased with His precious blood. This emphasizes the depth of God’s love for us and the richness of the blessings He upon us. It reminds us that we are truly blessed to have Jesus as our Savior.

Jesus is not only our Redeemer but also our living head. This means that He takes care of us and looks after our well-being. We are encouraged to bless His faithful care and to be grateful for all that He does for us. It is a reminder that Jesus is not just a distant figure, but rather our advocate before the throne. He intercedes for us and represents us to God. He is our forerunner, paving the way for us to experience the joys and glories of heaven.

The hymn concludes with a gentle request for our hearts and love to remain fixed on God and His love. It tells us to wait patiently for the day when our communion with God will be complete in nobler scenes above. This reminds us to focus on our heavenly and to eagerly anticipate the day when we will be in full communion with God. It is a beautiful reminder that, despite the challenges and difficulties we may face in this life, we have an and a glorious future awaiting us.

In conclusion, this hymn serves as a reminder of the loving and inviting nature of our heavenly Father and Christ. It encourages us to cultivate a personal relationship with them, to seek their guidance and care, and to be grateful for the blessings they have bestowed upon us. It instills hope and reassurance that we are not alone and that God is always ready to extend His love and forgiveness. Let us embrace this invitation and walk hand in hand with our heavenly Father and Christ, eagerly awaiting the fulfillment of our communion in the heavenly realms.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the love and guidance of Our Heavenly Father and Christ. Embrace the invitation to a personal relationship, forgiveness, and abundant blessings. Await the communion in heavenly realms.
Our Heavenly Father Calls And Christ Invites Us Near - Hymn Lyric - Experience the love and guidance of Our Heavenly Father and Christ. Embrace the invitation to a personal relationship, forgiveness, and abundant blessings. Await the communion in heavenly realms.