O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done – Hymn Lyric

Discover the powerful love behind the hymn "O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done." Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and embrace the forgiveness and eternal life he offers. My Lord

O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done – Hymn Lyric

O Love Divine What Hast Thou DoneThis hymn beautifully expresses awe and gratitude for God’s incredible love. It speaks of Jesus willingly dying for our sins, carrying our burdens to the cross. It calls us to believe in this true record of love, reminding us that we are bought with Jesus’ blood, offering pardon and to all. Let this hymn inspire us to reflect on the depth of God’s love and to respond by accepting His forgiveness and embracing His .


O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done – Hymn Lyric

O Love divine, what has thou done!
The immortal God hath died for me!
The Father’s coeternal
bore all my sins upon the tree.

Th’ immortal God for me hath died:
My , my Love, is !
Is crucified for me and you,
to bring us rebels back to God.

Believe, believe the record true,
ye all are bought with Jesus’ blood.
Pardon for all flows from his side:
My Lord, my Love, is crucified!

Behold him, all ye that pass by,
the bleeding Prince of life and peace!
Come, sinners, see your Savior die,
and say, “Was ever grief like his?”

Come, feel with me his blood applied:
My Lord, my Love, is crucified!


Meaning of O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done

O Love Divine, What Hast Thou Done?

Oh, what a beautiful hymn we have here! The words of this hymn fill our hearts with joy and gratitude for the incredible love that God has shown us. It reminds us of the tremendous sacrifice that Jesus made by dying on the cross for our sins. Let’s dive deeper into the meaning behind these powerful words and reflect on the love that has been poured out for us.

The hymn begins with the declaration, “O Love divine, what hast thou done!” It expresses astonishment and wonder at the incredible act of love that God has accomplished. The immortal God, who is perfect and without , willingly chose to die for us. Just think about that for a moment, friends. The Creator of the universe gave up his life for each and every one of us. It’s truly mind-blowing!

The next line tells us that “The Father’s coeternal Son bore all my sins upon the tree.” Jesus, the Son of God, took upon himself the weight of our sins. He carried them all the way to the cross, where he was crucified. Can you imagine the immense burden that he carried for us? It is a reminder of the depth of our brokenness and the incredible love that Jesus has for us.

The hymn goes on to say that “The immortal God for me hath died.” Let that sink in, my dear friends. Jesus, who is and without end, died for you and for me. It was not because he had to, but because he chose to. He chose to give up his life so that we could be reconciled with God. This is a love beyond our comprehension, a love that knows no bounds.

We are told to “Believe, believe the record true, ye all are bought with Jesus’ blood.” The record of Jesus’ sacrifice is true. It is not just a story or a myth, but a historical fact. Jesus shed his blood so that we could be forgiven and set free. His death on the cross was the price that was paid to bring us back to God. We are bought with his precious blood, paid in full.

The hymn reminds us that “Pardon for all flows from his side.” This means that forgiveness and grace are available to all who believe in Jesus. No matter what we have done or how far we have strayed, there is forgiveness waiting for us. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross opened the for us to receive pardon and eternal life. It is a gift that we can never earn, but one that is freely given.

As the hymn continues, it calls out to all who pass by to behold the bleeding Prince of life and peace. It invites sinners, like you and me, to come and witness the Savior’s death on the cross. It prompts us to reflect on the enormity of his suffering, and to ask ourselves, “Was ever grief like his?” The answer, of course, is a resounding no. Jesus endured the ultimate pain and agony so that we could have eternal life and peace with God.

It concludes with an invitation to “come, feel with me his blood applied.” This is a personal invitation to all who hear this hymn, to personally experience the power of Jesus’ sacrifice. It is an invitation to accept his forgiveness, to allow his blood to wash away our sins, and to be transformed by his love. We are called to respond, to truly embrace the reality that our Lord, our Love, was crucified for us.

So, my dear friends, let this hymn inspire you. Let it remind you of the incredible love that God has for each and every one of us. Let it deepen your gratitude and understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. And most importantly, let it move you to respond, to open your to the love divine that has been poured out for you. May you always remember and cherish the words of this hymn: “My Lord, my Love, is crucified!”


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the powerful love behind the hymn O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done. Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and embrace the forgiveness and eternal life he offers. My Lord, my Love, is crucified!
O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done - Hymn Lyric - Discover the powerful love behind the hymn "O Love Divine What Hast Thou Done." Reflect on Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and embrace the forgiveness and eternal life he offers. My Lord, my Love, is crucified!