It Satisfies My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Discover the incredible joy and satisfaction of salvation in this hymn. It satisfies my soul with unmeasured grace

It Satisfies My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Salvation, with its unmeasured , brings joy, peace, and satisfaction to our souls. It is like a tailor-made outfit that fits us perfectly for the Christian race, unveiling the smiling face of our Heavenly Father. This wonderful salvation surpasses all earthly treasures and brings abiding happiness. It satisfies my soul, and I hope it does the same for you.


It Satisfies My Soul – Hymn Lyric

For me the Savior came,
His great salvation to proclaim;
Oh, to His precious name!
It satisfies my soul.

It satisfies my soul,
It satisfies my soul;
This wonderful salvation,
How it satisfies my soul!

Salvation is unmeasured grace,
It fits us for the Christian race,
Unveils the Father’s smiling face,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation brings supreme delight,
It changes darkness into light,
And makes the Christian pathway bright,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation brings abiding peace,
Its shining glories e’er increase;
Its flowing rivers never cease,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation makes us here,
Surpassing all the earth holds dear,
And fills the drooping with cheer,
It satisfies my soul.

Salvation richer far than gold,
Than glitt’ring gems that turn to mold;
Its wealth no language e’er has told,
It satisfies my soul.


Meaning of It Satisfies My Soul

Oh, how wonderful it is to have salvation in our lives! This reminds us of the incredible joy and satisfaction that comes from knowing our blessed Savior came to proclaim His great salvation. And let me tell you, my dear friends, it truly satisfies my soul!

Just think about it for a moment. Salvation is like unmeasured grace pouring into our lives. It’s like a tailor-made outfit that fits us perfectly for the Christian race. And when we embrace this salvation, it unveils the Father’s smiling face, showing us His love and acceptance. Doesn’t that fill your heart with joy?

Salvation isn’t just some abstract concept, my friends. It brings us the highest form of delight. It takes away all the darkness in our lives and replaces it with a radiant light that guides our Christian pathway. With salvation, we can walk confidently knowing that is with us, every step of the way. Isn’t that amazing?

The beauty of salvation lies in the abiding peace it brings. It’s not just a temporary fix, but a continuous flow of peace that never ceases. It’s like a never-ending river, constantly refreshing and rejuvenating our souls. No matter what trials we face, we can find solace in this peace that passes all understanding. Isn’t that comforting?

But salvation isn’t just about peace and delight, my friends. It also brings us happiness beyond measure. It surpasses all the treasures that this world holds dear. It fills our hearts with a joy that cannot be contained. Even in the midst of difficulties and , salvation gives us a reason to smile and be grateful for all the blessings we’ve received. Doesn’t that lift your spirits?

And oh, the richness of salvation! It is far more valuable than gold or glittering gems that eventually fade away. Its worth cannot be expressed in words alone, for it is a treasure that surpasses material wealth. It is a wealth of love, grace, and eternal life. It’s a priceless gift that satisfies our souls like nothing else can. Isn’t that incredible?

So my dear friends, let us rejoice and give thanks for this wonderful salvation that satisfies our souls. Let us embrace it with open hearts and share the joy with others. May this hymn remind us of the countless blessings we have received and inspire us to live our lives in and praise.

Remember, dear ones, that no matter what you’re going through, salvation is there to satisfy your soul. It is a gift that keeps on giving, bringing peace, joy, and happiness every single day. Embrace it, cherish it, and let it guide you on your journey through life. For in salvation, we find true satisfaction for our souls.

Oh, glory to His precious name! This wonderful salvation, how it satisfies my soul! Let us lift our voices in praise and be filled with gratitude for the incredible gift we have been given. May the joy of salvation never cease in our lives, and may we always find contentment and satisfaction in our precious Savior!

And so, my friends, let this hymn be a reminder that salvation is not just a one-time event, but a lifelong journey. Let it be a reminder that no matter what challenges or struggles we face, salvation will always satisfy our souls. Rejoice in this truth, embrace it, and let your life be a testimony to the world of the incredible satisfaction that comes from knowing our blessed Savior and His great salvation.

This is the beauty of salvation, my dear friends. It satisfies our souls like nothing else can. So let us treasure it, let us live it, and let us share it with others. For in salvation, we find true joy, peace, and satisfaction. It truly satisfies my soul. How about yours?


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the incredible joy and satisfaction of salvation in this hymn. It satisfies my soul with unmeasured grace, abiding peace, and everlasting happiness. Embrace this wonderful salvation today!
It Satisfies My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Discover the incredible joy and satisfaction of salvation in this hymn. It satisfies my soul with unmeasured grace, abiding peace, and everlasting happiness. Embrace this wonderful salvation today!