I Left It All With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Discover the peace and joy in surrendering to Jesus. Leave it all with Him - sins

I Left It All With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

I Left It All With Jesus: Finding Peace and in SurrenderFind solace and comfort in surrendering to Jesus, our loving and compassionate . Through faith and trust, we can hand over our burdens and sorrows to Him, allowing Him to bring peace, joy, and love into our lives. Come home to Jesus and experience the beauty of surrender, for He is always there to embrace us with His tender and loving mercy.


I Left It All With Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Oh, I left it all with Jesus, long ago
All my I brought Him and my woe
When by faith I saw Him bleeding on the tree;
Heard His still small whisper, “‘Tis for !”
From my weary the burden rolled away;
Happy day! happy day!
From my weary heart the burden rolled away;
Happy day! happy day!

Oh, I leave it all with Jesus, for He knows
How to steal the bitter from life’s woes,
How to gild the tear of sorrow with His smile,
Make the desert garden bloom awhile.
Then with all my weakness leaning on His might,
All is ! All is light!
Then with all my weakness leaning on His might,
All is light! All is light!

Oh, I leave it all with Jesus, day by day;
Faith can firmly trust Him, come what may;
has dropped for aye her anchor, found her rest
In the calm, sure haven of His breast.
Love esteems it joy of heaven to abide
At His side! At His side!
Love esteems it joy of Heaven to abide
At His side! At His side!

Leave, oh leave it all with Jesus, drooping soul;
Tell not half thy story, but the whole;
Worlds on worlds are hanging ever on His hand,
Life and death are waiting His command.
Yet His tender, loving mercy makes thee room:
Oh, come home! Oh, come home!
Yet His tender, loving mercy makes thee room:
Oh, come home! Oh, come home!


Meaning of I Left It All With Jesus

I Left It All With Jesus: Finding Peace and Joy in Surrender

Oh, my dear friends, gather ’round and listen to this beautiful hymn that speaks of a wonderful truth. In the depths of our souls, we carry burdens and sorrows, but there is someone we can turn to, someone who can take it all away. That someone is Jesus, our loving and compassionate Savior. Through faith, we can trust Him completely and find peace and joy in surrender.

The hymn begins with the profound words, “Oh, I left it all with Jesus, long ago.” Can you imagine the freedom and relief that come from handing over our sins and woes to the one who understands us like no other? It can be overwhelming to think about the weight of our mistakes and troubles, but Jesus is here to help us carry that load.

Picture this, my friends: as we approach the tree where Jesus was , we see Him bleeding, suffering for our sake. In that moment, we hear His gentle voice whispering, “‘Tis for thee!” Yes, He endured incredible pain and sacrifice for each one of us. And when we acknowledge His sacrifice and accept His love, the burden in our weary hearts rolls away. It’s a happy day, indeed!

Not only does Jesus take our burdens away, but He also knows how to steal the bitterness from life’s woes. When we walk with Him, He can turn our of sorrow into tears of joy. He can transform a dry and desolate desert into a beautiful garden full of life. With all our weaknesses and shortcomings, we can lean on His mighty strength, and suddenly, all becomes light. What a remarkable transformation!

Let us not forget that this surrender to Jesus is not a one-time event. It is a daily choice to trust Him, no matter what may come our way. We can have faith that He will guide us through the darkest storms and give us the strength to endure. Our hope can anchor itself in His calm and secure haven. Oh, what a assurance to know that we are embraced by His love!

Dear ones, if you are feeling weary and burdened, if your soul is drooping under the weight of unspoken pain, remember that Jesus is waiting for you with open arms. He knows every detail of your story, and He longs for you to bring it all to Him. For even though the entire universe hangs in the balance, He still cares deeply for you. His tender and loving mercy makes room for you in His presence. So, come home to Him! Find solace and comfort in His embrace!

As we conclude our reflection on this beautiful hymn, let us remember the message it carries. We have a Savior who is willing to take it all from us- all our sins, all our burdens, and all our sorrows. In return, He fills our hearts with peace, joy, and love. So let us leave it all with Jesus, day by day, and experience the beauty of surrender. Have faith, dear friends, have hope, and above all, have love. For our journey with Jesus is one of unending grace and eternal companionship.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the peace and joy in surrendering to Jesus. Leave it all with Him - sins, burdens, and sorrows. Experience His tender love and find solace in His embrace. Come home to Jesus today.
I Left It All With Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Discover the peace and joy in surrendering to Jesus. Leave it all with Him - sins, burdens, and sorrows. Experience His tender love and find solace in His embrace. Come home to Jesus today.