O God I Love Thee Not That My Poor Love – Hymn Lyric

Discover the profound meaning behind "O God I Love Thee" hymn. Delve into a selfless love that surpasses personal gain or fear of punishment. Embrace Jesus's sacrifice and respond with unwavering devotion.

O God I Love Thee Not That My Poor Love – Hymn Lyric

In the beautiful hymn “O I Thee Not That My Poor Love,” the writer explores a love for God that is not based on personal gain or fear, but rather on the understanding of . This selfless love is a response to the immense grief and anguish Jesus endured on the Cross. It is a powerful reminder to love and adore Jesus for who He is, our King and God.


O God I Love Thee Not That My Poor Love – Hymn Lyric

O God, I love thee; not that my poor love
May win me entrance to thy heav’n above,
Nor yet that strangers to thy love must know
The bitterness of everlasting woe.

But, Jesus, thou art mine, and I am thine;
Clasped to thy bosom by thine arms ,
Who on the cruel Cross for me hast borne
The nails, the spear, and man’s unpitying scorn.

No thought can fathom and no tongue express
Thy griefs, thy toils, thy anguish measureless,
Thy death, O of God, the undefiled;
And all for me, thy wayward, sinful child.

How can I choose but love thee, God’s Son,
O Jesus, loveliest and most loving one!
Were there no heav’n to gain, no hell to flee,
For what thou art alone I must love thee.

Not for the hope of or reward,
But even as thyself hast loved me, ,
I love Thee, and will love thee and adore,
Who art my King, my God, forevermore.


Meaning of O God I Love Thee Not That My Poor Love

May Win Me Entrance to Thy Heav’n Above

Oh, dear reader, let us delve into the depths of this beautiful hymn and discover the true meaning behind these heartfelt words. It speaks of a love that surpasses all understanding, a love that is selfless and unwavering. It is a love that is not based on personal gain or fear of punishment, but rather a love that springs from the very core of one’s being.

The writer of this hymn acknowledges that their love for God is not meant to secure them a place in heaven. It is not a bargaining tool or a way to avoid eternal damnation. No, dear friend, this love is far more profound than that. It is a love that stems from a recognition of the immense sacrifice that Jesus made on the Cross.

Yes, Jesus, the Son of God, gave Himself willingly to suffer the nails, the spear, and the scorn of mankind, all for the sake of saving humanity from everlasting woe. Can you begin to fathom the depths of His griefs, His toils, and His anguish? It is truly beyond measure. And yet, in His infinite love, He still chose to bear all this for you and me, His wayward and sinful children.

How can we not choose to love Him in return? How can we not be moved by such a selfless act of love? Jesus, the loveliest and most loving one, deserves our affection, our adoration, and our devotion. Even if there were no heaven to gain or hell to flee from, we would still be compelled to love Him. For His love alone is more than enough reason to do so.

The writer of this hymn expresses their love for Jesus not out of a for earthly rewards or glory, but simply because He has loved them first. Jesus has loved us with a love that knows no bounds, a love that transcends time and space. And so, it is only fitting that we respond to His love with an outpouring of our own.

Therefore, dear reader, let us join in the sentiment of this hymn. Let us love Jesus for who He is – our King, our God, and so much more. Let our love for Him be a constant flame within us, burning bright and strong. Let us adore Him with every fiber of our being, for He is deserving of our love, now and forevermore.

In conclusion, dear friend, this hymn speaks of a love that goes far beyond personal gain or fear of punishment. It is a love that stems from a deep recognition of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the Cross. It is a love that is unwavering and selfless. So let us embrace this love, let us respond to it with all our hearts, and let us live each day with a love for Jesus that will never fade away.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the profound meaning behind O God I Love Thee hymn. Delve into a selfless love that surpasses personal gain or fear of punishment. Embrace Jesus's sacrifice and respond with unwavering devotion.
O God I Love Thee Not That My Poor Love - Hymn Lyric - Discover the profound meaning behind "O God I Love Thee" hymn. Delve into a selfless love that surpasses personal gain or fear of punishment. Embrace Jesus's sacrifice and respond with unwavering devotion.