Come Christians Be Valiant Our Jesus Is Near Us – Hymn Lyric

Discover the strength and comfort of Jesus in challenging times. Conquer darkness and sin with His guidance. Find heavenly glory and eternal rewards. Be valiant

Come Christians Be Valiant Our Jesus Is Near Us – Hymn Lyric

Come, , Be Valiant: Finding Strength in Jesus’ NearnessIn , we all face challenges and struggles, but fear not, Christians! Our Jesus is near us, and with His help, we can conquer anything that comes our way. Through His grace and the Holy Spirit, we can find strength, inherit , and have peace like a river within us. Stay , live near to Jesus, and always obey Him, for He will guide us to eternal riches. To those who mourn and sinners, take comfort, for Jesus is interceding and His and forgiveness are waiting. Let the presence of God fill your hearts, and together as brethren, let’s walk hand in hand with our Savior, giving all glory and praise to Him.


Come Christians Be Valiant Our Jesus Is Near Us – Hymn Lyric

Come, Christians, be valiant, our Jesus is near us,
We’ll conquer the powers of darkness and ;
Through grace and the Spirit we’ll glory inherit,
And peace, like a river, give comfort within.

We have trials and cares, and hardships and losses,
But heaven will pay us for all that we bear;
We’ll soon end in pleasures and glory for ever,
And bright crowns of glory for ever we’ll wear.

Young converts, be humble, the prospect is blooming,
The wings of kind angels around you are spread;
While some are oppressed with sin and are mourning,
The spirits of joy upon you is shed.

Live near to our Captain, and always obey him,
This world, flesh, and Satan must all be denied;
Both care and diligence, and prayer without ceasing,
Will safe land young converts to riches on high.

O mourners, God bless you, don’t faint in the spirit,
Believe, and the Spirit our pardon he’ll give;
He’s now interceding and pleading his merit,
Give up, and your he will quickly receive.

If truly a mourner, he’s promised you comfort,
His good promises stand in his word;
O hearken and hear them, all glory, all glory,
The mourners are filled with the presence of God.

O sinners, my bowels do move with desire;
Why stand you gazing on the works of the ?
O fly from the flames of devouring fire,
And wash your pollution in Jesus’s blood.

Brethren, in sweet gales we are all breezing,
My soul feels the mighty, the heavenly flame;
I’m now on my journey, my faith is increasing,
All glory and praise to God and the Lamb.


Meaning of Come Christians Be Valiant Our Jesus Is Near Us

Come, Christians, Be Valiant: Finding Strength in Jesus’ Nearness

In life, we all face challenges and struggles. Sometimes, it can feel like the powers of darkness and sin are surrounding us, trying to bring us down. But fear not, dear Christians! Our Jesus is near us, and with His help, we can conquer anything that comes our way.

You see, through His amazing grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can find strength and inherit the glory that awaits us in heaven. It’s like having a river of peace flowing within our hearts, comforting us even in the midst of trials and cares.

Sure, we may encounter hardships and losses along the way, but let me tell you a little secret – heaven will pay us for all that we bear. Yes, that’s right! Our eternal reward is far greater than anything we can imagine. Picture this: pleasures and glory that last forever, and bright crowns adorning our heads for all eternity!

To all you young converts out there, listen up! As you embark on this incredible journey of faith, remember to stay humble. You may be filled with newfound zeal and joy, and that’s a beautiful thing. But don’t let it get to your head. Instead, embrace the kind angels who surround you with their wings, protecting you from harm.

While some people may still be trapped in the grip of sin, feeling burdened and mournful, you, my dear friends, have the spirits of joy upon you. Embrace it! Let that joy radiate from your souls, spreading positivity and hope to those around you.

One of the most important things you can do, especially as young converts, is to live near to our Captain – Jesus himself. Stay close to Him and always obey His teachings. It won’t always be easy, as this world, our own fleshly desires, and Satan himself will try to lead us astray. But remember, with care, diligence, and an unwavering commitment to prayer, you can safely navigate through life and reach the riches that await you in heaven.

Now, to all you mourners out there, I want you to know that God sees you. He knows your pain and your struggles. But don’t lose hope! Believe in Him and trust that through His Spirit, He will grant you forgiveness and pardon. In fact, right at this very moment, Jesus is interceding on your behalf, pleading His merits in front of our Heavenly Father. So surrender your burdens and receive His love and peace. Your souls will be swiftly received into His comforting embrace.

Listen closely, dear ones, for if you are truly mourning, take comfort in the fact that God promises you solace. His good promises are written in His sacred word, just waiting for you to heed them. Oh, the glory that awaits! The presence of God fills the hearts of those who mourn, bringing them hope, healing, and an overwhelming sense of His love.

To all you sinners out there, my heart burns with a passion for your salvation. Why do you continue to stand there, gazing at the magnificent works of the Lord, yet reluctant to turn away from the flames of devouring fire? I beseech you, fly from the path of destruction, and wash away your pollution in the precious blood of Jesus. He stands ready to cleanse you from all unrighteousness and bring you into His loving embrace.

And to my brethren in faith, I have good news! We are all experiencing a sweet breeze, a gentle gale that lifts our spirits and fills our souls with a mighty, heavenly flame. Can you feel it? Our faith is growing stronger, and as we journey together, we give all glory and praise to God and the Lamb. What a joyous adventure it is to walk hand in hand with our Savior, growing closer to Him with each passing day.

So, dear Christians, be valiant! Let the truth of this hymn resonate deep within your hearts. Remember that Jesus is near us, ready to provide comfort, strength, and guidance. Face the challenges before you with confidence, knowing that through His grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, you can conquer all that stands in your way. Embrace the journey that lies ahead, for in doing so, you will discover the glorious riches that await you in the presence of our Lord.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the strength and comfort of Jesus in challenging times. Conquer darkness and sin with His guidance. Find heavenly glory and eternal rewards. Be valiant, Christian!
Come Christians Be Valiant Our Jesus Is Near Us - Hymn Lyric - Discover the strength and comfort of Jesus in challenging times. Conquer darkness and sin with His guidance. Find heavenly glory and eternal rewards. Be valiant, Christian!