Look To Jesus When In Danger – Hymn Lyric

Looking for guidance and protection? Look to Jesus when in danger. He will lead you safely through life's storms and bring you peace and comfort.

Look To Jesus When In Danger – Hymn Lyric

When facing danger, whether literal or metaphorical, it is important to remember to look to Jesus for guidance and protection. “Look to Jesus When in Danger” is a hymn that emphasizes the unwavering presence and of Jesus in our lives. By fixing our gaze upon Him, we can find solace and safety, knowing that no storm can harm us.


Look To Jesus When In Danger – Hymn Lyric

Look to Jesus when in danger,
There are storms upon ‘s sea,
And though rough may seem the billows,
He will ever with you be.

Oh, look to Him when clouds appear,
No storm can harm when He is near;
Oh, look to Him where’er you roam,
He’ll lead you safely to your .

Look to Jesus, He will save you
Though you’ve drifted far away,
He will gladly come to meet you,
And will keep you near each day.


Look to Jesus, for He loves you,
Ever look to Him in prayer,
He will guide you o’er life’s ocean,
He will lighten ev’ry care.



Meaning of Look To Jesus When In Danger

When life gets tough and storms start raging, it can feel overwhelming. We may feel lost and scared, not knowing which way to turn. But in those difficult moments, there is someone we can always look to for guidance and protection – Jesus.

In the hymn “Look to Jesus When in Danger,” the lyrics remind us of the unwavering presence of Jesus in our lives. Just as a lighthouse guides ships through treacherous waters, Jesus is our guiding light, offering comfort and safety in the midst of life’s storms.

When clouds appear and surrounds us, we can find solace in knowing that no storm can harm us when Jesus is near. He is our anchor, our source of strength and courage. So, whenever we encounter challenges or obstacles, we can choose to fix our gaze upon Him and find in His loving presence.

Sometimes, we may find ourselves drifting away from Jesus – whether due to our own choices or external influences. But the beautiful truth is that He will always reach out to us, eagerly waiting for us to return to Him. No matter how far we’ve wandered, Jesus will gladly come to meet us, embracing us with open arms and keeping us close to Him each day.

We can look to Jesus not only in times of trouble but also in moments of and . He loves us unconditionally, and through prayer, we can strengthen our relationship with Him. Just as a compass guides a sailor across the vast ocean, Jesus will guide us through the journey of life. He will provide direction, comfort, and assurance, lightening every we carry along the way.

Life’s ocean can sometimes be daunting, filled with unknowns and uncertainties. But with Jesus by our side, we need not fear. He is our constant companion, offering guidance and support even in the most turbulent times. So, whenever we feel overwhelmed or burdened by the challenges of life, let us look to Jesus and find solace in His unfailing love.

Looking to Jesus is not a one-time event but a continuous journey. It is a daily choice to trust in Him and our worries and fears. As we cast our cares upon Him, we can experience the peace that surpasses all understanding, knowing that we are not alone.

So, let us remember to look to Jesus when in danger – both literal and metaphorical. Whether we are faced with physical storms or emotional turmoil, Jesus is our refuge and fortress. He will lead us safely through the tempests of life, guiding us to our ultimate destination – our eternal home with Him.

In conclusion, “Look to Jesus When in Danger” is a hymn that reminds us of the unwavering presence and love of Jesus in our lives. Regardless of the storms we face, Jesus is always with us, ready to guide, protect, and comfort us. So, let us fix our gaze upon Him, for when we look to Jesus, no storm can harm us. He will lead us safely through the trials of life, us joy, peace, and ultimately, leading us to our eternal home.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Looking for guidance and protection? Look to Jesus when in danger. He will lead you safely through life's storms and bring you peace and comfort.
Look To Jesus When In Danger - Hymn Lyric - Looking for guidance and protection? Look to Jesus when in danger. He will lead you safely through life's storms and bring you peace and comfort.